Of course, there is no trace left at the school gate.

When Hermione came here with the snow, I saw only the white that had been re-covered by the snow. Under that layer of snow, it is just the ordinary horse road that’s after Marx’s trimming.

She used her sleeves to cover the snow that slaps her cheeks, and her head and shoulders are covered with snow, but she still feels nothing about the cold in the air.

She only knew that she seemed to be stupidly ran for a while.

Also right! Even if Marx has just returned, how can it be said that it has been in the middle of the night, and now what is the use of her rushing over?

Is it just to take a look at the signs that Marx has been here?

It is a pity that even the so-called “signs” seem to have ceased to exist.

Hermione turned back with some disappointment, and squinted back in the direction of the direction, even the endless wind and snow forgot to cover.

But suddenly, she raised her head subconsciously, staring at the castle through the dense snow curtains. Suddenly, a window with a fire through the fireplace suddenly caught her full attention…

Her eyes suddenly reappeared again.


That is the office of Professor Study of Ancient Runes, the office of Marx – Marx is indeed back!

The next moment, Hermione ran again and again, and soon disappeared into the main entrance of the slowly closed castle.

However, she was thinking about Marx, but she did not find that there was another window on the Ravenclaw tower, and there was a slight candlelight in it.

“Appropriate care can convey the deep feelings of the relationship, but excessive chasing can easily lose mutual space.”

Behind the window, Luna held a candle in her hands, and the swaying flame gently illuminated her soft side. She looked at the blurred and disappearing silhouette in the vestibule. After a while, she looked up again and turned her eyes back to the familiar window.

“Hermione, tomorrow we will go with him to chat with him, isn’t it?”


“bang bang bang 嗒…”

A slight footstep quickly alternated from outside the door, getting closer and closer to this side. Marx, who was writing and drawing at the desk, looked up and his tired eyes were silently cast to the door of the office.

“This magic power fluctuation… is Hermione?”

Today, before the night of the night, most of the most affected will be Hermione – this point, Marx has long thought of.

Now, Hermione found his return overnight, and it’s not surprising to tell the truth.

But to be honest, Marx’s thoughts were a little messy tonight, and he didn’t want to see anyone at this time.

Because he feels that it is still difficult for him to concentrate on talking with people, and this is undoubtedly a state of disrespect for everyone who meets him.

But since Hermione will run so late, it is obvious that I have seen the office window lit up… It seems that it is not a good idea to pretend that I am not here.

Marx threw the quill in his hand back into the ink bottle, slightly licking some of the swelled temples, and was about to wave the door open.

But in the next moment, his hand suddenly stopped.

“what happened?”

It was discovered that Hermione outside had already come to the front door, but she did not raise her hand to slam the threshold. Marx was a bit confused about this, but it also stopped the action of opening the door.

He is not very clear, why did Hermione suddenly stop.

If Luna suddenly did this, Marx wouldn’t be surprised, because the female child’s thoughts were always ridiculous, but surprisingly able to fit the hearts of the people.

If you want to change it to Hermione, it’s generally the kind you just want to do. Her powerful subjective willpower will enable her to become stronger and more active, and sometimes Marx will feel a little envious.

And like this kind of late-night visit, the knocking on the door is the most normal move of Hermione Miss Granger, how can it suddenly stop?

Out of fear, Marx was just about to open the door and look at it, but who knows that the silhouette of the outside door suddenly turned around and leaned against the door.

Marx, who noticed this, suddenly realized a certain part of the other side’s thoughts.

He rubbed his fingers.

Then he slowly took the extended arm back…

On the other side, Hermione in the hallway is leaning against the door panel.

I don’t know when it started. The impulse caused by her discovery that Marx had returned was suddenly calmed down.

After a little calm, she finally thought about what Marx’s departure and return meant.

It’s obvious that Marx thinks that some things are best done by him alone, and that he must remain secret.

And when it comes to the sudden return not long ago, behind such an abnormal behavior, there must be some accidents.

In general, Marx rarely changes the planned itinerary temporarily, isn’t it?

