Many people, on the surface, are amazed by the identity of Herpo’s “ancient dark wizard”, but when thinking about this issue, they still subconsciously put on the habitual thinking of modern magic circle.

For example, the current president of the International Wizard Federation, Babajid Akinbad.

In modern times, most of the wizards have reached a consensus on the International Secrecy Act, and even many dark wizards dare not have much influence on the muggle world.

However, Herpo’s goods have little to do with the so-called “muggle”. In his opinion, it is just a group of “small eyes” that’s not magic, can’t see magical creatures that’s all.

Yes, it is exactly the same as the ordinary people who have no magic talent in the past.

In fact, if he had enough time to understand after returning to the world, he believed that his wisdom and vision could still understand the difference.

It is a pity that this time he was almost unearthed by Marx, so that he has not been able to give himself a satisfactory body.

And because of the threat caused by the existence of Marx, the various unsatisfactory periods, and the great movement that Sirius made this time, he had to give up the disguise in order to stand firm as soon as possible.

He understands that if he continues to drag on, he will have less time to accumulate capital.

As a result, many “newcomers” were transformed into batches in batches, and they were released in Haifa City. He wants to draw the port city into his own territory before other forces react.

Right now, Sirius and Lupin are still hiding in the house that was attacked. After the first fight, the entire living room is already a mess, but it is a dark hiding place under the lamp.

While secretly hiding here, the two of them saw successively several silhouettes in the air or rushing past the streets.

Honestly, the power that Herpo used this time really scared them to jump – there are so many people who have just had that strength, there are so many?

In fact, Herpo really showed a wave of his true heritage as a wizard.

To say that he is acting together is purely a last resort, and the ability to come out is far from being a manifestation of his power. It can even be said to be a rather hasty self-protective counterattack.

But no one expected, just a slap in the face, it is possible to create such an amazing scene, which is much more arrogant than Sirius arson everywhere.

Lupin was leaning against the side of the window, looking at the dark night sky. No matter which direction he looks, at least he will find more than ten silhouettes in the air.

“what is that?”

Sirius suddenly frowned and looked suspiciously at several highlights in the sky. Lupin then looked down at his fingers, and his face changed his face several times.

From the same doubts at the beginning, to the squinting of the eyes, and finally to the seriousness of the face.

“That was what muggle made,” he said. “I remember it was called a ‘helicopter.'”

The reaction made by muggle World is actually an inevitable development trend.

After all, the short wizards that Herpo sent out, although there are no stars and no moons in the dark night sky as a cover, but there is still no invisibility in the end, it is nothing strange to be discovered by the muggle.


Lupin’s voice was not settled, but he saw that the helicopter suddenly turned into a group of Fireballs, with heavy smoke falling toward the ground.

Yes, this seems to be an inevitable result, but no one wants to see this happen.

“I thought that the war between wizard and muggle was impossible to see in our life, but who knows…” Lupin looked at the fire and couldn’t help but mutter.

The flame that was formed by the helicopter was like a martian at the end of the fuse. If it is not cut off before it burns to the head, the consequences of how it can be expected.

“Sirius, this time is really not to be here, we have to leave Haifa as soon as possible.” Lupin suddenly whispered after a moment of ecstasy.

“Yeah.” Sirius nodded. “Where are we going? Inland? Or going to the sea?”

“Get the boat, stay farther away!” Lupin said. “Marx gave us some of the fairy potions. Just be careful not to take the initiative to expose them. It should be enough for us to go to the harbor. As for the sea… That distance may be a bit dangerous, we went to the port to see the situation…”

After that, the two men licked each other and began to prepare to take potion.


As Lupin said, the city is really best not to wait.

The actions of the International Wizard Federation were not slow. When they learned that there was a large-scale arson in Haifa, they immediately rallied their hands.

Like the current Herpo in Haifa, the action is so fast, it is entirely because he took advantage of the convenience of the party and grabbed the time difference of the message.

