In general, it is not easy to think about leaking in the black market. Let’s not mention that the Boss of those stores have been dealing with various commodities all the year round. It is a fake that can deceive the general guests.

I have to say that a little girl like Pansy, who wants to see something cheap here, is really too idiotic to say a dream.

Unless … is someone who secretly has another purpose, specifically wants her to get some “special” benefits.

When Pansy came out of the “Sniffing King Collection Store”, she had already had a book with a silver-rimmed cover on her hand.

The book has only two palms in total, which she found in the store’s miscellaneous cabinet.

In that cupboard, there are a variety of things that are judged to be of low value—for example, a polished bronze nameplate, a brand new glass ornament, or a gold-plated muggle ornament. .

And because the book that is suspected of a magic book is shiny, but it is actually a hardcover storybook, it is the most typical kind of thing that “smells like but can’t sell much money.”

So, it was also thrown in by the collection’s Boss – at least on the surface it seems to be the case.

However, Pansy, who had just a lot of time, turned the book back and forth, and happened to find that the text on one of the pages was obviously not part of the storybook.

“It seems like… is an ancient magic ceremony?”

Suddenly, Pansy’s mind flashed such a guess.

To be honest, the contents of the magic ceremony are terrifying, and even involve a rather brutal death. When Pansy first read it in the store, she was scared to have a cold sweat from the vest.

However, when she saw the end of the page and said that after doing the above method to get a more powerful magic innate talent, Pansy’s heart was almost shocked and stopped half a beat.

“is this real?”

After glance at the top of the miscellaneous cabinet as quietly as possible, she confirmed the price tag – just five gold galleons, although it is at least twice as expensive as the real magic book, but it is not what makes people Unacceptable price.

Even if their economy is not abundant, Parkinson’s family is relative, so that her family’s family is not as thin as Weasley Family.

“made money!”

Don’t say anything else, anyway, buying this book is definitely only a profit… Pansy at that time is very positive about his judgment.

So, Pansy played a little clever, only said in front of Boss in the store that he liked the refined style of the book, and then she bought the storybook with the hidden mystery.

However, she did not know, she was still losing money, and the loss is not so superficial as the Gold Galleon.


After buying the book that day, Pansy did not elaborate with the family. He only mentioned that it was an old storybook that was bought with a few silver coins.

In fact, to be honest, even she has not confirmed her own mood, I do not know how to deal with the potion formula and magic ceremony written on the page.

A few days later, at the time of the Brisbane magic circle’s wizard, it seemed that the long Christmas holiday was finally coming to an end. Pansy, on the other hand, took the Hogwarts Express train and returned to school.

In those few days, she didn’t touch the book anymore, just let it stay in the bookcase in her room. And before returning to school, I also told myself several times that I should not take it to Hogwarts Castle.

The reason for this is not the other – the pure-blood family’s wizard is mostly not afraid of dark magic, she just considers that it is obviously more dangerous to bring dark magic to school.

What’s more, the extremely powerful and intelligent Marx McLorne can teach at school! She really can’t guarantee that she won’t be discovered by the guy who looks like a god.

But in the end, Pansy still couldn’t suppress the contradiction between the desire and the fear, and stuffed it into his suitcase before leaving the room to get out.

The night that Pansy arrived at Hogwarts was undoubtedly uneasy.

In the girls’ bedroom of Slytherin, she didn’t sleep very well all night, and she was worried that the book in the suitcase under the bed would be discovered by others.

Yes, will the book page with the terrifying magic ceremony leave some very secret dark magic traces, although she can’t detect it, maybe Marx McLorne can notice it?

So, until the breakfast time of the official start of the next day, when Professor McGonagall announced the news of McLorne’s temporary resignation, Pansy couldn’t help but relax.

Probably Marx was not in Hogwarts, and Pansy’s heart was a lot slack. At first she was still scared of the horror of the magic ceremony, but now the feeling is much less, but the desire has once again occupied her heart.

