It was a battle that had not been defeated from the outset.


White Kingham Palace collapsed half, and the sculpture square became a deep pit, and only a few of the high-ranking bodies that seemed to be strong were reluctant to survive.

Herpo was still sitting on his high throne, looking at this wolf’s lobby, and not barely shook the head – just before he started a raid, but now the situation finally turned around.

He knew that Marx was not leaving England at the moment, although it was temporarily gone. As long as he’s moving a little further, each other will immediately appear and again engage in a high-intensity interconnection with him.

In short, Marx treats himself as a living seal magic where Herpo was born without knowing that Herpo could not be completely eliminated.

There is no doubt that, soon after the fighting between the two, Marx has had enough power to act as Herpo’s opponent today.

Just somehow, Herpo was trapped here, but not at all, but it seems to be in a good mood.

“Marx McLorne is good, so good… and I’m waiting for you, and I’m waiting here for you.”

That’s a lowly term, Herpo switched up and walked down the front stage of the throne. After he pushed a high-ranking body in front of him, he was walking on foot and walking to the entrance of this hall.

Thereafter, it seems that he really intends to start waiting for the general and to hold his arms there.

What happened in the fog, with the exception of Marx and Herpo, is certainly hard to know. Even though some Alchemist discovered the battle in the direction of London through the alchemy instrument capable of detecting magic power fluctuations, it is clear that they will no longer know more.

It is for that reason that Hermione thinks that they must be explored in the fog, which can take over some initiatives more or less.

After lunch today, Mr. Oldsteward and Mr. Blois have begun to discuss with Madam Maxime the idea of seeking more allies, perhaps shortly after they can bring together a “resistance coalition against Herpo wizard” in the real sense.

At the same time, Hermione temporarily put down the case of Safina at noon and discussed with Harry and the others the first person to conduct a reconnaissance mission to England.

“I’m sure I’m going,” Harry is serious, “and if I’m going, I’m going to support Ginny, who used Gryffindor’s sword, and four of them obviously are going together — that’s five already. If you and Luna were added, I was thinking, as a reconnaissance team, would there be so many people?”

“Indeed,” Hermione hearing this, without stopping nodded, “but if it were just you five, no more, it might hardly be feasible.”

In a room in Beauxbatons, Harry and Hermione were sitting on both sides of the window, while others were sitting or standing, making the room seem to be crowded.

It’s just that everyone’s pretty quiet right now, at least let this place not be so confused.

Listen, Hermione said only five people, Harry, not the eyebrows:

“Will this be too dangerous? You know, I mean, Ginny, they… and I’m confident that I can protect everyone, but nobody can guarantee that there’s no accident, right?”

“Of course,” Hermione wants to go the other way, “so in order to ensure the safety of their four people, the wizard robes that Delphini picked out were given to them this time, together with a total of three rune armor shields… the other three were just one.”

“Isn’t it even for you to take this?” Ron next to you finally couldn’t help it, “In case you still keep it! You should know, I have a self-healing power right now. I don’t need to…”

“No, you also need one,” Hermione’s serious interruption, “and your ability to heal is, in particular, barely to save your life. And remember, in the end of your mission, you still keep Harrys in battle, but if anyone of you loses his ability to act, Harry will have a big problem!”

As Hermione said, the core force of the operation is Harry alone. Others said that, even after Marx’s own arms shields, there was an unusual power, but if it were to actually meet a high-class body, or even Herpo himself, maybe only Harry today would be able to maintain a certain combat capability.

Honestly, Hermione himself would really like to go, but whatever it is, the latter would have to retain at least part of the battle to keep it up to time.

Now, it can be said that there are battlefields everywhere, and the war is definitely Myriad Transformations. If you don’t leave your back hand, it’ll only be you who will die, and the probability will become the end of “our enemies”.

And Herpo’s guy was trying to see the most unwise behavior, so Marx went back once and for all – that’s not what he wanted to retreat, but what we did not have the capital to launch the attack.

Until now, Marx, who can no longer stay with you, has to be abandoned temporarily.

But Hermione clearly knows that Marx’s departure does not mean that they should also be turned back into an attack. Even if she left the island of Rowena, she could only choose to fight steadily and keep her own way back.

“Anyway, it’s settled.” She just stopped, and she just made the selection of those who carried out the reconnaissance operation. “Then, we’ll think about a specific course of reconnaissance – London is naturally the ultimate destination, but before that, how should we go?”

The reconnaissance was intended, in fact, to gather information in the fog area in the context of the search for Marx’s whereabouts, either after or after the establishment of the counter-insurgency coalition. If the situation in the fog remains unknown, people will always be blacked, and that will naturally not be the case with Herpo.

After raising the issue of the search route, Hermione launched a map that was already ready, pointing to the point of London above:

“This is certainly the safest if only the shortest route is taken and the return stops outside. But this way, no matter if there’s no fog cover, our harvest will be rare. And if this is how to circumvent…

She was just saying that Harry across the street suddenly broke her mouth and moved towards the door. Looks like someone’s coming.

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