In the 1689 year, the International Wizard Federation Secrecy Act was promulgated during the period when the relationship between the wizard and the muggle fell to freezing point.

Although the regulations of the Secrecy Act were strongly opposed by various forces at that time, it was not until the 3 year that the official record was established in 1692 and was enforced by the Ministry of Magic. However, it took root in the magic circle of the global scale, and deeply penetrated into the “soil” that was gradually exhausted by the battle.

But to put it bluntly, it is actually the era when the magic of the wizard has been repeatedly lost and finally reduced to the lowest point.

I remember that since the beginning of the 15 century, the men’s witches who are more and more serious in inheritance have finally struggled to maintain the magical mystery of magic in the eyes of the dominant person who has made a big leap forward.

In addition, the wizard at the time was over-reliant on potion and alchemy, which had a success rate problem, because of the lack of ability in the curse, which left a lot of terrifying impressions on the ordinary person at that time.

So since then, the muggle has gradually become a contradiction to the seemingly mysterious and horrible male witch teachers, and in the secret of the church at the time, one can not pack.

Muggle’s persecution of the wizard came from which time.

Where is the rumored wizard of the dead, burned; where there is a wizard that brews poison, burned; where there is a wizard who secretly deceives the civilians, burns; where there are abnormal children, burned to death.

At first, there may be some sort of order. After all, the punishment was basically a dark wizard with evidence. Gradually, the muggle people slowly lost themselves on this path of good and evil, as the church ignited and smashed into the air.

The shackled wizard, some tried to escape with magic, but many people could no longer resist their bad luck because they were taken away from wand.

After all, the muggle people are naturally ordinary people, but the church priests are not the same.

Later generations had a study by Scholar that there were also wizards in the church at the time, and they were still a group of people who had retired from the previous Druids.

Of course, until now, no one can say this kind of broken thing.

In short, because muggle is increasingly persecuting wizards, burning witches, and even wizard children who have magical power run because of magic innate talent, and many other church opponents who have been mistakenly sentenced and framed as muggle. After nearly three centuries of mixed theory, the International Wizard Federation Secrecy Act was finally born.

Incidentally, according to the original yearbook of the Britain Ministry of Magic, the newly established English Ministry of Magic had sent a special wizard delegation to talk with the Muggle monarchs William III and Mary II of that era.

Unfortunately, negotiations based on the recognition and protection of the muggle law have finally broken down.

As a result, the wizards began to spontaneously open up new homes, transfer to underground life, and semi-mandatory and semi-voluntarily by means of various means, to conserve their secret of “still exist.”

Finally, a little bit of peace and quiet of the wizards, with the efforts of the Ministry of Magic, finally gradually built the order. Unknowingly, the settled wizard had a deep study of Magic’s Time and Space, and the once-missing magic civilization had a certain degree of recovery.

For example, Albus Dumbledore, who was born in the summer of 1881, is one of the great wizards who have made great contributions to the advancement of the modern magic society after the implementation of the Secrecy Act.

However, after a large loss, there is even a lot of ambiguity in the magic knowledge of the reconciliation. This is also the most fundamental reason why Marx was obsessed with the textbooks when he first entered school.

But to be honest, just because the Secrecy Act has only been in existence for more than three hundred years since its inception, the complicated magic inheritance has made the progress of the Wizard Society far less significant than the muggle society.

To put it bluntly, the magic circle’s wizards are not ready to re-engage with the muggle.

This time, if it wasn’t Herpo, the terrifying ancient arch wizard that was re-emerged in the world, whether it was a good or a conflict between the muggle and the wizard, everything was still too early!

Yes, even Marx, which has already surpassed the modern Wizard Society in the magic field, once thought so.

“Mr. Akinbad, I know that you must be very embarrassed about this matter…”

Looking at the current president who is sweating and half-mouthed as if his chin is dislocated, Marx also understands that this matter is not something that can be used by force the other party to agree.

Yes, as the president, at the conference table of the federation, there are more votes than other members. The decision of the motion is still to see the number of votes.

When Dumbledore was the president, almost no one would deny his proposal because of his personal charisma, personal fame, and usual social accumulation, and even some private transactions.

Even if he is, he cannot use the “people” and “relationships”, and rarely raises any controversial motions.

So, let alone Ajinbad, who is far from mentioning the terms with Dumbledore.

“So,” Marx said to the other party. “I am looking for you this time. I don’t want you to straighten out this matter directly. It’s not that I look down on you, but we all know that this is definitely not something you say. ‘Way’ is something that really works.”

“Of course, of course… thank you for understanding my situation.”

Akinbad listened to Marx and said that it was finally slightly relaxed, slightly slightly nodded.

“Really, Marx… As for Mr. Dumbledore’s help and support in the past, your business can actually be said to be my business.” He whispered. “Like this time, even if it is dangerous again, Some of the federations did not agree to send that many support for the wizard, but I still tried to bring people to come.”

“But,” he said, he was a little stopped, quite apologetic. “Like this ultra-large-scale muggle migration, even if it is only temporary, even if you and Street’s muggle prime minister can manage to cooperate, the federation is over there. It’s also very difficult to pass this proposal…”

“Over the years, the Secrecy Act has been the basic law enforced by the magic circle throughout Europe and the world. I think the parliament is estimated to prefer to let all of your Britain wizards withdraw from the Kingdom of Britain and will not agree with this. A motion that is likely to lead to full contact between the muggle and the wizard.”

“Well, I know.” Marx nodded, but there was a glimmer of sharpness in his eyes. “Just, they think so, because they simply don’t understand Herpo’s amazing guy’s all!”

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