So, what kind of accident was it that forced him to interrupt the follow-up action, returning to Hogwarts in the middle of the night and staying in the office all night long?

Thinking about it, Hermione is increasingly aware of an invisible sense of indifference. No matter what the so-called “accident” is, Marx now needs time to digest thinking – just like she is now.

Of course, compared to Hermione’s concerns about Marx, the repression that Marx is experiencing is certainly more difficult.

At the thought of this, Hermione didn’t want to bother her at this time.

Most of the nights rushed back and forth, and inadvertently all the anxiety and eagerness were dispelled by such a single thought head. Hermione stood up silently after leaning against the door for a moment, and finally got up straight and left the front of Marx’s office silently.

This night, two female children whose characters are completely different in their views have chosen the same answer under their respective willpower. This kind of tacit understanding is perhaps a seemingly accidental necessity.

“Go to him tomorrow….well, maybe you can call Luna together.”


The next morning, Marx, who had not slept overnight, was walking fast on his way to the school gate.

He naturally didn’t know that Luna and Hermione chose to come to him today, so he certainly continued to act according to his own ideas.

Just half an hour ago, he thought of a disaster that might stop the meteorite from falling at the gate of Hogwarts school, but it requires a lot of people to cooperate.

Therefore, he left the school very early in the morning and came to the Britain Ministry of Magic.


This time it was a matter of event. He didn’t waste time checking what was underneath. He went straight to the front of the office of the minister.

However, this time after all is to find someone to help, in order to give Mr. Scrimgeour some face, he still raised his hand to ring the door.

“Please come in.”

Hearing the response from the inside, Marx immediately opened the door and walked in, then took the door behind him with him.

Until then, a head suddenly appeared in the other door next to the office of the minister, and looked back and forth in the corridor with a strange look, but where can I still see half of the silhouette?

“What happened? Is my ear out of trouble?” The secretary of the secretary stunned his ear. “Oh, this problem can be detrimental to promotion. After work, I have to go to St. Mungo’s to hang a number…”

Not to mention that the secretary of the minister was there, and in the office of the minister, Marx had already arrived at the large desk of Scrimgeour.

“Please sit down… please sit down! Mr. McLorne, why come so early in person? Is there any change in the plan?”

This morning, when I saw Marx at the Ministry of Magic, Scrimgeour couldn’t help but feel worried.

Just as Dumbledore was still there, whenever he was in the Ministry of Magic, it meant that some major events were about to happen or had occurred. Once this happens, the busiest, most dangerous, and the easiest to back-up, most likely will be Ministry of Magic.

Although Scrimgeour has always been a poker face, he used to sit in the position of the head of the Auror office for a few years, but now that he has become the Ministry of Magic, his burden is also so frightening.

It can be seen that no matter who it is, even if the knowledge is more and more tolerant, this Ministry of Magic chair is not good to sit.

“…Yes, do you want some tea? I have…”

“Don’t be busy,” Marx hurriedly stopped him from working. “Well, before I say what I want, I have to tell you something about it – the transfer of Azkaban prisoners two months later is no longer necessary. Cancel directly!”


This story is still a matter of Marx’s last come to secretly discuss with Scrimgeour, and Scrimgeour is also able to cooperate after a good struggle.

You know, once this “big move” is known, there will be many political dissidents who will protest against his minister directly at the Wizengamot meeting!

However, because of Marx’s current status and relationship with the International Wizard Federation, Scrimgeour was convinced on the spot.

But now, Marx suddenly said that it was canceled, which made Scrimgeour quite a bit dumb.

“This… What happened? What happened?” He asked awkwardly, then shook his head and turned to the road. “No, after all, why did you transfer the prisoners in the prison?” what?”

Now, some things can’t be concealed. Marx sees him and asks, and then explains his simple and clear explanation:

“Well, the reason can tell you now – in fact, I was originally preparing to introduce a meteorite. The initial location of the fall was Azkaban.”


Scrimgeour found that his chin seemed to be a bit untenable.

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