“Harry is leaving the Quiddich Academy, but Luna and Hermione have joined in!”


After listening to Charlotte’s subtle news, Marx couldn’t help but reveal a puzzled expression.

“What kind of inner change did they experience? I remember that Hermione didn’t like Quidditch match very much. Luna was just keen on being an audience… yes, where did they play?”

Between Marx and Charlotte, Quiddich is usually a topic full of memories, after all, both of them have played in the Hufflepuff house team.

Seeing Marx asking about the location of Luna and Hermione, Charlotte smiled:

“Hermione replaced Harry’s position, and Luna became Ravenclaw’s new Seeker. Just a few days ago, the two passed the selection as if they had an appointment.”

“Oh, is it two Seekers?” Marx hearing this, not shrugged. “I hope they like the feeling of chasing snitch?”

“Is that just like this?” Charlotte gave him a meaningful look. “You don’t have any other feelings?”

Marx smiled and spread out both hands, slightly helpless authentic:

“Other feelings? Yes… I also hope that the two of them can happily play to graduate, but don’t happen anything strange!”

“What’s the weird thing?” Hey, a voice suddenly sounded behind him, “Hey, Marx, are you here?”

“Professor McGonagall.”

Marx followed and turned around and saw McGonagall coming from the door.

Probably it was a quiet day during this time. Her spirits looked much better than before, and even the expression was more relaxed.

“Good morning, um… looks good today?”

“Is it?” Professor McGonagall took the textbook and said as he walked to the desk. “Maybe! Thanks to the fact that you are running outside, we can safely teach the students in school… Is this?”

Watching McGonagall sit down at the desk, then look up at himself, with a faint smile on his face, and Marx can feel the ease of treating his family.

When McGonagall asked about the windbreaker wizard sitting next to it, Marx simply revisited the set of words that Charlotte had just introduced.

Although Professor McGonagall couldn’t help but look at the other side after hearing it, since it is followed by Marx, the degree of trust is not a problem.

Not long after, McGonagall said again:

“…Marx, this time, is there anything to say?”

“Well, it’s a little bit of something to say.” He nodded. “I and Mr. Victor… Oh, the father of Professor Sinista, I am going to “borrow” some from the muggle. Things moved to the school gate – you know, to deal with the trouble I mentioned last time.”

“Ah!” Professor McGonagall suddenly said, “Of course, no problem, need me to help?”

“That’s not necessary,” Marx said with a smile. “I asked Minister Scrimgeour to contact the old bishop. Everything will be done without disturbing the school’s teaching. This time, I just want to mention this with you. Things, by the way, try not to let the students go out of school!”

At that time, there will definitely be a muggle walking outside the school gate of Hogwarts, but the muggle can’t see the situation on campus.

Because of the role of the curse, even if the muggles stare at the school gate for a whole day, they will only see a ruin that erects a dangerous warning sign that’s all.

However, although muggle will not give birth to the idea of ​​finding it inside, but if there is a wizard, it can still enter the school.

So Marx said that it is best not to let the students go out, so as not to add unnecessary after-work work.

“What I am worried about now is whether the magic power in the castle will be too strong, so that the muggle equipment placed outside the school gate is affected…”

As he spoke, he suddenly shook his head and quickly said:

“Forget it, anyway, I have to wait until those things are sent over to know. Let’s not talk about it now! Let’s talk about the school here. Is there any difficulty in the operation of the school recently? How about the school board?” Are those pure-blood families still safe?…”

After talking about the business, Marx talked to McGonagall and Charlotte about some of Hogwarts’ school affairs.

In the normal work, they are both of them – Professor McGonagall exercises the headmaster position, and Charlotte, the assistant, tries his best to assist the former.

To be honest, if Charlotte is still connected to the family, she will be able to help with a lot of things in the school. Unfortunately, she did not like her family, apparently not willing to mention the “Werther” surname.

Today, Hogwarts relies mainly on Dumbledore’s legacy of the past and the current prestige that Marx has accumulated.

