Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 259: What a mess?

"Damn, damn, damn."

In the dim room, a pale-faced young man paced back and forth angrily in the room. The room was extremely dark, and only a small part of the room could be seen clearly through the faint moonlight shining from an old window against the wall.

And the thief man was sitting slumped on the black wooden chair stained red with blood under the moonlight, with his limbs tied to the chair with wires.

The thief man was now completely afraid to speak. He lowered his head tremblingly and closed his eyes tightly, for fear of seeing something he shouldn't see. Although he didn't want to hear what he shouldn't hear, there was nothing he could do now if he couldn't block his ears.

But he didn't have to, one of the things in the house didn't care to be seen because he couldn't leave.

His upper body was naked, and there were wounds on his chest and back. From the black wooden chair stained red with blood, you could see how much torture he had suffered. Although it looked terrifying, it was not fatal.

Listening to the footsteps of the pale man walking back and forth, the thief man shrank his neck every time he heard the footsteps approaching him. Only when he heard the footsteps passing by did he feel a little relaxed.

By now he already knew who the guy who held his life was, and what he was exactly.

They were vampires, enemies of all living things. They drank blood to stay alive. He really hoped that his blood would not arouse their interest.

In books, vampires can't help but pounce on people when they see blood, bite their throats and suck their blood dry.

"What should we do, what should we do! Mike, think of a way!" The pale man also knew that there was no way to go back and forth like this, so he shouted towards a dark corner.

Except for a small area illuminated by the window, the rest of the room was pitch black, but obviously this had no effect on the pale man.

"Although this house is soundproof, from the outside, I can still hear it from inside the room." A voice came from the corner, which was completely different from the hoarse and cold voice of the pale man.

"I know, so." The pale man didn't want to hear unnecessary nonsense. It had been a few days since he caught the person who stole his things. He had asked all he could, and the thief man really didn't know anything else.

It was impossible to lie after being tortured like that, and there was nothing he could do if he really lied, but that was obviously unlikely.

"So there's no need to be so loud." Mike said calmly in the dark corner, "The bats were on their way two days ago, so why are you in a hurry."

"The true blood has been lost. Can't you be anxious?" The pale man felt that his liver was particularly painful. This was the most painful pain he had ever experienced except for injuries.

"Worry, but it's not that I lost it. Just worry about it." Mike said nonchalantly in the dark corner.

"If we lose the true blood and can't find it, how will we explain it to Master Qiao? She will kill us!" The pale man's voice was trembling.

"No, no, no, what you said is a bit wrong. It's not us, it's you." Mike said calmly in the dark corner.

"...Huh~" The pale man clenched his fists tightly, veins bulging out on the back of his hands due to rage.

"I asked the bat to find someone two days ago. The bat cannot move during the day. It will take some time. Just wait." Mag in the dark corner had no intention of leaving the darkness. After saying this, he stopped speaking. Voice.

"You really can't remember!" After hearing this, the pale man became less angry. At least he hasn't been ruthlessly abandoned by his companions yet. He turned around and asked loudly to the thief man who was trapped and sitting on the blood-stained black wood.

"I, I really can't remember. I must have been cast a forgetting spell. I don't know anything, and all my things were taken away." The thief said tremblingly, even though he no longer knew what to say. He really didn't know how many times he had done it.

After a while, the thief man felt strange and slowly raised his head and opened his eyes.

The surroundings were pitch black, and the only place that could be seen clearly was two or three meters around him, which was exactly where the moonlight shined through the window.

He didn't see anyone or anything, only darkness, but it still frightened him. Because there may be hundreds or thousands of bats hiding in this darkness.

They may take advantage of you when you are not prepared and suddenly fly to your fragile neck, pierce their long and sharp fangs and suck out the blood.

This is what Gilderoy Lockhart said in "Voyage with the Vampire". He spent the past few days studying why he was so popular among wizards.

At that time, I dismissed those books, thinking they were all nonsense, and thought I would never encounter those in his books.

What about vampires, snowmen, werewolves, trolls, hags, and ghosts. What nonsense. He knew that female ghosts were just ghosts. He had seen others in albums and books.

He didn't believe there were any vampire snowmen in the world. Anyway, he had never seen the ones he mentioned in his whole life.

Thinking about it now, he felt really regretful, he hated that if he had it to do over again he would have believed Gilderoy Lockhart.

Because he hasn't finished reading "Traveling with a Vampire" yet. If he had read it, he would know something about vampires.

"What are you looking for?" A cold voice sounded from his side. The thief turned his head and looked in horror. He saw a pale man standing at the junction of darkness and light that could be seen clearly.

Although it was extremely blurry, he could still recognize that it was the pale man, and he had already seen the pale fangs.

"Since you are no longer useful, then fill my belly." The pale man walked quickly towards the thief man and shouted loudly. He opened his mouth enough to stuff an apple into his mouth, revealing his fangs that were more than an inch long, and pointed towards his neck and go.

He didn't really want to suck him off, he just wanted to scare him.

The result was really scary, and it wasn't just a little bit, but a big lump and a big bubble.

The thief man opened his eyes and looked in horror at the man who was lunging at him with his fangs spread wide. He was so frightened that his brain shut down and his lower body immediately lost control, and then he got out of control.

The thief man was naked for several days. Although he could last for such a long time without eating or drinking, his lower body could not hold up due to excretion.

Fortunately, his perseverance is astonishing, because the torture for a few days has made his body more capable of enduring pain. Holding back these physiological impulses for a few days is enough to make him proud. If he can survive this disaster, , this experience can last him a lifetime, just like Gilderoy Lockhart reading a book. I've already thought of a title for the book, and it's called "The Day I Was Kidnapped by a Vampire."

Even though he was so cheerful, he still didn't have the courage to face death. He was still frightened and pissed himself off.

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