“In short, don’t bother the school.”

When Draco said this to Pansy, his eyes were a bit cold.

To be honest, after going through that many things, today’s Draco is very different from the past. Although he seemed to be very low-key, but it was out of jealousy against Marx.

If you have that ability, it is definitely a must-see person with his past character.

But now, he has really left a lot of distracting thoughts. Even though there are still some unsuccessful methods in his character that are unique to Slytherin, Marx’s help and his parents’ love finally made him understand the truth:

People can be savvy and deceitful, and they may not even be able to break into evil, but they also need to have a bottom line.

“I don’t know what you’re actually experiencing, and I don’t know what is putting pressure on you. But don’t let Hogwarts get into trouble-” Draco frowned slightly, solemnly, “because I’m going to learn here, Then graduate from here.”

After that, Draco spoke to Pansy and they then left again.

Marx naturally didn’t know what the two had specifically talked about. He only saw that Pansy’s expression seemed complicated when the two quickly returned to the Slytherin stand from the stairs.

Of course, that is better than the initial uneasiness at the beginning.

But apart from that, the two of them had nothing to change – especially Draco, who was still sitting in the original position and he looked at the game as before.

The sun was shining brightly, and it was on his head, and his blond hair was filled with a dazzling rays of light.

“I don’t know if Snape noticed the situation between them… Well, let’s go with the professor and say it after the game is over!”

Marx looked at the two men for a little while, and then regained their sights in the direction of Hermione and Luna. Both of them are still chasing each other at a fairly high speed, as before.

The only difference is that Luna is flying in front of it.

Compared to Hermione’s endless stream of technical moves, Luna’s flight is almost the most mundane, but the most efficient way to fly.

While maintaining a steady lead, she no longer has to keep an eye on Hermione, and she can finally put more energy into searching for golden snitch.

Seeing that the two flew up and down in the sky, one after the other through a path of arc, between the robes and hunting, the speed is gradually reaching the highest speed that can be achieved under the broom.

Gradually, Luna took Hermione to the lower and lower, and finally almost mixed into the attack and defense of the stadium chasers.

The whistling sound of the bludger slowly became clear.

“Don’t Luna think that golden snitch will be here?”

It’s not a sensible behavior for Seeker to blend into the battlefield between Chase and Beater – when they are too close to Beater, the bludger will become more and more threatening to them.

And just as Hermione thought so, their Gryffindor Beater Ritchie Gutt had noticed Luna and Hermione who had descended from the air.

So, he saw that he decisively pressed the broom handle and rushed over to a bludger not far from him.

“Luna, be careful of your right front!”

Ravenclaw’s autumn reaction was very fast, and Gut’s hitting position was predicted in advance.

And after she shouted, Gryffindor’s Ritchie Gute just flew to the position, picking up the batting stick and slamming into the bludger facing him Accio.


This slamming power was great. The bludger that had been flying in the air was hit by him this time. He suddenly changed direction and flew straight to several positions in front of Luna.

However, Luna also got the reminder of autumn in the first step. At that time, she gently changed the broom handle and changed the flight route slightly.

The next second, the bludger slammed on her side at high speed, rubbing her pale gold long hair, which was bunched up and still floating in the air, flew away.

“Luna! Don’t come here, stay away from Beater!”

I heard the voice shouting again in the autumn, indicating Luna not to go to the height of the goal.

Although there are also Seeker’s offensive methods of attack in the tactics of Quiddich, they have not practiced this technique, so this will affect the teammates.

“Oh!” Luna quickly responded with a loud voice. “We will leave soon! But we may have to wait a second –”

After all, she continued to go up and down in the midfield, and even more fluttering than before. The bludger sometimes flies past her, or Hermione behind her, and the young wizards are cold sweat.

“What the hell is she doing? Is it… Is she really really finding snitch over there?”

The number of people who think so has become more and more. After all, if not, why should she stay in the most fierce and violent places of the two teams for so long?