Obviously, after a series of events held before Marx, the current Hogwarts are definitely more weighty than they used to be. It’s just this weight, but it’s not as solid as Dumbledore’s headmaster.

Fortunately, Marx has been paving the way for Dumbledore’s mess – for example, the children were sent to Blois Fort in France not long ago, and it may not be a good idea to add a future opportunity to Hogwarts.


In a casual conversation, another class of time soon passed. When McGonagall asked Marx if they wanted to stay and have lunch together, Marx should be happy if he should.

“Look and see! It’s Professor McLorne!”

“Now he is not a professor, he should be Mr. McLorne-“

“No, in my heart McLorne is always a professor!”

“I like to call him ‘Marx’ directly, like I am more amiable?”

“Oh, I bet the potato goulash tastes good today! I sneaked into the kitchen last night and saw that house elf had some new spices…”

Although in the scream of surprise, there seems to be a mixture of discussions that are completely unrelated to Marx. But in general, everyone is obviously happy for his sudden appearance, and chirp chirp twitter twitter is even more heated in the auditorium.

“Oh, obviously you have been temporarily resigned, and it’s still so popular among these little guys, it’s unfair!”

Listening to Charlotte next to him 嘀嘀gu gu, Marx can only helplessly laughed.

“At least some people think that today’s potato goulash will be more attractive than my arrival, isn’t it?”

Of course, in addition to other students, the sight of Hermione and the others is also indispensable. But he was invited to leave the lunch after the all is Professor McGonagall, so he just said hello, then went to the teacher to sit there.

It was followed by the windbreaker wizard, and because there was no way to add seats to the staff, Marx simply let him sit in the empty seat of the Slytherin.

Not long after, Hermione hurriedly filled her stomach and looked at Marx’s side. Then she put down the tableware and sneaked into the other side.

“Hello… can I sit next to you?”

To be honest, Marx’s previous comments were really not wrong – the windbreaker and wide-brimmed hat on the body were really a bit too eye-catching.

Especially on the dinning table, even the fact that hat is not picked is obviously a rather rude performance.

Therefore, even before Hermione came over, many of the students around were secretly looking at it.

However, this mysterious windbreaker wizard completely ignored it, just head down and send food to his mouth. Even if someone hears someone to talk to himself, he just silently positions his head after he pauses his hand.

“Thank you.”

After Hermione sat down, she did not immediately ask what to do.

She came over this time. One was curious as to what the strange wizard with Marx was. The second was to try to get a slogan from the other side, trying to know what Marx was busy with recently.

In the teaching staff, Marx naturally noticed Hermione’s move. But for this, he did not know for a moment whether he should worry or not.

In fact, he is not worried about Hermione, but the trench coat wizard – because of his understanding of these days, this person is not very good at communicating with others.

how to say? Is the value not the same as ordinary people?

On the other side, Hermione silently looked at the strange wizard who couldn’t even look at her face, and her heart was still figuring out where it would be appropriate to open.

Speaking of it, it may be different from what I saw at the Gryffindor long table.

Looking at the distance from the beginning, Hermione thought that this would not be a easy-going person; but once the distance was close, she did not feel any terrifying breath from the other side.

After hesitating for a while, Hermione was started talking:

“I am a student of Hermione Granger, Gryffindor, and a former student of Marx. I don’t know, you and Marx are -“

The only thing she has to do with this person is Marx. Think about it, from the topic related to Marx seems to be the most reasonable entry point.

On the occasion of Hermione’s voice falling, the windbreaker wizard seemed to have concerns and did not answer Hermione’s question very quickly.

When Hermione waited patiently for a little while, she was surprised to hear a hoarse voice, ringing from the other side of the tall collar.

“I and Ma… and Mr. McLorne are friends. Just half a month ago, we became friends.”

In the name of Marx, this trench coat wizard seems to be somewhat difficult to determine – this is the first thing that Hermione has noticed after listening to the other person’s sentence.

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