
A slight explosion rang through Marx’s office, and the sudden magic power fluctuated, immediately waking up Marx, who was still asleep.

It is already the next morning, although the sky in the east is only slightly bright, but it also means another day of rush.

Marx opened his eyes and slammed into the bed, and then yawned.

“…Lack?” he asked, ambiguously. “So early, what?”

At the same time as the innate talent magic of the secretly sighed elf, Marx finally sat up with his eyes open and leaned against the copper bed frame on the bed.

Yes, within the scope of the Hogwarts school, the space is reinforced, so similar spells such as Disapparation can’t take effect here. The innate talent ability of the elves can still be effective, which is more curious.

However, the difference between the two, although Marx has studied hard, has never been able to free up this effort.

“McLorne, something old Lak needs to talk to you,” the older elf snorted slightly and whispered. “Yesterday there was only an invisible creature that appeared near the fort site and was just caught by us. But then at night, I was escaping with a few clansman who stayed behind to sleep.”

鈥淚s the invisible creature?鈥?Marx immediately thought of the invisible beast. After all, he just helped Hagrid once yesterday. 鈥淥h, escape? You don鈥檛 take turns to sleep?鈥?/p>

“Oh…” Old Luck heard it and suddenly said, “This is a good idea.”

Marx hearing this, can’t help but not laughed.

The few elves who stayed as guards were not temporarily decided last night, and the objects they guarded were not invisible beasts – it was just a convenience.

In fact, what they are guarding is the stone gate leading to the cave of Long Cave.

“Okay, as long as it doesn’t go in,” Marx nodded. “I know that.”

“The old Lac will go back.”

The voice did not fall, the elf elders were also very simple, and immediately disappeared in the room with another weak blast.

“Invisible beast…”

Marx sat on the bed and pondered it a little, but soon he shook his head.

“Well, when you are on the safe side, go to Hagrid for a while!”

Although he feels that the invisible beast will go there is purely an accident, but in the current situation, he still wants to be more cautious and more appropriate.

If you say it, it doesn’t take much effort to find Hagrid’s door. If there is no problem, then the right is to take a step in the morning.

Now that he is awake, Marx will not plan to sleep again. So he quickly turned to get out of bed, solved the personal hygiene problem, and then went to the outside of the office wearing clothes.

It鈥檚 just that it鈥檚 too early, even now, the sun has just revealed a bright brain. Usually at this point, everyone basically sleeps in bed!

Therefore, Marx was not in a hurry to go out, but first cooked himself a cup of tea and looked at the information for a little while.

In the days since Voldemort’s defeat, the intelligence update on Black’s old house has not been completely broken. It鈥檚 just that I鈥檓 still strolling around, and there are only a few people like Sirius and Mundungus that鈥檚 all.

In addition, the information they harvested has to be screened by Lupin, so the amount of material that can be sent to Marx is much less than before.

After a while.

“It doesn’t seem like a big move this week.”

Marx, while holding the special Gurdyroot Infusion in the cup, looks like a carelessly flipping information file at hand, and looks like an ordinary office worker reading a morning paper.

“Besides the previous ‘small commotion’.”

After a gentle mutter, he flipped the last page of paper, and then he tucked it into his waist pocket.

“However, there are too few people on Lupin’s side. Many things may not be hit by them, let alone reveal specific information.”

That is to say, sometimes, even if there are enough people, it is not enough. In some cases, it is up to luck to find out what clues are in advance.

Marx didn’t think much more. After drinking the tea in the cup, he stood up and walked out of his office.


“Wang… Wang Wang…鍛渨oof!”

“Tooth, shut up! Don’t scare Little Demi… Hey, it’s okay! The teeth are just because you can’t see you, so I feel a little scared… It’s actually timid… Come out! Little Demi?”

“Wang woof!”

“Stop, you stupid dog.”

“wu wu ……”

Marx stood in front of the hunting lodge in Hagrid, listening to the cluttering sound coming from inside, and the right hand, which was about to be knocked on, paused a little.

“Hagrid, what are you doing…”

While a little hesitating, he waited for a few minutes with doubts. After all, I heard that Hagrid is obviously busy!

