“Save who?”

“A half-blood witch called Illuly, she wants… um, Professor McLorne, in short, please let the Ministry of Magic let her go!”

When I heard this in the hallway outside the auditorium, Marx’s expression was somewhat subtle.

In fact, from the moment Pansy appeared at the side door of the auditorium, Marx had already noticed the anxiety in her heart.

It was as if she was in a hurry when she walked into the auditorium, and after she sat down on the Slytherin long table, she lost her self-defense. Even if she does not forget to need to remain calm on the surface, she has actually exposed her problems in many details.

It can be seen that in the nearly half an hour of the meal time, Snape sitting at the other end of the teacher’s seat also glanced at Pansy from time to time.

Obviously, he has also noticed Pansy’s anomaly when he is experienced.

Of course, since Pansy walked out of the auditorium just after breakfast, the original Marx was going to guide the other person’s Snape, which was a worry.

And when Marx separated from the people who left the auditorium and turned to the corridor leading to the fort, he was stopped by Pansy in this long corridor where no one left.

“Is it taken by Auror?” A little bit of nodded, Marx said, “What happened? Follow up, say it to me while walking…”

I remember when Draco went to his room last night, he mentioned that Pansy had no choice but to contact Martin directly, but instead helped him to help an “insignificant person.”

It seems that it is the “Illy” that Pansy said at the moment.

However, seeing Marx, letting me elaborate, Pansy seemed to look at him with some hesitation. There, the windbreaker wizard followed as quietly as usual, and no one knew what she was thinking all day.

For Pansy, the thing she did was obviously that the less people knew the better, but Marx didn’t seem to care, but she still didn’t confirm whether she could present her experience in front of the trench coat.

Marx naturally understands what she is hesitating, and immediately she looks back and laughs:

“Do not worry! Just say it, she will keep this secret for you.”

Because of the whole family behind her, Marx personally promised that Pansy would say as briefly as possible after she went to the underground church last night. Some of them have been heard from Draco, but more are still known for the first time.

When Pansy finished the whole process, the three people also walked outside Marx’s room without knowing it.

“come in!”

He opened the door and took Pansy back to the room.

On one side, the windbreaker, the wizard, saw that they had something to talk about, but they didn’t go in with them. When they thought about it at the door, they planned to follow Hermione as they did yesterday.

Because it can be seen from the look that Marx just walked back from this road, Pansy said that he was very interested in the things he said, but he did not mean to help himself.

At least, he should not leave Hogwarts today.

But unfortunately, people who can understand the general idea from Marx’s attitude, I am afraid that only Hermione, Luna and the trench coat wizard, etc., a few people who are always paying attention to him.

At this time, Miss Parkinson, who was approaching the door with Marx, was obviously not in it.

“Miss Parkinson, I think I understand what you mean… Oh, sit down first! Don’t stand there, it’s not as bad as you think.”

Seeing Marx, Pansy had to sit down carefully on a chair next to it, but she was obviously unable to calm down in her heart.

When Marx saw it, he couldn’t help but smile.

“Listen… First of all, your friend named ‘Illy’ will not have anything for a while…”

“No, that’s not –“

Before he finished, he listened to Pansy and almost interrupted his words.

In this regard, Marx just shook his head and immediately asked:

“Not what? Not a friend?”

Pansy was somewhat speechless by his words. After all, her outlook on life and values ​​are the standard pure blood concept cultivated by her parents from an early age. Even if her personal thoughts are mixed, some concepts are already known. The top is ingrained.

Be friends with a Goblin half-blood?

Putting it in the past, it is no different from her.

But this time, Miss Parkinson, who was poisoned by pure blood education, first experienced the feeling that she would have between real friends from Ilulli.

At that moment, when the other party was still intentionally letting her not be exposed before being taken away by Auror, she only felt that a certain part of her heart was touched.

Seriously, she Pansy Parkinson has had many so-called “friends.” Whether she was acquainted with her parents, or Slytherin student who met after coming to Hogwarts, even roommates who lived in the same room as her, none of them had brought her this feeling.