After a few days of hesitation, I couldn’t resist the idea of ​​replacing the big brother Persace and taking up the burden of the family, gradually suppressing the fear of my heart.

A determination, in a potion class on a certain day, poured her heart.

鏉 浜 浜 浜 纻

No, it’s still far from having to consider that point… The first thing she needs to do is to prepare the special potion as a prerequisite according to the recipes and steps on the page.

It must be said here that as a girl of Slytherin, Prefect, Pansy’s academic performance is not bad. She is worse than the big brother in terms of cursing and transfiguration, but the level of potion is not low.

You know, a Sixth Year student who is promoted to the NEWTs refresher class has actually become stronger than many people.

However, the potion recorded on the book page is quite difficult. She repeatedly tried and failed again and again, and even almost once gave up because she felt that she could not do it.

She has to admit that when she is about to give up, the subconscious is actually secretly relieved.

But unfortunately, from the moment she wanted to try to prepare potion, a gambler-like desire has long been the devil in her heart.

The only difference from a real gambler is that what she wants to gamble is a expectation for the future.

If you can’t let go, then you can only continue—she has to complete this potion and get a potential that will make most people look up. This will be her future, reinvigorating the family’s capital as a witch!

“Well, maybe I can get more…say, a gaze from Draco?”

The turmoil of the Malfoy Family, Pansy knew clearly, and she even learned from Draco’s own time at home that she had learned from her parents.

And because Draco’s father Lucius Malfoy was sentenced to Azkaban, the Malfoy Family has lost its predecessors in the past, and even many of the forces of cooperation have been cold-handed with a temporary termination.

If Pansy Parkinson, who decided to start refining, would have completely let go of the boy who has gradually lost the family?

However, Pansy, who has the idea of ​​”being a strong woman,” can instead put his affection in the first place of marriage.

She wants to liberate the pressure of the big brother, she also wants to revitalize the Parkinson Family, she wants to win the love of Draco! If you think about it carefully, these three people not only have no conflicts, but complement each other, aren’t they?

But Pansy understands that her desire must be based on real ability.

People often say that once a goal is achieved, people will have motivation; the more attractive the goal, the stronger the motivation of that person. Pansy’s heart began to be affected by the desire to keep pile up, becoming obsessive and crazy.

After nearly half a month of refining potion, the lucky girl seems to have finally stood behind Pansy – she succeeded with a trace of luck!

However, Pansy, who had successfully prepared potion, was excited, but also had a little chill. And she also understands that the chill is undoubtedly from the subsequent ceremony steps on the page.

“in case……”

“If you just kill a muggle…”

“No, it is to kill a prisoner in a muggle… It should be no problem?”

Such repeated refinement of standards has exposed the struggles in Pansy’s mind.

Yes, she is a sly, unspoken Slytherin model. She can be a pleasure to insult other “low-lying” students. She likes to play house elf at home.

Even she knew that Pansy Parkinson was not a good boy.

But in the end, even if she is so bitter and poisonous, she has not yet reached the level of being able to calm down a killer without a hate.

Not to mention, the killing method in the ceremony is… so terrifying and terrifying.

“Kill, kill?”

For a few days, Pansy was awakened by nightmares in the middle of the night – obviously she hasn’t really killed anyone yet.


“So, is a muggle hangman?”

In Snape’s office, Marx sat face-to-face with Pansy, and the owner, Snape, leaned indifferently at the desk not far away.

In the face of this faint question from Marx, Pansy clenched his lips tightly, and the fingers entangled were pale because of too much effort.

After a long time, she only re-started the brief remark.

Telling the story just now has already cost her too much strength. Now she really doesn’t want to say anything.

When Marx saw it, he turned his head and looked at Snape a little bit—both of them witnessed death and personally gave death. They were all very clear about Pansy’s mood at the moment.

“So,” Marx suddenly turned back and asked coldly, “The face of that person when he died… You must remember to be clearer than your big brother’s face?”

“Do not–“

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