Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 212: The first eight-point player

"Claudia Dove." The old man in white wizard robe read.

Finally, Carney sat upright and watched the beautiful girl Clodia from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic walk into the middle field from her seat.

What the hell is Dove? Isn’t it chocolate? Carney complained inwardly.

Is this her full name? In this case, we can add two more names... Ahem, no, in this case, we can call them by their full names.

Claudia Dove, a beautiful girl from Beauxbatons Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry, showed off the title golden ball and started performing.

The original objects she transformed were two tomatoes, which she specially asked for from the housekeeper. Her transformation method was the same as Carney's, throwing a hairpin to transform two animals.

One has a ferocious face, strong limbs, and the teeth and claws exposed by the open mouth are extremely sharp. There are long and hard whiskers on the mouth. The whole body is orange-yellow, the belly and the inside of the limbs are white, and there are two rows of black vertical stripes on the back. There are about 10 black rings on the long tail, and the body is nearly two meters long.

Yes, it's a tiger, but it's unclear whether it's a Kani from the Northeast.

"Hehe, he's not as big as me." Carney looked at the tiger. Compared with his Animagus-transformed lion, it was completely incomparable.

One has the same ferocious look, and the four are equally strong. The teeth and claws exposed in the mouth are extremely sharp. The whole body is covered with black and rough hair. The tail hangs behind the buttocks. They stand upright with their lower limbs, as high as two carnies.

That's right, it's a werewolf. I don't know if he's more ruthless or not, but he looks a lot more handsome.

"Sure enough, they are cats and dogs. Both cats and dogs are big enough." Carney sighed. Claudia Dove, a beautiful girl from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, must have exchanged questions with someone.

"Ouch--" the tiger yelled.

"Ouch——" the werewolf cried.

On the field, both tigers and wolves screamed together, and then they started wrestling with each other.

One claw of the tiger, one claw of the wolf, both see blood.

A bite from the wolf, a bite from the tiger, and blood splattered on both sides.

But there's not much blood, after all, how much blood do two tomatoes have?

When Carney opened his magic eye, he saw that the blood spattered was tomato juice, which had some magic power to maintain its appearance.

Claudia Dove, a beautiful girl from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, let the tiger and the wolf fight for a while, then separated and released their transformation.

There were two tomatoes with split skin and flesh on the ground, and a lot of tomato juice splashed on the ground.

These two animals are equally matched, and if they really fight, it will take some time to determine the outcome.

"This one has nine points, it's really very similar to the previous one." Someone said.

"Seven points, seven points..." someone prayed in a low voice. They were all seventh-level people.

"Six points, six points..." Section 6 heard someone praying like this and immediately joined in.

"Five points, five points..." Of course, people in the fifth segment are also working hard and are ready to contribute a little bit of their own strength.

"Four points, four points..." This is a bit too much. There is no way it can be four points. These four-point monsters are thinking nonsense.

The score was given out immediately on the judges' table, and it was a bright sign that the judges all praised, 1111001111.

Eight points, the first eight points of the game.

Claudia Dove, a beautiful girl from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, smiled and wanted to leave, preparing to talk to Carney.

Carney's position is right next to the exit door, because Carney came over after training before, so that's the only position available.

Claudia Dove, a beautiful girl from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, looked over and saw that Carney's seat was already vacant. She chased him out of the restaurant for a short distance but couldn't find him, so he had to go back to his room.

At this time, Carney had already started shopping in Wizarding Street. Since Professor McGonagall was not here, let's start playing freely.

As for why you come out to play?

Of course it’s because I have money in my pocket!

I have to bring some specialties back to my friends in school. Carney knows the needs of the roommates, as well as the Weasley twins.

Carney went to a few toy stores and bought gifts for the boys in the dormitory, as well as new prank toys for the Weasley twins.

"For Hermione, you can also give her toys." Carney looked at the sky that was about to darken, and it was already getting late.

"It seems that I have to buy gifts for my parents every day." Carney scratched his head. The gifts for his parents must not be from the wizarding world.

If he wanted to go out to New York to buy something, he only had British banknotes, and he had to go to Gringotts in Wizarding Street to change coins.

Visiting New York is also on Carney's schedule, a private schedule.

In terms of time, there should be plenty of time. The nature of this competition means there will be a lot of free time.

I visited a lot of stores and saw a lot of strange things, but not many of them interested Carney.

After all, what Carney likes is too special, hehehe.

For Carney, who was once an adult, these gadgets were nothing to play with. Apart from necessary supplies, Carney had never bought anything else.

Carney wouldn't feel bad about spending the unexpected money. He spent more than half of his day's income today.

It was seven or eight o'clock when Carney returned to the dormitory. He looked around and immediately noticed something was wrong.

No, the quilt was folded when I left, but now it is wrinkled and messy. Carney saw a mess on the bed at a glance.

Carney looked at the half-open window, and his mind immediately began to make conjectures.

Today's wind was level 2, and the windows were opened at a 45-degree angle. The quilt shouldn't be blown so messily.

Did someone break into my room? Is he a thief?

Carney immediately launched a blanket search. Carney searched the room but found no thief or anything missing.

"Nothing is missing, it's really strange." Carney lay on the bed and began to think deeply.

"Yes, all my things are in the crystal pendant. I didn't take out anything at all. The thief didn't steal anything at all." Carney suddenly realized as he patted his head.

Then he lay on the bed and rested peacefully, after all, Niu 13 had broken him today.

"Wait!" Carney suddenly stood up from the bed, as if he suddenly thought of something.

"It seems I haven't had dinner yet!" Carney straightened his clothes, left the room and went straight to the restaurant.

There were very few people in the restaurant. Everyone had probably finished their meals at six or seven o'clock, and now there were only a few people there.

Carney finished his dinner and returned to the room again.

"Ah~ comfortable." Carney wrote a big word while lying on the bed. The soft mattress made him fall asleep quickly.

"Wait!" Carney suddenly remembered something again.

"It seems that Xiaohei is missing!" Carney immediately jumped up from the bed.

"There are various signs that Xiao Hei ran out on his own." Carney reasoned.

"Yes, Xiaobai." Carney tickled Xiaobai in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Ah? What." Xiaobai responded after a while.

"Did Xiao Hei run out to play?" Carney came to the window to see how Xiao Hei got down. He lived on the third floor.

If Xiao Hei doesn't grow bigger, he can only let the body fall naturally according to Newton's law. This is too cruel.

Although this height is nothing to the scary Blackie with high defense, it is nothing to Carney either.

But what forced Xiao Hei to run out to play? There must be something delicious, bah, there must be some good treasure.

"Yes, Xiao Hei ran out and seemed to have smelled something good." Xiao Bai said, "We are tracking him now."


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