Taotao Co., Ltd. – This is the surface image of St. Mungo’s on the muggle street, and it is also a cover for the muggle.

In fact, the chances of the muggles to see this old red brick building are rare, because they basically can only pass by without knowing it.

This old department store, which is always located on the street, silently waits for the window that the wizards pass through it’s all.

However, although the magic effect will make the muggles ignore its existence, it will not hinder the snow in the sky from accumulating in front of it.

Unknowingly, the snowfall of these days has also been surrounded by thick snow, and a layer of soft and white carpet has been laid on the nearby floor tiles.

But suddenly –


As a silhouette appeared in front of the door without warning, a pair of hard-bottom boots were also caught in the snow.

I saw that the person bowed slightly, and glanced at the door on the door for many years, and the words “closed decoration” had already faded.

Maybe he just looked at it subconsciously, but he didn’t care what the words were written on. In short, he waved his hand in the next moment, and the door immediately opened up, as if he was actively welcoming this rare guest.

You know, people who come here are actually quite a lot, but they never have to go to the door – as a door to the right, it seems that it has never been opened since it was put on the frame. pass.

Nowadays, it is finally waiting for a real guest… Think about it! This is a matter of how excited the door is!

It is a pity that no matter what the reason for this special guest to come here, he is impossible to make a special trip to take care of a door.

Not long after, the man walked lightly and quietly into the old-fashioned department store that had never been opened, and seemed to carelessly sweep a few eyes in the shop full of ruin.

Immediately, he suddenly waved his hand and let the high stool that fell near the old glass counter fly to his face.

In the process of leaping, the dust on the stool automatically fell off, and when it landed, it became a clean seat.


It was also a backhand, and the door was closed again and again. The listing that was hung on the doorknob was “ka-cha” and jumped a few times.

At this time, when I look at that silhouette, I find that he has settled down safely.

At the moment when he sat down, his eyebrows suddenly wrinkled inexplicably, as if he was feeling a surprise and doubt about something.

But very quickly, he shook his head in relief, and his throat snorted.

“The ‘small gift’ that has been hidden for so long, hasn’t waited for me to show it… Did you find it yourself?”

“hmph, this time it’s really a bit ‘great’.”

This man is probably a person who has been alone for too long, so that self-speaking has become a habit. And listening to him first swears a sentence, and then his eyes closed slightly, seems to be caught in a calm thinking.

Obviously, this person is actually the Herpo. Right now he has been unsolicited, and he has self-talking into the Taotao department store as the entrance to St. Mungo’s.

No, if you follow what he just said… Maybe he has already put St. Mungo’s into his own goals of action, and even the “small gifts” have been successfully sent in.

After a while, Herpo, who had a slight eyelid before, opened her eyes again, but the doubts that just converged not only did not completely disappear, but increased a lot.

To be honest, at this moment, Herpo is quite confused.

Because he was actually passing through the glass window, trying to find out inside St. Mungo’s. But even if the entire St. Mungo’s was touched, he still did not find a sign of Marx’s existence.

not here? I have been there for a few days in the past… Is it a temporary departure?

Herpo felt that this was completely impossible. After all, whether Marx or himself knew the importance of this wounded place. And because of this, Herpo will still choose to start here, knowing that the other party will guess.

Sirius had a good guess before, and Herpo was really trying to create some mistrust crisis for Marx. But of course, if Marx is more tolerant and disturbing, it will be even better.

However, Herpo now finds that Marx is not in St. Mungo’s!

Although he can still act now, there are some things, no matter how absent the party is not too important. But what he cares about is whether Marx has set a trap for him.


Herpo squinted and shook her head, and some did not want to take the risk.

In fact, his plan has now reached a very critical period. This body, he does not want to be destroyed by Marx for the time being.

But at the same time, he also needs to provoke a few things, trying to get more time for his current plan.

For Marx’s magic innate talent and social power, Herpo has to be acknowledged. If Marx made a effort to target him to World, then he would do nothing, and go to Marx to waste his life.

And this, Wan Wan is not the result he wants.

“…that is, is it hiding somewhere waiting for me to show up?”

Herpo looked up halfway, staring at the dirty ceiling, looking at it with a sharp look that could penetrate the space.

After a while, he lifted his right hand and made a crisp finger.

“Look, it’s you who can’t hold it first… or me.”

Whispering, Herpo’s ordinary face gradually picked up a black mist, and the smile on his mouth was quietly covered.


“ka-cha -“

A smattering cracking sound suddenly sounded in the temporary ward, and it failed to alarm Harry, who was standing outside the door, but was inevitably stunned by the alienated Acromantula who were in the vicinity.

The little five who stood on the side of the big man’s statue trembled fiercely, and even as the eight feet moved, they turned around with lightning.

Regrettably, although the response speed of Xiaowu is not unpleasant, it can still be a little bit worse after all.

I saw that it just wanted to launch petrified innate talent, and a huge fist suddenly broke through a grayish white stone shell, with a lot of debris smashing into its head.

In a hurry, Xiaowu tried to lift his front leg and tried to hit the attack, but this action was only a hindrance to temporarily remove the head from being flattened.

A bang was made, and the same huge body of Xiaowu was vacated and fell to the spiders near the door.

This time, if Harry didn’t hear it again, then he was a blind man.


Harry leaning against the wall rushed to grab the first few steps, first glanced at the big spider that fell at the door, and then immediately looked deeper into the room.

How is this going? Why did the big guy recover automatically from the petrified state? And it hurts the spider helper left by Marx.

Yes, just a quick glance, he found that the two small forelimbs of the “Little Five” have been discounted. The microgreen liquid sagged from the bend and looked very serious.

No more nonsense, Harry only observed the situation in the room, then immediately pulled out the wand pointing to the front.

“Expulso !”

The movement that Xiaowu landed just now is not small. At this point, everyone must be coming here, and all he has to do is drag the other party as much as possible on the way.

At the same time, although Acromantula Xiaowu was seriously injured, it still struggled to turn over and climbed up. All four pairs of eyes were aimed at the big man who injured himself.

It is said that Acromantula’s melee ability is not weak, and Basilisk is not to mention. As an alienated Acromantula that combines two “5x” magical creatures, the defense of the P5 is not low.

It can be seen that the strength of the big man opposite is really not to be taken care of.

“Standing behind, we have to re-petrified him.”

When Harry’s curse hit the other side positively, he also heard the reminder of the fifth. Although fighting with a group of spiders makes him feel a little weird, this is no longer the focus of attention.


Harry complied, and then he raised the wand in his hand. And he didn’t have the left hand of the thing, but he was quietly placed on the top of the head of Sorting Hat, ready to take it off as quickly as possible.

For him, this is a life insurance when there is no way to do it, and it will also be the shackle of his challenge to fate.

Not to be a last resort, he never wants to gamble with the lives of his friends!

But as soon as all the spiders in the room looked at the big guy, the opponent who had just been hit by Harry’s curse finally slowed down again.

However, Harry did not feel the slightest ease.

Because he found that when the guy’s body suddenly appeared a black mist that danced like a flame, the opponent’s action once again restored the flexibility of the right.

So large body size can still have such a rapid speed, just a few seconds, the fists with the wind whistling immediately slammed out, and stubbornly slammed into the head of Xiaowu.

Suddenly, Harry only felt that something had swept his body and slammed him all over the other side of the corridor.

“砰!bang! ”

The two extremely dull slams almost overlapped and instantly resounded throughout the corridor. Harry struggled to prop up, licking his aching waist to the door, and then saw the terrifying scene he didn’t want to see.

“Roar -“

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