Harry Potter: My Elemental Magic Turns the World Upside Down

Chapter 452 The increasingly fierce collision

Gabriel and God Toto fought chaotically at an altitude of 10,000 meters, and both intentionally prevented the attack from falling on the ground, causing unnecessary casualties and destruction.

After all, Kettleair is really strong.

Regarding their battle, Kettler also knew that they had a sense of proportion, so he ignored them even more.

These guys have grievances, Keitelair is not surprised at all.

The battle of the gods, the battle of life and death, if there is no grievance, it is still somewhat unreasonable.

Now, it is undoubtedly a good thing for them to resolve their grievances in advance.

When Snape came to Jianju, seeing Kettleaire's leisurely look, he was speechless for a while.

"Professor Kate, you are so leisurely, I'm going to be so busy."

Snape made a cup of coffee and said dissatisfiedly.

Although it was very chaotic outside, the recruitment matter did not stop because of this.

What's more, because the magician has been exposed in front of the world, it is much easier to recruit students.

Letting go of the conditions, this year's first-year freshmen numbered as many as six hundred.

This is still considering the limited number of professors in schools today, otherwise, more students can be recruited.

When considering the matter of teaching, in order to cultivate more students and cultivate more new forces, many sixth-grade students directly become intern professors. After graduating one year later, according to the quality of teaching, they can directly become full-time full-time professors.

Harry Potter and other students who have good attainments in elemental magic even directly became magic professors in the elemental magic class.

Speaking of this, Sirius felt that there was no need for him to continue to hide his identity, so, in front of everyone, Sirius took the initiative to expose his identity, and became a professor of thunder magic in the identity of Sirius Black.

Harry Potter became an intern professor of wind magic, Hermione became an intern professor of water magic, Cedric became an intern professor of earth magic, Carianna became an intern professor of fire magic, and so on.

In addition to the light department and the dark department, the five element disciplines including water, fire, earth, wind and thunder have two intern professors, and they are all students with good attainments in elemental magic.

In addition, the young couple Neville Longbottom and Hannah became trainee professors of herbal medicine.

These arrangements have been made, but Snape needs to coordinate and keep abreast of the teaching situation of these people and the learning progress of the students. Therefore, with professionalism, Snape has not been idle.

Hearing this, Keitelair laughed and said, "Those who can do more work, this is what you should do as the principal."

Snape gave Kettleaire a blank look, took out an invitation letter and handed it to Kettleaire, saying, "It's for you."

Kettleair accepted the invitation.

Seeing the red invitation letter, Keitelair's eyes lit up.

Opening the invitation letter, looking at the contents inside, a smile appeared on his face, and he said, "Congratulations, Severus."

Snape listened to Kettleair's words with a happy smile on his face.

After years of familiarity and understanding, Sisremenka finally agreed to his proposal and agreed to marry him.

And their wedding is October 1st.

There is still about a month!

"Don't worry, I will definitely attend your wedding." Keitelaire nodded and smiled.

"Okay, then I'll go first, there are still some people, I need to go." Naturally, Snape knew that Kettleair would agree.

However, Keitelaire's identity is always a bit special, and what he has to do is even more important.

Therefore, when necessary, he did not want to delay Kettleaire.

However, it would be even more perfect to get Kettleaire's personal consent now.

The next time, it will be a little simpler.

He will still give lectures in the Elemental Magic School calmly, but now those who come to listen to his lectures are all the elite students of Hogwarts.

After these elite students have achieved something in their studies, they will be arranged to help other students.

So, students of Hogwarts, it is not easy at all now.

Because, the juniors and juniors will have a senior brother and senior sister who will guide and urge them to work hard to learn elemental magic.

The same is true, the teaching of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry focuses on elemental magic, supplemented by traditional magic, and learns other courses.

Apart from teaching, what Keitelaire has to do is to pay attention to the actions of the gods, and when they are in danger, take action to protect them from returning safely.

Apollo, Saul, Poseidon, Athena and others did not sit idle because of Kettleaire's existence.

There are more gods, gradually waking up, they want to find these gods, and not be killed by Thanatos, the god of death, and his men.

Artemis, sister of the sun god Apollo, known as the goddess of hunting.

Ares, the god of strength.

Hephaestus, god of fire.

Hestia, the head of the goddesses, is Zeus, the eldest sister of Poseidon, with a high status.

Hades, Lord of the Underworld, is in charge of the undead.

These five main gods of the Olympic system were found by Apollo and others during these times, and the main gods after awakening.

At the same time, this is what they know, after the last battle of the gods, the main god has not yet completely fallen.

Compared with the gains of Apollo and others, Thanatos, the god of death, and Jehovah, the god of light, have already achieved greater gains and formed more armies.

With these two big figures showing their faces in front of the world, recruiting believers, and occupying territory, each has a huge foundation.

Their power spread all over the world, but they were all sensible, and they didn't extend their tentacles towards that mysterious place in China.

The land of China, also known as the forbidden land of the gods, has never been underestimated for them.

Some undead angels, or undead, rushed into the edge of the forbidden area rashly, and were destroyed by the endless thunder or sword light.

With such a warning, in order to avoid drawing out those ancient oriental gods, they had to warn the people below.

Compared with the chaos around the world, although China is on alert, it is safe.

As a result, mortals from many forces wanted to seek refuge in China.

But they were all rejected.

At this time, if some special people are mixed in, it will be a troublesome thing.

Kettleair looked at the list in his hand. According to Apollo and the others, at least half of the gods had been resurrected and reincarnated.

What's more, some gods woke up a long time ago, have accumulated a lot of strength, and have almost recovered themselves.

And almost every day, you can see thunder bursts, rainbow lights flashing across the sky at a height of 10,000 meters, or dark clouds cover the sky, fire burns the sky, corpses fall from high altitude, etc.

The collision between each other is getting more and more intense.

Compared with the battle between gods, the battle between armies and armed forces of various countries and demons is even more intense.

Therefore, Keitelair had to take action from time to time, or let the professor lead the elite students to teleport to a certain battlefield, participate in the battle, increase experience and so on.

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