The door that appeared suddenly exuded a powerful aura and a holy light.

The door opened, and six eight-winged female angels, dressed in white gauze, flew out of it accompanied by hymns.

Looking at the door that appeared and feeling the familiar aura, Gabriel's figure suddenly froze, his eyes widened in disbelief.

And Michael and the others, who were already in despair, seemed to see hope after feeling the familiar breath, and excited smiles appeared on their faces.


"Yes, the Lord God, the Lord God has come to save us."

Michael was so excited that he cheered excitedly.

This is the Holy Gate, the Lord God Yahweh's way of appearance, just like this.

They like it too.

Now, apart from them, the one who has this qualification is Jehovah.

In their current state, the only one who can relieve them and save them is the Lord God Jehovah.

Apollo, the God of Thunder, Thor, the God of Thunder, Athena, the Goddess of War, Herb, the Goddess of Youth, and Poseidon, the God of the Sea, stood together. They were shocked, but extremely vigilant.

Although from Gabriel's mouth, he already knew that Jehovah's soul was damaged, and it was because of the seal of God that he could not recover by himself, and his terrifying strength was also affected by this.

However, Jehovah's strength is already terrifying.

Keitelair narrowed his eyes instantly as he watched Jehovah with eighteen pairs of wings coming out of the Holy Gate.

Jehovah's skin, very good, in the Muggle world, that is the goddess of the national husband level.

Handsome, good-looking and online, more importantly, when this guy comes out, the halo of the Holy Light is full, giving people a very friendly feeling.

Facing such a Jehovah, those who do not understand and have no resistance are afraid that they will fall into this hypocritical gentleness and kindness.

As soon as Yahweh came out, the holy light on his body shrouded immediately, and enveloped the seven Michaels.

At this moment, the magic that Kettler had cast on Michael and the others disintegrated layer by layer.

Michael, Raphael, Raguel, Medalen, and Uriel felt their divinity return, their physical bodies were no longer ordinary, and the rich light magic also showed a terrifying power on them. Healing power.

In just a few breaths, the body that was originally bloody and bloody recovered completely at this time.

Michael and the others waved their wings and flew in front of the Lord in an instant. Each of them held a divine soldier, staring at Kettler, ready to fight.

On the contrary, the ghost general who was conjured up by Keitelaire, under the holy light of the Lord, melted and disappeared in an instant, like night meeting day.

Sariye felt the comfort brought by the holy light, her body recovered, but she was stunned for a while.

Sariel looked at Gabriel. At this time, his expression was complicated.

Yes, Gabriel didn't know what to do at this time.

Before that, he decided to betray Yahweh, and even took Sariel with him.

But just when he was about to surrender to Kettleaire, the main god who gave him his name appeared.

Gabriel had no doubt at all that the Lord must be watching what happened here.

What's more, Gabriel doubted that Jehovah must be watching in the dark.

"Sariel, are you still not coming back?" Yahweh stared at Sariel and said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Sariel paused for a moment, then turned around and gave Gabriel a complicated look.

"Sorry, I can't betray the Lord God."

After the words fell, Sariye flew towards the recovered body.

However, just as she was about to merge into her body, a force she couldn't resist instantly enveloped her.

Then, during the time she couldn't resist, her whole body and body were dragged into the void.

When it reappeared, it was already at Kettleaire's side, imprisoned aside, unable to move.

Gabriel, Yahweh and the others were unable to react to Sariel's change.

"Gabriel, since you have made your decision, there is no turning back."

"I don't know what the character of your Lord God is, but what I want to tell you is that if it were me, with such a backstabbing subordinate, I would absolutely not tolerate him staying by my side."

Keitelair looked at Gabriel calmly, and said with a smile: "Now, she is in my hands. If you are worried about her safety, I can exile her to a safe place."

"The LORD will not find this place."

Gabriel and the other archangels were all very angry when they heard Keitelaire's words.

This person is too presumptuous.

The lord god came down in person, and he was still so arrogant in abducting and trafficking people.

It is simply not taking the Lord God Jehovah seriously.

"Gabriel, the Lord God is tolerant, now you still have a chance to come back."

"If you insist on going your own way, then don't blame us for not being sympathetic."

Michael stared at Gabriel, still trying hard to persuade.

Their angel family, there are only a handful of characters who can take out their hands, and they cannot be compared with other systems.

The loss of an archangel is also a huge loss to the Christian system.

So, even if it was because of a certain plan, an archangel would be sacrificed, but Gabriel's ability was comparable to that of Sariel?

Hearing this, Gabriel glanced at Kettlele, and then returned to his physical body.

Seeing this, Michael breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Gabriel comes back, there will always be a chance to settle the betrayal.

The most important thing now is Kettler's strength, perhaps only the Lord God Yahweh can match him.

And they must also prevent the interference of the sun god Apollo and others.

After being tortured by Keitelaire and the previous encirclement and suppression of Apollo and others, their strength is not even one in ten, and whether they can stop it is another matter.

After regaining control of his physical body, Gabriel moved a bit, and the next moment, he rushed towards Kettler without looking back.

Seeing Gabriel flying towards him, Apollo, the sun god, was still on guard, while Sariel had a complicated look on his face.

Kettleaire nodded in satisfaction, raised his hand and returned with the golden scroll, and said to Gabriel who was standing aside, "Rules are indispensable."

"Gabriel!" Yahweh stared at Gabriel with incomparable anger, and his golden eyes shone coldly.

He could not tolerate Gabriel's betrayal.

Gabriel ignored Yahweh's wrath, and took a ray of soul into the golden scroll.

At this moment, Gabriel's eyes widened, full of disbelief.

At the same time, Yahweh could no longer tolerate an instant shot.

He couldn't tolerate Gabriel's betrayal, and he also couldn't tolerate Kettler's ignoring his existence and wantonly abducting people.

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