Magic power is the basis of all magic, and it is also the key to distinguishing all creatures that can use magic from other ordinary individuals, including the wizard.

According to some of the ancient wizard-related studies that have been lost in modern times, magic power itself does not have any properties, and under normal conditions, it is in an inactive state. Only the various rules that exist in this world will give them their corresponding characteristics while stimulating their activity.

But… of course, the relationship between magic power and rules is obviously mutual. If the former is missing, then the latter will not be able to play its due role even if it is completely mystery.

Since magic power is so important, the ancient wizards who lived in the magic civilization of the Peak period naturally spent a lot of effort to delve into it.

Unfortunately, compared to the variety of rules and the rules of meaning, only the magical power of “activated” and “non-activated” states is far from that. Many information allows ancient wizards to ponder and excavate. It is.

Its existence is so simple that people feel that they are somewhat incompetent.

Therefore, until the ancient Wizard civilization began to decline, the research on magic power is still very few, and there is basically no practical value at all.

However, it is also in the only remaining magic power research literature that Marx has discovered an ancient magic array that is practical and limited.

Perhaps because the magic array is not practical and needs to be improved, it is not completely completed at all, but it provides a basic idea and a framework for subsequent research. Therefore, Marx also spent a lot of time re-creating it with the magical map he had explored and completing the defect.

Then… just in the original Lockhart personal audiovisual show for Voldemort, Marx put it into practical use for the first time.

Presumably, Lockhart must have clearly remembered how it felt when he used his sole to smash Voldemort’s face.

Nowadays, after a long time, Marx has finally used this battle-tested special magic map to this rather critical “decisive battle”.


When Marx resolutely launched the magical map and shouted Harry’s name, those magical powers that rose from the ground and cast a lot of faint blue brilliance were suddenly activated by the stimuli of the array. It is.

Only in an instant, Marx in midair, Herpo and Harry on the top of the tower… as if bathed in a blue ocean. Not only did their visions obscured, but even the sense of the outside world was temporarily lost due to the boiling magic power.

But in the next moment, everyone still in the town will only feel a clear-cut – just all the activated magic power, including the magic power that exists in everyone’s body, is repelled to the ground. Beyond the huge array of images.

At that second, perhaps only the wizard who can sense the magic power will be more impressed by this change. Because, that’s just a bad feeling that the clothes are suddenly being dull.

However, it is obvious that among the three people, such as Marx who are in the middle of the spiral town, Harry is not at all surprised and terrified.

Without magic power, he wouldn’t be surprised, even if he doesn’t try to cast a spell, it won’t be noticed in a short time.

It was also at that moment that Harry’s head left only Marx yelling at himself.

“Marx is calling me… yes, then… what does Marx want me to do?”

While the thought flashed through his heart, his right hand, which always clasped the Gryffindor sword, suddenly moved!

Marx wants to do it himself, then ask?

The sword swayed in the palm of his hand, held firmly by both hands, and then slammed back into Herpo’s abdomen.

No way, the devil’s body is much taller than Harry, and it is already the limit.

To be honest, this counterattack seems to be a lot easier than Harry expected, just like… The huge magical map on the ground just made Herpo’s powerful body weaken.

Harry is not clear about the various principles, but he knows that this is a great opportunity!

At the moment when he suddenly felt a pain in his shoulder, Harry insisted on biting his teeth and changing his posture of holding a sword. Then he made a full effort to straighten the sharp and unparalleled sword.


While the blade of the Gryffindor sword broke through the chest and abdomen of Herpo, Harry was also hit by the back, causing him to shoot at the ground like a cannonball.

Even the devil’s body, which is closely related to the rules of the soul, is temporarily weakened because the magic power is partially removed, but its remaining power is still enough for anyone to easily withstand a Prestige of Strike.

“Herpo! Remember what I said? You are not a omnipotent omnipotent! You will also be wrong, you will be hurt, and… you can’t escape the shadow of death!”

The magic power dispersal is the same, Marx is naturally not spared, so he can only stand on the top of a building below the tower, looking up at the silhouette of Herpo at the top of the tower.

However, even if he had to look up at each other at the moment, there was no dissatisfaction in his heart. Because the huge wound of Herpo’s chest and abdomen, which was ruthlessly torn by the Gryffindor sword, meant that Marx’s painstaking plan finally succeeded.


The healing of the injury was much slower than expected, and the weakening of the force made Herpo angry.

After a roar, he jerked his hand, but such a wide range of dissipating effects made the surrounding magic power still very thin. Even because the power of the devil’s body makes the magic power of the body barely preserved, it is not enough to support him to use the excessively expensive rule magic.

In the twinkling of an eye, I saw a black flame in Herpo’s palm, and then it quickly went out again.

“Oh…have done a good job, McLorne?” Herpo didn’t take care of his chest. He just looked down and looked down at Marx. “I’m not omnipotent.” This sentence, I remember It!”

“Is it?” Marx stared at Herpo, and then indifferently said, “So, to make sure you don’t forget it anyday, let’s make it harder to remember!”

When the voice didn’t fall, Marx suddenly took out a modern wand from the sleeve that he hadn’t used for a long time, pointing straight to Herpo’s direction.

“Avada -“

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