Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 241: Elimination after 20 points or less

"Now, forget it." Fowles Lucci, a passerby with black square glasses, said nonchalantly, "The gap of one or two points is still easy to catch up with."

Passers-by A, B and C continued to make their next bets. The beautiful girls Claudia Dove and Carney from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic were still watching the transformation of each contestant on the field in boredom.

The passer-by Fowles Lucci, a man with black square glasses, did not place any more bets. He found that he was really not suitable for this thing.

The roars of the dragons came one after another. Carney's seat was almost rusty, and his ears were almost rusty.

"Carney Strand."

The voice of the old man in white wizard robe Gujing Mubo sounded. I really don't know how he did it. He read so many names, but he didn't drink water to moisten his throat.

"Oh, little brother Carney, keep working hard." Luden Fajan, the passerby who scored in the first place, said happily, "We won't detain you anymore."

They really didn't have anything to bet on, and the score was exactly 10 points. Is it possible to guess whether Carney's little brother's deformed penguin and goat are male or female?

Maybe it's okay, okay.

"Let's bet on whether Carney's little brother's deformed penguin and goat are male or female. I'll bet on whether the goat is female or the penguin is male." Luden Fajan, a passerby who scored in the middle, slapped a gold galleon on the table.

"Hey, hey, hey, I've changed my mind so quickly before I've gone far?" Carney heard halfway through when he heard Luden Fajan, a passerby calling.

"Can you tell whether a penguin is male or female?" Claudia Dove, a beautiful girl from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, said speechlessly.

"Uh." The man with a middle score in passerby A was immediately speechless when the other four people looked at him with idiot-like eyes.

Indeed, it seems that penguins can't tell the difference between male and female, at least they don't know yet, but goats can shamelessly bend over to look at the goat's crotch.

"Please begin your performance."

Carney took out two peas from his pocket, cast a spell with his wand and threw them away.

When the peas hit the ground, they turned into gray goats, black and white penguins, and goats respectively.

The goat started scurrying immediately after landing, and soon ran all over the restaurant, then walked along the wall and left the restaurant.

Penguins are a bit more cute, but that's because they don't have any companions or puddles of ice.

Penguins will push their companions into the water to check if the water is safe before diving back into the water.

There are neither puddles nor companions here, so it has no room to show off. It can only walk in circles, looking around, looking extremely confused.

Then it looked for the direction the goat had left, swaying left and right and escaped in full view of everyone. Although the ground was made of marble porcelain, it was still not suitable for sliding.

? ? ?

The contestants were all confused. Isn’t it a dragon? We are all dragons, why are you so special?

And what the hell did this special person turn into and run away? Why don’t you stop him?

Carney watched them leave without stopping or intervening, everything was within reason.

Then the ten judges all showed their cards. The question he took was such that the standard was naturally low and it was very easy.

"Little brother Carney, the goat and the penguin ran away." Carney returned to his seat and a passerby named Tenga Tansi, a man with slanted bangs, came up and said. "Won't you change them back?"

"Wait until the magic power is used up. I'm too lazy to spend magic power to unlock it." Of course, the two little guys have a complete transformation, that is, the magic link that does not require a wand is still connected.

It is a mature transformation. Other dragons that have transformed now have no interruption of magic power. The magic power of the body continues to maintain the transformation and complete the performance.

This is what they can only do at this level, and this is just one of the difficulties.

"Everyone, I'm treating you tonight. Let's eat with all your heart." Luden Fajan, a passerby with a middle part, said confidently, crossing his legs.

He wins big, and everyone else just loses.

Tenga Tansi, a passer-by with slanted bangs, lost more than a dozen gold galleons, while Bob Addis, a passer-by with a short-cut bangs, lost even more miserably.

The bag full of gold galleons had lost half of it. Only a passerby, Bob Addis, a man with a short hair, knew how much he had lost.

The performance of the former and the latter are completely different.

A passer-by named Tengka Tansi, a man with slanted bangs, was already lying on the table in despair, his bangs covering his dull eyes.

The passerby, Bob Addis, a man with a short hair, looked like he was enjoying himself, and just said that he had enough money to squander it, and he didn’t feel bad about winning no matter how much he did, but that he was just enjoying the pleasure of losing money.

"Come on, when do you have to pay for meals in the restaurant of the Shapeshifting Wizarding Building?" Claudia Dove, a beautiful girl from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, immediately revealed the little idea of ​​the passerby, the middle-parted man.

"Haha." The latter immediately laughed.

After Carney, there were only a few contestants left, and soon the last contestant, Huangmao Stephenson Hensonski, won three points and was eliminated.

"The first competition is over, the contestants with less than 20 points will be eliminated, and the contestants with more than 20 points will be qualified for the second competition." The old man in the white wizard robe stood up and announced loudly, "The next day will begin the day after tomorrow. Please keep your energy up for the biathlon competition.”

After saying that, the old man in the sexy wizard robe left the scene with the other four old men. The professors on the professor's chair all found their own students and apprentices.

They are happy or sad, happy and sad for their students and apprentices.

"Teacher Jesse," said Claudia Dove, a beautiful girl from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic.

"Do you mind adding a few chairs?" A tall middle-aged witch wearing a blue wizard robe came to the beautiful girl Claudia Dove of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and asked the others.

"I don't mind." Passers-by A, B, and D said, and their respective instructors transformed into chairs and sat down next to each other.

A wooden round board was pulled out from under the table, and the entire table doubled in size. The table was completely large enough for sitting.

"Professor McGonagall, that's it." Professor McGonagall also came to Carney's table. Carney said to Professor McGonagall as if he was taking credit, "There is still hope for winning the championship."

"Yes, you have already mastered many of them, but don't be complacent." Professor McGonagall was naturally very satisfied with Carney's performance.

In the professor's lounge area, I heard many people discussing that Hogwarts has a new Transfiguration Master, that Hogwarts has a large number of talents, and how the teaching at Hogwarts is going.

"Of course I understand, keep a low profile." Carney said with a smile.

"Minerva, how old is your apprentice?" Instructor Jesse from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic asked curiously.

"He doesn't..." Professor McGonagall was interrupted by Carney before he finished speaking.

"I am thirteen years old and a second year student at Hogwarts." Carney said.

"It's really incredible. We are only thirteen years old. Minerva, this is really incredible. When we were thirteen years old, we couldn't even transform into a puppy." Instructor Jesse from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic said in surprise. .

"That's up to you, okay." Professor McGonagall was not as serious as before, and showed a rare smile.

"This is a talented young man who has unlimited potential ahead of him." Jesse's tutor at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic praised.

"It's all taught well by Teacher McGonagall," Carney said with a smile.

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