Dawn, it should have been full of vitality.

When the sun pokes out from the east and sprinkles the first rays of the sun into the world, the radiance of orange dyes the field of vision, and the building that is still immersed in the night fog outlines a path of app apparition.

Slowly falling on the blades of grass in the countryside, accompanied by the sun, reflecting the fascinating colors.

Yes, in fact, all these changes are not so big – at least not as big as people think. Nature’s tenacity and persistence are by no means easily destroyed by one or two people like Herpo.

Only when Sirius leaned against the roof and looked at the fog-covered London in the distance… he could only feel dull and desolate.

In addition to the fixed patrol time, he seems to have been on the roof for almost half of the night. He watched the whole World sink into the night, and then gradually lit up by the sun, until now it is time for a new day.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a few black spots in the distance appearing in the line of sight, and moved towards him slowly zooming in.

It was the last patrol team responsible to fly back the established route.


Swinging his arms up, Sirius was long and sighed while he was stretching. He didn’t sleep all night, but he didn’t feel sleepy at all. Only one kind of tiredness from the heart made his body seem a little weak.

By the way, this night, the outside of the fog did not even see a living body.

“The shift has changed… After going outside for a lap, send a letter to Marx and Lupin and report on the current situation!”

As he talked to himself, Sirius opened the skylight next to him and jumped back to the attic below with one hand and one roof.

Perhaps because of the practice of Animagus form all the year round, even if it is human form, his movements when landing are also very light, and almost no sound is made.

Of course, this is mainly because there is a team member downstairs, and he doesn’t want to wake up the Ministry of Magic who can take a nap for a moment because he is too big.


Several owls who lived in this attic saw him down, just wanting chirp chirp twitter twitter to call a few sounds, but he was immediately stopped.

“You can also take a break,” Sirius whispered to the owls standing on the back of the chair and on the wooden table. “When I go out, you will have to work after you come back!”

The clever owls heard it, and immediately they didn’t say anything, just staring at the big, round eyes and watching him quietly.

“By the way… good morning.”

While talking, Sirius kept his feet and quickly walked down the stairs next to the road.


After the owls disappeared, the owls whispered a few times, “gu gu”, as if to discuss who should do the “work” for a while.

After waiting for a little while, the attic was completely quiet again.

But who knows, whether it is Sirius or owl’s intimate whispers, it is in vain.

Because of the speed, there was a loud noise from the “peng” downstairs, and all the team members who were in the shackles were awakened from sleep and sleep.

“what happened?”

Sirius, who had just walked halfway up the stairs, heard the movement below, and immediately stopped controlling his footsteps and speeded up and ran down.

Waiting for him to rush downstairs in a spurt of energy, it was only after seeing the team members who had just patrolled back that they were carrying two bloody wounds and were rushing to put them on the old sofa. .

“The two are survivors,” Captain of the team quickly replied, “I ran out before the sunrise, when the sky was darkest… According to the woman who was relatively lightly injured, they were before I have been hiding in the cellar. I haven’t been injured yet, because I have finished eating everything, I can’t go out for food… and then I was attacked.”


Sirius was thoughtfully a little nodded while watching two teammates who were good at healing spells give first aid to the two wounded.

“I was hurt and I couldn’t cure it, so… just ran out?”

“Although I didn’t say this, I fainted, but that’s probably it!” The Captain followed nodded, and then said, “Then, this is not the most important thing… before she said that in the cellar There are survivors!”

This sentence made Sirius’s brows wrinkle.

Marx is tens of thousands of people. It is no problem to patrol outside the fog. If you have no choice, you should not step into the fog as much as possible.

Even though Marx didn’t order the patrol squad to enter, as the command of the alienated Acromantula, but with the knee to think about it, Marx’s assessment of the dangers in the fog is high.

“Is this a very hot state?”

The Captain said, he couldn’t help but look back at Sirius – although it was nominally the Captain of the patrol team, the command on their side was mainly handled by Sirius.

However, it can be seen that the other party actually wants to save the remaining survivors in the past.

“Well… it should be counted!” Sirius squinted. “One of our missions was to save the survivors who might still be alive, isn’t it?”

That being said, he is obviously not only the life of the survivors, but also the lives of nearly 20 team members of his three patrol squads.

Now that he has to enter the fog that Marx calls “extremely dangerous,” he must consider the possibility of being wiped out by the whole army.

“We can only go to a small team,” he thought. “The rescue operation is also limited to one time. – If you haven’t returned after an hour, report the actual situation to the spiral town.”

So, Sirius turned to say:

“There has never been a ‘dead person’ appearing all night, and the periphery should be fairly safe… Yes, did the lady say where the cellar they were hiding?”

“Before Meyaz Firth Park,” the other said immediately. “To be honest, it’s a little far from here… it’s already a relatively deep place in the fog.”

“It is also difficult for them to run out.”

Sirius said, and once again looked at the two wounded in the rescue, could not help but feel a little.

It can be seen from the costumes of the two, the one with the heavier injury seems to be the wizard, and the other should be the muggle.

Being able to escape from such a deep place, it is hard to imagine the experience of their way, even if they look at those serious injuries.

“Damn Herpo… damn disaster!”

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