Now, when Herpo’s large group of “people” began to wander around the city and clean up all the non-wizards, a large space distortion suddenly appeared in a certain square in the city.

Immediately, a path of the silhouette of the various wizard robes appeared here, and the head of the association was the president of the federation, Akinbad himself.

It can be seen that most of these wizards are serious, and as soon as they appear, they begin to look around.

Of course, there is no silhouette of Marx in this crowd.

Akinbad had already informed him during the day, but because Marx had to have a good plan to participate, so he did not choose to join in this sloppy action tonight.

However, the reason for this rejection is just a pretext, Marx did not come here, for another purpose.

Therefore, for the time being, we will not mention Marx for the time being. Let’s first take a look at Mr. Akinbad’s plan!

“bang!” “Boom–“

Not long after these talents arrived, two more subsequent helicopters were destroyed. The scene of sparking in the night sky is undoubtedly a surprise for the wizards that the Federation has called.

“This… they dare to start with muggle! What are they thinking?”

I don’t know who exclaimed, and then whispered. It wasn’t until Akinbad raised the wand to make a loud “pi pa” bursting sound that made these wizards shut up.

To say that the list convened by the Federation is still no problem in terms of strength.

They are the elite Auror urgently transferred from the major Ministry of Magic. Although there is always a level of “elite” Auror because of the different regions, the overall level of reality is not to be underestimated.

However, the wizard is always a wizard, even the Auror, most of which are difficult to have very strong discipline. However, the members of the deliberative committee that were directly drawn from the federation, but because of mutual familiarity, had a bit of tacit understanding and restraint.

“Attention!” Akinbad sighed. “I believe you all know that we will face the ‘Herpo the Foul’. It is the dark wizard that existed in ancient times. It is rumored that he is Invented Horcrux and gained almost eternal life…”

“So, for this ancient dark wizard, which has always been so wicked, we wanted to destroy him once again!”

“Unfortunately, given the courage of this person, I dare to blaze the fire…”

Having said that, he subconsciously looked into the distance, and saw that the fire and black smoke behind the three helicopters were still swaying.

“…well, there is also disruption of muggle world,” he said. “They are trying to trigger a war between our wizard and the muggle! I believe that even without the provisions of the Secrecy Act, everyone will be extremely angry.”

“So, let’s go!”

Akinbad’s eyes widened and the people’s hearts were cleanly promoted.

“We will first restrain those who make evil deeds and arrest them to prevent the riots from escalating. If the war finally develops into war, it is only dangerous for magic circle, for us, for our family, but not for a bit. The benefits.”

To this day, it is no longer useful to think that this kind of tactics to boost morale. Can not stand the truth of the truth.

Like the consequences of a war between the wizard and the muggle, who else would like to see it?

“Then let’s go!”

“What should I do after the muggle?”

“Israel Ministry of Magic has become ruined, Mr. Akinbad, are you going to communicate with the head of the Ministry of Magic go with muggle who died unfortunately?”

Listening to the sound of the inquiries that followed one after another, Ajinbad could only stretch out his hands and press down.

“I will go to the Muggle president, but it must be after the scene is suppressed.” He sighed. “Now, everyone is grouped to meet the enemy, be careful about their own safety, be sure to go all out!”

Israel’s muggle regime is a parliamentary system. It is not so easy to get in touch, especially now that the muggle has destroyed three helicopters and their airborne personnel.

In the case that the original Ministry of Magic and the head of the muggle didn’t have much contact, it was harder for Akinbad to negotiate and negotiate.

To be honest, when he thinks about this break, he wants to throw a dozen of Obliviate directly, saving himself from trying to explain.

The relationship between the wizard and the muggle has always been a big problem, but the magic circle used it to forcibly skip it with the International Secrecy Act.

Now in this country, in this city, Sirius and Herpo’s actions are to pick it up and put it back in front of everyone.

“Isn’t this the same as the turmoil that Gellert Grindelwald raised in the United States?”

Looking at the many Auror and the deliberators rushing away, Ajinbad’s expression seemed to be even heavier.

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