Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 225: Ross Bookstore (Part 1)

Carney returned to the seat, put the chair back in its original position, and was about to leave. It was better to go out and hang out to see other people's transformations.

As the protagonist, it is definitely right to go out more often, so as to trigger more plots.

Although he might be approached by something from the main plot while he was lying motionless at home, but that would be too boring.

If you stay in the restaurant and continue reading, maybe someone will come over to ask for advice. The person who asked for advice yesterday was so big.

Today's little wizards don't know how to be more reserved, shy, and so shameless when asking questions.

Carney waved to Professor McGonagall, indicating that he was leaving first.

Carney left the competition hotel again and soon started wandering around Wizard Street, looking to the left and strolling to the right.

Generally speaking, contestants rarely go out. In the competition hotel, they have food, drinks, training rooms, and transformation performances.

The professors also insisted on staying in the hotel during the competition. It would not be good if something happened outside and delayed the competition. It would be even worse if something dangerous happened.

However, Professor McGonagall obviously did not tell Carney about this, probably because he knew that Carney would not listen if he told her, and Carney also had the ability to move around.

The most important thing is Principal Dumbledore's previous instructions. Carney can let him do whatever he wants. The ranking doesn't matter, as long as he doesn't cause a big mess in the American wizarding world.

Dumbledore knew that Carney's strength was more than what he showed on the surface. He didn't know what Carney was doing in the Black Forest in the Forbidden Forest. The other things were clear at a glance.

Carney, who was stupid and didn't know, thought he was well hidden. He felt that apart from being struck by lightning, there was nothing else that would make people feel strange about Carney.

Apart from that, he was just a normal little wizard. Oh, he also fought with the Basilisk and broke up a ghost of Voldemort.

Carney, who was currently sucking a glass of juice on Wizard Street, was walking in the direction he learned from a passerby.

After walking around for an hour, there was no chance to act bravely, and there was no chance for a beautiful woman to heroically save her beauty when she met a gangster. Only the vendors selling things needed help.

Giving generous help is obviously not Kani's style. Kani is not interested in anything sold by the vendors, and it is impossible to help him.

In Wizard Street, Carney quickly found his destination, Rose Bookstore.

Carni asked a passerby which was the largest bookstore here and where it was, and learned the location of Ross Bookstore.

It was originally something I would do tomorrow, but since I have time today, I just wanted to take a look.

Rose Bookstore is the largest bookstore on Wizarding Street. It has a complete range of books. Several magic academies order textbooks from it.

If you want to buy textbooks, you have to note which school they are from, otherwise you may buy them from another school.

This does not happen in the wizarding world in London. There is only one wizarding school in the UK, the only one, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The textbooks sold in Diagon Alley all correspond to the Hogwarts curriculum. Every semester, the school's owl delivers book lists to Flourish and Blotts Bookstore.

Although other bookstores also have it, the price may be slightly more expensive.

It can only be bought for students who are not students of the main school of Hogwarts. Anyone can buy books for all grades. Many children from wizarding families will buy them before they reach the age of eleven.

Of course, their parents bought them for them, but this is different from the textbooks they used in school. The textbooks at Hogwarts change slightly from semester to semester, depending on the teacher.

For example, Professor Quirrell doesn't have so many requirements and just follows the standards.

But that's not the case with the insane Gilderoy Lockhart, whose intentions are particularly obvious.

Rose Bookstore is indeed the largest bookstore on Wizarding Street, with rows of bookshelves that rival the Hogwarts library.

This place is seven or eight times the size of Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, and the wizarding world in New York is much more gorgeous than the wizarding world in London in every aspect.

Although Flourish and Blotts Bookstore is not the largest bookstore in Diagon Alley, the owner of Flourish and Blotts Bookstore has also thought about expanding the store, but several other stores do not sell it.

Only fools sell it. Every day during the back-to-school season, the bookstore is full of people coming and going. They can make a sure profit by opening anything nearby.

There is no other place with such a good store except around Gringotts. There are several other Crucible pet stores for you to choose from.

There is only one school designated to buy textbooks, so the customer flow is certainly large.

"Excuse me, what book do you want to buy? Which college is it from? A complete set of textbooks is available." asked the young witch at the front desk. She knew where all the books in the bookstore were.

Of course, the guests with bad taste took the books from the No. 1 bookshelf and stuffed them into other bookshelves.

Seeing that Carney looked like a little wizard, he immediately judged him as a student buying textbooks. The books must have been damaged and could not be repaired and had to be bought again.

"I'm looking for some books introducing large magical creatures or large magical animals." Carney said, he was not sure if there was such a book.

After all, it seemed that this place only sold textbooks and teaching materials. Carney looked at several bookshelves and they were all textbooks and teaching materials, or they were exercises.


I don't know which magic school is so crazy that it has exercise textbooks. This is really a nightmare for students.

Fortunately, Hogwarts doesn't exist yet. Writing papers and reports based on dimensions is already a headache. Not only are there many words, but there is also a lot of information to look up.

"Magical creatures and magical animals, they are on the ninth and tenth bookshelf on the left." said the wizard clerk. She couldn't take them with her. She was only responsible for telling the location and letting customers find it by themselves.

Carney looked for the bookshelf number. Several bookshelves in front were filled with textbooks, and most of the people who came to buy books were students.

The bookstore is very large, with bookshelves two or three meters apart, and there are no tables.

Obviously you can't read, there is no place to read, but of course you can stand and read.

However, Carney picked up a textbook and read it. The textbook was unsealed. He also picked up another book, but he couldn't open it.

Carney felt calm in his heart. People buying books will certainly not let you read them here. If you finish reading the book here, they will not lose money.

There are many people in the wizarding world who steal books, because most of them are looking for magic books. Magic books, as the name implies, are books that record magic.

Basically every household has textbooks for students, and the knowledge taught in schools is the most basic, so it is relatively common.

Many adult wizards will read it occasionally, because they don't have such a good memory to add all the spells, and they may not necessarily use what they have learned after graduation.

Therefore, there are often forgotten spells, and it is normal to have several textbooks at home.

These are not considered real magic books, but if they were revealed to the Muggle world, they could be called magic books.

Wizards don't know how many years they have been around. There are so many kinds of magic spells that they only call them basic and common ones in school.

Other magic spells can only depend on personal opportunities, and each wizard with his own magic spells also collects them individually.

The best teachers for wizards are books. Most young wizards don't need to be taught by school teachers. As long as there are detailed introductions to magic books and spells, they can use them.

It is only known to the public that they are sold in bookstores, but even so, most of them cannot be read and can only be read after buying them.

Most of the books are enchanted and can only be unlocked by the wizard who was the female clerk before, so you can only read them if you buy them.

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