Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 252: Does single ponytail or double ponytail look better?

If you deduct four points from the score wall, it won't take long for them to be deducted. Not even a minute will be used.

"The magic power consumption has been exhausted by now. Even if the magic power recovery is amazing, it is like a monster to last for so long."

Although there were many previous contestants who ran out of magic power after more than seven minutes, but to their own senses, they couldn't feel how much magic power their bodies actually had.

The magic power is also rather mysterious, that is, they feel that the magic power is used up, but if they want to, they can still squeeze it out, and of course they can also use their lives to cast spells.

However, no one at the scene would make this choice. Most of them would give up when they felt that the magic power could not be used, and then wait for natural recovery, and if the points were still there, they would save it.

If he thinks about it very, very, very much, people can still squeeze out a lot of magic power when they are about to face death, and it is easy to explode in that situation, but this is very mysterious.

It can be said to be an unsolved mystery of the world. When playing games with you, as long as you hit the keyboard harder and roar by the way, your character's output will be higher.

Screaming and swearing at the screen will help the game progress.

If you lean forward, your accuracy will increase inexplicably.

The body twists left and right following the camera on the screen, the higher your dodge will be.

If you want to become a Super Saiyan, it's very simple. You have to look solemn, concentrate, frown slightly, and then roar loudly. It would be better if you can raise your head slightly to have a more natural expression.

In this way, you will definitely not be regarded as stupid, because you act as if it is really happening, and it is very bluffing.

"Look at the time when the fractional wall was hit." said Claudia Dove, a beautiful girl from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic.

"Bump, bump, bump!" Twenty-three points, already twelve points. The Quaffle hits the wall for exactly twelve minutes. From now on, it will take six seconds for the Quaffle to hit the score wall, plus the Quaffle. Time to move.

"Bump, bump, bump!" Eighteen minutes, twelve minutes and six seconds.

"Bump, bump, bump!" Thirteen minutes, twelve minutes and twelve seconds.

Then the man with black square glasses, Falls Lucci, moved and transformed twice in succession. This was his last bit of magic power, which he squeezed out after resting for a while.

"Bump, bump, bump, bump!" Ten points, twelve minutes and eighteen seconds. Although there were five crashes, the score was only deducted by two points.

But after that, the passer-by Fowles Lucci, a man with black square glasses, had already put away his wand with trembling hands.

"Bump, bump, bump!" Five points, twelve minutes and twenty-four seconds.

"Bump, bump, bump!" Zero points, twelve minutes and thirty seconds.

When the five Quaffles hit the silver score wall and took away the last five points, the time above the judges' table had already stopped at twelve and a half minutes.

The passerby, the man with black square glasses, was squeezing his magic power to transform while calculating his scores so that he could get the highest score.

"Folse Lucci, twenty-five points." The voice of the old man in gray wizard robe was still calm, as if this score was very ordinary, but they were all used to it.

The passer-by Fowles Lucci, a man with black square glasses, walked off the stage tremblingly, not forgetting to go to the staff to order a bottle of magic recovery potion.

"Sadie Windis." After the staff cleaned up the quaffles on the field, the old man in gray wizard robe read as the next contestant came on stage.

"Hey! I really lost a point in vain." Fowles Lucci, a passerby with black square glasses, said angrily later.

"How do you say this?" asked passerby Tenga Tansi, a man with slanted bangs. Fowles's score was already good enough, and he persisted for twelve minutes.

Since coming here, their various potentials have been tapped. Before, he had never thought of transforming so carefully and comprehensively, nor had he ever used only transformation to consume all the magic power.

Now that my magic power is slowly recovering, I feel that I have gained more than before when I practiced, and my magic power has also increased a bit.

"Because the rules don't say that you can't use magic potions in advance. Falls can borrow the magic potion from you and drink it. The magic potion will restore the magic power for half a minute longer." Carney looked at the passerby, the man with black square glasses. He held the magic potion and said.

"That's right, but forget it, a bottle of magic recovery potion is also rare." Fowles Lucci, a passerby with a black square, said easily. He didn't hide this loophole. Maybe Clodia and Carney both I've already thought of it.

It turned out that Carney had thought of it, right before he said those clueless words.

"Eh? Is this still possible?" Claudia Dove, a beautiful girl from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, was the first to say in shock. In her opinion, drinking potions before all competitions is prohibited, but this seems That's not the case.

The others didn't seem to care, because they had already finished the game, but Carney didn't need it.

"It's not mentioned in the rules, so it's okay, and the fact that he gave out the magic potion implies that it can be used. It's just that one person needs to sacrifice to get the first bottle, and then everyone takes over to use it," Carney said.

"But in that case, everyone will return to the same starting line, but this is also a test of people's hearts. If someone takes the potion and refuses to give it, there is nothing you can do." Fowles Lucci, a passerby with black square glasses, said.

"Oops, we didn't expect it when we held it in our hands. It was only when Fowles got it that we thought of it. It would have been better if we had asked Fowles to touch the potion earlier." Popper, a passerby with a short hair, said regretfully.

"Can it really be used?" Claudia Dove, a beautiful girl from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, asked again. After all, you cannot take any potions before the competition. This is a well-known fact.

She didn't dare to do anything illegal, otherwise Jesse, the Beauxbatons transfiguration professor sitting opposite, wouldn't let her go.

"It can be used. The one with the twin ponytails on the field can be used now." Carney looked at the girl with the twin ponytails on the field waving her wand slowly, with a confident expression on her face.

Naturally, her potion came from the pony-tailed girl Ani Landers. The two pony-tailed girls were in a group, and Carney's sharp eyes caught all their little moves.

The girl with a single ponytail, Ani Landers, immediately thought of taking the magic recovery potion after getting it, but then she thought, he had already finished the game, so he might as well wait for his own recovery. Although it was a little slower, according to the urine of the game Even if she qualified for the next competition, she still had one day to recover.

After sharing the magic potion with her good sisters, they immediately thought of this method and gave it to her good sisters.

"Eh? Did she use it? How did you know?" Claudia Dove, a beautiful girl from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, said in surprise with her head tilted and her eyes shining silently.

"Have you been staring at people? It turns out that you have been peeking at beautiful girls since you were young. Do you look better with a single ponytail or a double ponytail?" Claudia Dove, a beautiful girl from Beauxbatons Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry asked. Arrange her long hair.

"Or does it look better with long hair loose?" Claudia Dove, a beautiful girl from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, looked at Carney with burning eyes.

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