“… Are you going to take over the help of the muggle queen?”

In the small meeting room of Blois Fort, Kingsley just got up and left – he said that he had finished, and his personal thoughts were already communicated to the other two, so Marx let him go to rest first. .

When he went out, Marx and Blois fell silent for a while until the latter seemed to start to notice some of Marx’s thoughts and asked.

“Well, yeah!” Marx sat on the sofa, squinting with his eyes and arms, paused. “Some things, I really have to help… After all, those muggle residents must be innocent.”

Blois hearing this, can’t help but pick an eyebrow.

“Even if the queen and the prime minister are all forced to seek help, they still try to maintain their restraint and decent?”

As far as the Kingsley just described, it is no wonder that Mr. Blois would say that. However, after Marx chuckled, he still turned his head.

“Yes,” he replied. “Actually, to be honest, the Queen’s shackles are foreseeable – even if it’s just for the royal face, it won’t allow her to bow, which is not unimaginable.”

As he said, Marx suddenly took another hand and recalled the side:

“But… well, I used to be with her! Mr. Blois, you know? At that time, before all this had not been out of control, the Queen was already thinking about the fusion of magic circle and muggle world. Things are going – no doubt, this was definitely a very radical idea at the time.”

“At that time, I naturally decisively rejected her intention to cooperate. After all, in the situation of the two sides that are still stable at the time, this can only be regarded as a whimsical proposal.”

“But,” Marx said, adding a little bit of aggravation. “Although I decided to reject the proposal at the time, I always agree with the general direction of reintegrating the wizard muggle. I think the queen probably was at that time. I have already noticed this fundamental point of view.”

Listening to Marx, step by step, Blois finally frowned and said:

“I think I already understand what you have to say… What do you mean, the Queen’s reserved attitude is mainly because she wants to keep the wizard and muggle sides on an equal level?”

“I think it’s like this… or at least, there must be a reason for this.” Marx sighed. “To be honest, although the current period is in jeopardy, the eyes of Europe and even the whole world are secretly focused on this. However, this is not necessarily the most appropriate time for the contact between the two parties.”

In short, this is an opportunity, and it is an opportunity to reappear once it is missed.

Right now, there are many “eyes” that are watching here, but the owners of those sights are not willing to stretch their hands here. In a way, no matter how amazing the Marx and Muggle Queens are, no one dares to intervene easily.

After all, today’s Herpo is like a sticky drug that sticks to the hand, no one wants to provoke him to his home for no reason.

Like the Blois family that has received asylum seekers, there are still very few cases.

“So I think,” Marx continued, “the attitude of the Queen of Muggle, perhaps more of a mere message to me…”

Marx paused here for a short time, and obviously he hesitated.

Because, although he has come to a rather bold conclusion, he still does not know how big the “guts” of the queen, and dare to think with him.

And just as Marx tried to figure it out, Mr. Blois, who was sitting opposite, didn’t rush to ask, he just waited seriously.

After a few moments, Marx slowly said:

“Okay! I am willing to believe that our ‘radical queen’ wants to ‘gamble’! So, I think she actually wants to say – she wants to fully participate in this ‘war’ against Herpo “”


Calming like Blois, I can’t help but gently sigh.

Blois also knows about the situation in the Kingdom of Britain. He knows that the other side’s dealings with the Britain magic circle have never been completely cut off.

Especially in the year when the famous male Wizard Davidson suddenly disappeared and secretly ran to the royal family and served as the chief bishop of England, the British royal family’s understanding of the magic circle was deeper.

Therefore, Blois understands exactly what the so-called “participation in the war” means.

If Marx just made this speculation right, then the Queen is probably trying to make the muggle… at least “part of the muggle” to get the power to use magic power!

“This… is impossible in a short time?”

In the face of Mr. Blois’s doubts, Marx can only laugh, and then slowly:

“If the Queen really has this meaning… can’t do it, it has to be done. Because they know not only about the wizard, but also about the magic, obviously they know… I know them very well and understand the muggle.”

“What do you mean?”

See Blois squinting and asking, Marx said calmly:

“It’s very simple, maybe Herpo doesn’t care much about it, but he is now pushing the muggle to the road. And I and the British royal family know that the muggle, can’t be forced to go the road – the magic circle is separated from the muggle. For a long time, many people may have forgotten that the power of the muggle is extremely terrifying!”

Grindelwald didn’t forget that year, so he even relied on showing the huge explosion in the speech to trigger the scare of the wizards, and by the way increased their supporters.

Marx is of course less likely to forget this. If the muggle side is really urgent, the consequences are more serious than the current disaster caused by Herpo.

Britain muggle, there is reason to maintain their restraint, because doing so is good for both sides.

Thinking of this, Marx suddenly waved his hand, and then seemed to relax, leaning back on the soft sofa back.

“Forget it, we don’t really need to be too frustrated in this matter. It really should be for these brains. It is ultimately the group of parliamentarians of the International Federation!” He still calmly said, “And we… or I should consider, at most, to leave more ‘backhand’ that’s all in ‘magic’.”

After saying this, Marx moved towards the black tea on the table, and the black tea was slightly waving, so that it floated to the front of him, and then he took a cup and took a drink.

“Sure enough,” he said casually.

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