However, the audience thinks so, but it does not mean that the players on both sides think so.

They are much closer than the young wizards sitting in the stands. In particular, several chasers who are concentrated near the midfield, none of them saw the golden snitch.

In this way, Luna and Hermione are rushing in the midfield for a while.

When the two of them suddenly turned their heads and looked in a certain direction at the same time, all the talents saw the two men turn around and rushed to the past.

And in the direction that the two of them were staring, a touch of almost invisible golden light passed by in the air and fell to the ground at a very fast speed.

That is golden snitch!

In today’s game, snitch appeared much earlier than everyone thought, and even the current score is only a little ahead of 30 and Ravenclaw.

“hua la ——”

This time, Hermione discovered the location of snitch earlier, even if it was only a little bit older than Luna, but it was enough to make her step forward.

However, Luna did not show weakness, and he followed Hermione in two positions, and did not relax for a moment.

It can be seen that since the golden snitch is flying down to a few feet from the lawn, both of them have to follow the ground again and again.

When they flew over the lush spring grass, the airflow formed by the high speed seemed to open the lawn, causing the blades of grass to bend down.

Most of the young wizards in the stands were busy rushing to the railings on the edge of the high platform and going down as much as possible.

Of course, golden snitch is not so easy to catch up.

The two men darted forward after the golden light, and the direction was adjusted as the snitch turned, sometimes higher and lower, but never too far from the ground.

To be honest, even if they are wearing protective gear on their bodies, this scene seems to be quite dangerous.

“I hope they don’t have to go to Madam Pomfrey after the game.” Professor McGonagall looked at the scene with a worried look. Looking at her, I couldn’t help but pull out the wand.

However, this is actually quite common in Quidditch match, and the sport sometimes blames “barbarism.”

There is usually a saying in the team that “a player who has not broken the bones on the court will not be a good player.” Although it seems that this is from the mouth of Gryffindor, it still makes sense.

However, no matter how much the audience in the stands is trembling in fear, Hermione and Luna have forgotten everything because of fierce competition and chasing. In their eyes, there is only the golden one in front, and there is no more.

The oncoming wind blew the cheeks of both of them, and let their hair sway in the air. Under the protective gear, the cloak of the uniform swayed in the wind, making the sound of hua hua.

After two people’s pursuit of chasing, the distance between them and snitch is constantly getting closer. Maybe not long after, Hermione, one step ahead, will have a chance to shoot.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the golden light slammed and changed direction. It was moved towards the stands behind the slanting stool, and then hangs straight against the top of the platform. go with.

This downturn made Luna, which was slightly behind, get another turn. And she did not miss this opportunity, even when she turned the broom and turned it up, it also rose to the sky with the hanging cloth under the high platform.

Hermione didn’t make mistakes, but because Snitch’s actions did make Luna more favorable, and eventually she could only fall into the same position.

It was obvious that both of them were attached to the high platform bracket and rushed up at a very fast speed.

Marx, who had just gotten to the side of the railing, saw that he had to step back a little, lest the golden snitch hit him directly.

Then he saw a golden light leading two extremely fast silhouettes, and suddenly flew in front of himself, like a muggle rocket.

The rapid gust of the strong wind that was brought up, and the robes of his clothes were all fluttering.

“Hey!” Marx leaned his neck and couldn’t help but sigh. “Really, they both fly really well today.”

“Yeah!” Slughorn next to him stood up and said happily. “But to speak, I didn’t fly very well when I was young… Well, my favorite is the cheers of the female children in the stands!”

Not to mention the old man who is very thick and self-satisfied, Marx remembered the Wronski Feint that Hermione had just given up, and Luna’s presence in the field.

No matter what the two are fighting for, he is no longer worried about the result – because of the attitude of the two in this game, he knows that it will be a good ending.

Shaking his head secretly, Marx sat back on the seat again, and suddenly his face raised a little peace of mind.

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