So, when Marx asked Pansy, she found that she couldn’t deny it… Even in the notion that the family taught her, it was an extremely shameful act to make a wizard like Illily.

And just as Pansy was speechless, Marx continued:

“I just said that there is no such thing as Illu, so you don’t have to worry about her. On the other hand, the other thing you mentioned on the way you came over makes me feel very curious.”

As he spoke, Marx licked his head and thought about it again.

“The witch that was taken away with Illuly… is called ‘Muril’, right?” he asked. “You said before that Martin is very tolerant of her behavior? Specifically, how to tolerate the law, Tell me more about it!”

Listening to Marx only said that Illily wouldn’t have anything, and then she opened the topic and asked about other things. Pansy couldn’t help feeling a little helpless. Because she came to Marx this time, it was just to solve the arrest of Illuly.

But since Marx asked, she obviously couldn’t answer it.

Therefore, Pansy can only force the impatience in his heart, and he will be able to tell everything he saw in the stinking shop.

Especially with regard to the scene where Mollier left Martin freely, she even put forward her own point of view.

“I think Martin may like Mulier, but whether Muriel likes him or not… I don’t know.”

“Well, Martin’s feelings about that Muriel are ‘like’ for the time being, at least this person should be important to him…”

Marx naturally doesn’t make arbitrary conclusions like Pansy, but the details she observes do have some value.

Slightly stopped, Marx immediately decided:

“About your friend named Illuly, I can’t come out -“

“Professor McLorne!”

I heard that Marx said that he wouldn’t shoot, even if he didn’t even mean to find a Ministry of Magic, Pansy suddenly disappointed.

However, she can’t blame Marx, so she can only be called with a force.

Marx was not interrupted by his interruption, so he saw shrugged:

“I really don’t want to interfere with this matter – you should understand that if I let the Ministry of Magic put her out, then Martin probably will soon doubt what is the relationship between you and me.”

As Marx said, Martin has already seen Pansy’s close relationship with Illu, and after the latter was arrested with Mulier, Pansy returned directly to Hogwarts.

In this way, if Marx helped Pansy, once he was known by Martin, he would not doubt that there was a problem, that is, a fool.

This is very likely to undermine the risk of the entire plan, even if the possibility is small, he will certainly not take it.

“But don’t worry,” Suddenly, Marx turned to the road. “Although I can’t come out to save your friends, you can go by yourself!”

“What?” Pansy hearing this, as soon as he took the time, he shook his head. “No, not to mention that our Parkinson Family has little to do with the current Ministry of Magic. Even if I ask my father to find a way, he is absolutely impossible. Allow me to be a friend with a Goblin half-blood!”


Marx heard, not lightly said with a smile :

“I didn’t let you find a way to go… I want you to go directly to the Ministry of Magic and secretly bring your friend out of it!”

At this point, when Pansy was deeply impressed by his words, Marx suddenly had a tick.

“I have an idea for you, and the problem with taking her out is not big. But the key is that you not only need to choose the right time to do this, but you still need to save more than one of your friends… you understand my Do you mean?”

As Marx meaningfully said this, Pansy’s eyes were getting bigger and bigger.

“You mean -“

Yes, she is already aware of Marx’s intentions – it is clear that Marx is going to let her go and save that Muriel, and perhaps send it back to Martin himself!

Sure enough, the next moment, Marx said calmly:

“Bring that Muriel out, and this will be a key to your true trust in Martin. If all goes well, your hopes of completing the task will no longer be out of date.”

After all, he moved toward Pansy and said:

“How, this is a great opportunity, would you like to give it a try?”


Pansy is no longer anxious, because Marx’s idea has made her feel innocent to worry about other things.

For a moment, she couldn’t help but look suspiciously:

“Dream Ministry of Magic? This… can I do it?”

In this regard, Marx looked at her expression as before, with a calm smile on her lips.

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