Whether it is often said that “the dead will eventually become the past”, or Dumbledore often said “death is another great adventure”, in fact, it has repeatedly reminded everyone of the distance between life and death.

And perhaps this disparity will make Pettigrew Peter, Tom Riddle, and even the ancient dark wizard Herpo fearful?

However, Dumbledore chose to make a bet with his own life, “selfish” and readily embarked on the road of nowhere to find death.

Yes, the great wizard Dumbledore has indeed left everyone. And Marx understands that the person who leaves will definitely never return.

Perhaps only those ghosts who have been stranded in the world for various reasons can be considered to be slightly shackled by the “absolute rule”.

And the price they paid was an invisible, yet almost eternal cage.

Until now, after Dumbledore’s death, Marx thought a lot and finally came to a conclusion.

“Professor Dumbledore… You said, those white ghosts that floated around in the air all day, isn’t it ‘death’ leaving us with the “warnings” of these wizards?”

In the responsive room, Marx asked Dumbledore about this little question about the rules of death. But unfortunately, probably only the real Dumbledore can answer this doubt for him.


When the doorknob of the responsive room was gently twisted from the inside, Hermione and Luna and the others all rushed out of the corner of the other side.

It can be seen from the back of the slowly opening door, but still only Marx.

After seeing Marx backhand and closing the door again, the big guys walked through the gallery, and each and everyone gathered around him.

Even the windbreaker wizard, which had just been away from the crowd, couldn’t help but stand quietly at the moment, throwing the line of sight in the shadow of the hat.

“Harry? Marx, how is Harry?”

The most anxious nature is Ginny, and she looks at her face with Marx’s arm, fearing that as long as Marx dares to say a few words about Harry’s bad news, she can stun it to everyone!

Knowing that everyone was already anxious at this time, Marx didn’t say anything more nonsense, even shaking his head even with a smile.

“Nothing, Harry is very good – too good to be good!” He patted Ginny’s shoulder. “Let’s relax, don’t be so nervous, you can relax.”

Among these small partners, Marx’s words are still very useful. Even if there is only one person from the responsive room, everyone will put a long breath, just as the worry hanging in the heart has finally fallen to the ground.

After this, Ginny asked again:

“That… that Hami (Li), why didn’t he come out with Lee (you)…”

It is estimated that because she has suddenly relaxed from the extremely tight state of mind, she not only gasped, but also the tongue did not listen to it, and the words that were said were subtly broken.

Of course, Ginny’s unclearness is no problem, but her question is exactly what everyone wants to ask.

Looking at the pair of eyes with a lingering look in front of him, Marx smiled again.

“Because Harry still needs time,” he said. “Although I can’t say how long it will take, I know that he will soon come out of his own…”

Speaking of this, he also paused for a moment, then stressed:

“With his sword together!”

With that said, Marx smiled and urged everyone to return to their classrooms and receive deduct points and penalties for their absence.


Seeing the last Luna still licking the probe, Marx had to wave his head and wave at her. When Luna saw it, she ran away and ran away.

Waiting for everyone except the windbreaker wizard to go back, Marx just turned back and leaned over at the other end of the corridor.

“Professor McGonagall, come on soon -“

The voice fell a little, and the corner of the uninhabited side was blurred, and a silhouette appeared there.

“It seems that it’s not just you, even Miss Lovegood has found me.” McGonagall, who came out from there, looked at Marx and said softly.

Just saying this sentence, her face is not half-lost, and some are just a smile that witnessed the outstanding growth of students.

Soon, Professor McGonagall feels like a sensation:

“I heard the news of Mr Potter’s innocence and saw that the children have grown up. I have already begun to rejoice that I can find the right place in time today.”

At this point, Marx did not ask her why she wanted to hide her body with Disillusionment Charm, because the answer is already obvious.


Maybe it’s because Hermione and other friends haven’t shown anything unusual! Harry’s temporary leave was not too big for the school.

In the afternoon, after everyone apologized to the missing professors, this thing was basically a thing of the past.

Of course, as Marx mentioned earlier, deduct points and penalties are caused by Hogwarts’ rules, and the disposal is inevitable.

By the way, administrator Filch seems to be very happy about this.

After dinner, they waited for them to go up all the floors and cleaned the common washrooms. Marx called them all into the auditorium.

Not long after, the Gryffindor in the castle hall was at the long table.

“Before you had to go to class, so I didn’t say too much. Now, before you all go back to the common room and homework, I think I should mention it to you.”

Listening to Marx, Hermione and the others couldn’t help but wonder – Marx said it was short, but it seems that he said it already?

Is there anything missing?

Everyone didn’t interrupt Marx. Everyone just put his doubts on him and waited for him to continue.

“Well, actually, I have two things to say at the moment,” Marx said. “First, I saw Professor Dumbledore in the responsive room.”


When this sentence comes out, even Luna, who is not in the heart of anything, has widened his eyes, not to mention the others present here.

“Wait, I haven’t finished yet!”

Marx immediately showed a cheerful smile, which means profound and authentic:

“When I saw ‘he’, I was a little surprised in my heart – can’t you just surprise me alone?”

“So?” Hermione quickly asked, “What the hell is going on?”

“Actually, this is related to the second thing I want to say. You see, this is it!”

As he spoke, he took out the storybook that was being looked at by Dumbledore at the time and gently placed it on the table in front of him.

“Griffin from the Wilderness”, this is the relic that Professor Dumbledore gave to Harry.”

Hermione looked at it and subconsciously reached out and touched the satchel he had always carried with him. The dung stone that Dumbledore left for her, still lying quietly in a corner of it!

“Things are like this – in this book, a small mark was left by Professor Dumbledore. Only when Harry can actually touch the inner Gryffindor sword, the mark will be activated,” Marx said. I can’t help but shrugged. “It’s quite a strange way to hide. I didn’t find it at the time.”

After admiring a little in the small land, he said again:

“However, it is only a transfiguration product that contains the memory of Professor Dumbledore, and it can last for a long time. What he taught is only based on Harry’s efforts and persistence, and then push him that’s All !”

Hearing the appearance of Professor Dumbledore, Hermione and the others were very impressed.

Although the old man had already left everyone for a short period of time, after that, everyone experienced a lot of things, but now I want to come, the other face of loving kindness is still vivid.

After a few minutes, Hermione, who first put his heart back in his heart, continued to start talking:

“Marx, then the second thing you want to say… is that let me and Ron give you a re-visit of the professor’s relics?”


Marx spread out the right hand and stretched out, directly to the local road:

“Professor Dumbledore is always looking at the long-term, but we can’t rely on his wisdom to take a step forward. I believe that the professor is also looking forward to our growth.”

Like Professor McGonagall – he secretly added a secret in his heart.

Hermione was nodded, and quickly found the black ugly scum from the bag and then stuffed it into Marx’s hands.

No way, even now that I can guess what secrets may be there, I can face a piece of dung stone, and she still has a hard time to like it.

Then again, she is also a female child of a good age. Isn’t it?

On the other hand, Marx took advantage of this stuff and looked back and forth on the silver necklace and the stone itself. No matter how he studies it, it is really just a potion material that can be detoxified in an emergency.

At the end of the day, he seems to have put it in his mouth to taste a taste.

As for the story book, do you have any marks, but he did not find it anyway!

With a slap in the face, Marx simply reached out to Ron and asked him to hand over the small glass bottle containing Phoenix’s reborn embers.

However, at this moment, he stopped the action of reaching for the hand, but gently measured the dung stone in his left hand.

“Hey?” Marx raised his eyebrows and couldn’t help but say, “This weight… doesn’t seem to be right?”

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