Dumbledore's office.

Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Snape, Kettleair, Hagrid, and Remus Luping and other Hogwarts professors gathered.

"The war has begun."

Dumbledore put down the newspaper and said worriedly.

"Voldemort has caused chaos all over the world and summoned otherworldly demons, and there have been many human casualties."

"All countries dispatched troops to attack these demons and Death Eaters."

"But at the same time, it has completely pushed the magical world to the brink of crisis."

"The peace of more than a hundred years has been broken like this."

Listening to Dumbledore's words, the scene fell into a brief silence.

Snape put away the newspaper, his eyes were a little downcast, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

Hagrid understood it, but he was too smart to speak. In other words, Hagrid knew very well that he couldn't decide anything.

Therefore, Hagrid looked at Kettleair from time to time.

If anyone among these professors had the most weight, it was Kettleair.

One is strength and the other is charm.

And what is currently before everyone is the biggest crisis that Hogwarts will face.

Voldemort officially declared war on Hogwarts and threatened to crush Hogwarts.

The destruction of the Horcrux completely angered Voldemort.

And Voldemort is also very sure that it is Hogwarts' action.

So the Weasley family has all been transferred to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at this time.

"Since Voldemort has declared war, let's fight."

"We have to have faith in our students that they can win this battle."

Seeing that Professor Lupine, Professor Flitwick and others were all looking at him, Keitelair expressed his opinion.

"I believe that their efforts over the years will be effective."

"Besides, the students are still very handy in using combination magic."

Hearing Kettleair's statement, Professor Flitwick was eager to try.

Although the contest with the students is equally dangerous, it is not as exciting as a life-and-death contest.

"If some of the children die because of this, how should we explain to their parents?" Professor McGonagall did not quite agree with Kettleair's opinion.

Letting go of the hands and feet and letting the students go to the battle of life and death has actually violated the school rules.

In addition, as professors, they still need to be responsible for the safety of students.

"Voldemort will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals."

"Blindly protecting them will also tie us back."

"The demons summoned by Voldemort are raging all over the place. Technological weapons can certainly cause damage to those demons, and there are enough troops to act."

"However, the battle between wizards and Muggles has already begun."

"Wizards have always been involved, and so have students."

"If you stand up at this time, take the initiative to fight, and eliminate the enemy, there may be room for relaxation in the future."

Everyone fell into a brief silence after hearing what Keitelaire said.

Dumbledore thought for a long time, and said: "The inaction of the Ministry of Magic has made our appeal a joke."

"Voldemort has almost the entire Ministry of Magic in control, and the Death Eaters speak."

"The quarrel between the Ministry of Magic and the Muggle government directly escalated the incident to the level of war."

"We can't avoid this fight."

"I support Professor Kate's approach."

"Voldemort's army will also be approaching Hogwarts. Now we need to mobilize all the students for standardized training and guidance."

"You will be responsible for this matter, Professor Kate."

Dumbledore took a deep breath and made a decision.

Watching Dumbledore make a final decision.

The eyes of the professors also fell on Kettleair.

Whether the powerful combat power of elemental magic can be brought into play still needs to be commanded by Kettlele himself.

Kettleaire smiled slightly after hearing this, "It's not a difficult thing, Albus."

Dumbledore nodded, and then said, "Then gather in the School of Elemental Magic? Those children, at this time, also want to know how we should deal with it."

Keitelaire stood up, took out the magic crystal, and said, "All the students and staff members in the school gather together at the Elemental Magic School."

Kettleair's voice resounded throughout Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft and Wizardry. At this moment, the students gathered together in twos and threes, excitedly discussing Voldemort's declaration of war on Hogwarts. After being slightly surprised, the students also turned towards elemental magic School collection.

It wasn't the first time they had experienced an announcement like Kettler's.

"Harry, Professor Kate asked us to gather at the School of Elemental Magic. Does this mean that we will participate in the battle again?" Ron came to Harry Potter with the flow of people and asked.

Harry Potter nodded and said, "I think so."

"This is an inevitable battle."

"If possible, I want to participate in it, kill those demons, and save those innocent people who are about to be slaughtered by demons."

Harry Potter had already read the newspapers, and clearly understood the cities and mountain villages destroyed by demons, as well as the dead old people and children.

The world is chaotic and dangerous.

The wizarding world is no longer hidden. Muggles are curious about wizards, but more often they are afraid.

Because wizards brought demons, they also brought destruction and war, and countless people died because of it.

Harry Potter felt compelled to do something.

"Some of those destroyed places are the homes of our alumni. What is the situation of their parents now, I can't contact them yet."

"That side is occupied by demons."

Hermione looked at some crying girls in the distance, calling for mother, and said pitifully and sympathetically.

Sirius frowned slightly, and said: "If there is a fight, their parents will be a troublesome issue."

Hermione immediately heard the problem, and said anxiously: "You mean, they will arrest our parents and relatives and threaten us?"

Sirius nodded and said, "It's not impossible."

Hermione's face turned slightly pale.

Voldemort's demons were now at war with government forces in the Muggle world, and my parents must have known about it.

They must also worry about their own safety.

Thinking of this, Hermione was a little anxious.

Elemental magic school.

Kettleair and other professors waited for the students to gather first.

After all the professors, students, house elves, etc. were all present, Dumbledore then stood up to speak, pros and cons, and the unanimous decision made by the professors after discussion.

"The battle has begun!"

"The wizarding world and the Muggle world must also usher in the light."

"We must protect Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and we must also walk out of the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, defeat demons, and guard peace."

"In the coming time, Professor Kate will guide you to become real warriors."

Dumbledore's voice resounded throughout the School of Elemental Magic, which also meant that Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry had entered a state of war.

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