But when Marx found out that there was almost no tendency to stop the noise, he finally reached out and knocked the wooden door in front of him.

“peng peng peng –“

“woof woof woof !”

“Tooth, don’t call.” Hagrid said after rebuke again, “Who is it? Sorry, I am inconvenient to open the door, I am worried that when I open the door, Demi will slip out…”

“It’s me, McLorne.” Marx loudly said, “Who is ‘Little Demi’? Is that invisible beast?”

“Oh, Marx!”

As soon as Marx came, Hagrid’s tone was a lot lighter.

“You are just right, I will open the door for you!” He said happily. “Of course, I mean – if you can help me stop Xiao Demi when the door is open?”

A doorway is so big, which is obviously more convenient than catching the invisible beast on the grass last time, so Marx is immediately complied.

“You open it! I will help you block the little one -“

The voice fell a little, and Marx waited for a few seconds at the door, and soon he saw the wooden door of the hut being gently pushed open.

It was only at that moment that Marx did not take any action at the moment of opening the door, but looked calmly at the door and was opened by Hagrid.

鈥淢arx?鈥?Hagrid looked at him questioningly. 鈥淗ow…鈥?/p>

Marx didn’t wait for him to finish, he waved his hand and walked straight into the room.

“This little guy is very smart, probably pre-feeling that he can’t slip away from me, so it didn’t choose to run away.”

“Hey, is that short-term predictive ability?”

Hagrid immediately nodded, and then immediately closed the door.

Behind him, Marx came to the small round table and sat down. It was like returning to his home.

Of course, Hagrid never thought of him as an outsider.

鈥淵eah!鈥?Marx said. 鈥淚t鈥檚 a very convenient innate talent… Hey, a bare-headed grandfather has spent the same amount of tattoo on his body in order to get similar performance.鈥?/p>

After spitting a man with the bald old man still in Azkaban, Marx turned his head and looked at the firewood pile in the corner of his left hand, and even waved at the other side.

“You are Xiao Demi?” he shouted. “Come, come here to make me jealous.”

With the opening of Marx, the invisible beast actually relieved the stealth effect.

But naturally, it is not because of Marx’s words that invisible beasts can’t understand human language. It just realized that Marx clearly clearly “sees” himself.

However, Hagrid is clearly not aware of this.

“Hey, can Dummi understand your words? This is amazing…”

“No, I just try to say hello to it’s all.” Marx shrugged said, “Are you not even trying Flobberworm to talk to them? The same reason.”

“Oh, I see.”

Hagrid seems to have some regrets about this.

Marx is sure that if he claims to be invisible, Hagrid is afraid to chase him until he learns it!

But now it is finally a glimpse of ‘Little Demi’, and Hagrid seems to have a lot of peace of mind.

So, taking advantage of Hagrid’s distraction to observe the chance of the invisible beast, Marx also looked at the little guy. After a short while, he regained his gaze and shook his head.

This invisible beast has no problem, magic power fluctuations can not find any anomalies, it is just a simple rare magic creature.

“Hagrid, I wanted to ask yesterday… Where did you get the invisible beast from?”

For the super high value of the invisible beast, Marx certainly understands it. To be honest, it is not easy to ask him to engage in a stealth beast, so he is quite curious about it.

However, when Marx asked for an exit, Hagrid slammed it in a rare way.

“This one鈥︹€?#8221;

Marx watched his thick hands squirm together, swallowing like a young girl who hadn’t married yet, and couldn’t help but get a goose bump.

But when he saw this aspect of Hagrid, he was a little bit more in mind.

“Yes…Madam Maxime?” Marx asked tentatively.

鈥淗ow do you know?鈥?Hagrid suddenly widened his eyes. 鈥淐an I even tell a person this time?鈥?/p>

“Come on!”

Marx didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, but I didn’t continue to go deeper. He just thought that if the giant half-blood made a pair, it would be fine.

“Oh, yes,” he said, turning to the topic. “I heard that this little guy ran away again yesterday? And he ran to Forbidden Forest… is it back?”

“Marx, are you omniscient? Did you know that it was just dawn?” Hagrid was surprised and said, “Well, at least you don’t have to keep it secret… It’s Harry, they helped me three, um, They are really grown up…”

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