Harry Potter: My Elemental Magic Turns the World Upside Down

Chapter 314 If the prophecy comes true, will you be afraid?

Time flies, Draco Malfoy's girlfriend turned out to be Luna Jennifer, Harry and the others didn't say it out loud.

Today is different from the past, there is a little bond between each other.

Therefore, they will respect each other's choices in many cases.

Therefore, Draco Malfoy became calm after feeling uneasy, and he didn't care about anything with Harry and the others, and he didn't ask any more questions.

Maybe, when will I come up with a few words of ridicule.

"Harry, have you learned the Patronus?"

"Awesome! This is a very good spell, and it can help you deal with dementors very well."

Seeing Harry Potter showing off the Patronus magic in front of them, Sirius couldn't help but smiled happily.

Even though Harry Potter has dual-element magic of wind and fire, it is not as convenient as thunder-type magic, light-type magic and dark-type magic in dealing with dementors.

Therefore, it is a very good thing to be able to learn the magic of the patron saint.

"Professor Lupine gave you a class in private?" Hermione looked at Harry Potter and said a little excitedly, "Can I also go to him to learn Patronus magic?"

"If you want to learn, I can actually teach you." Sirius looked at Hermione, Ron, Neville, Fred and George, Ginny and Hannah Abbott, and smiled.

"Is it really possible? I'm afraid I won't be able to learn it?" Hannah Abbott said nervously after hearing the words.

The end of the semester is approaching, although at this time, everyone's study will be very intense, but on the weekend, Harry and the others still gather together, come to the small lake, prepare snacks, take out a small tent, There are barbecue and other delicacies inside.

Neville naturally didn't want to miss such an opportunity, so he called Hannah Abbott together.

Hannah Abbott was reluctant at first because she seemed a bit shy.

However, Neville's face was extremely thick, and he didn't know what he said, so he coaxed and called Hannah Abbott over.

Harry and the others already knew the relationship between Neville and Hannah Abbott, so they all welcomed them very warmly.

"Don't be nervous, as long as we relax our minds and imagine beautiful things, it will be easy to show them." Sirius heard the words, comforted Hannah Abbott, and said with a smile.

Hannah Abbott thought for a while, subconsciously grabbed Neville's fat palm, nodded vigorously and said, "Then try it."

Sirius looked at the almost roasted venison, salivated and said, "Eat first, when you are full, Harry and I will teach you how to use Patronus magic."

Fred and George also shouted after anticipation for a long time: "Go!"

This is a small circle, a trusted circle that belongs to them.

Because Neville's parents have recovered and are actively cultivating to restore their strength, Neville's character has undergone even greater changes.

He is not inferior or hesitant, on the contrary, he is enthusiastic, optimistic, and positive.

Now, he is also trying to lose weight, and his obvious facial features have undergone some changes.

According to the words expressed by Hannah Abbott's bewildered eyes, it is getting more and more handsome.

Hannah Abbott was very happy about this.

In fact, such circles can be even larger.

For example, Colin, Luna Lovegood and other juniors still admire Harry Potter very much.

Occasionally, under the encouragement of Sirius, Harry would also communicate with these juniors who were close to him. For example, a small gathering like this could be held once or twice.

This also imperceptibly brought the relationship between Harry and those fans closer, and even increased Harry's status in their hearts.

Harry was originally unwilling to do this, but after being induced by Sirius, he did it after thinking for a long time.

The truth about Sirius Black being wronged was revealed to the world, and the dementor was removed by Cornelius Fudge.

Without the threat of dementors, Hogwarts has also returned to its former bustle.

Learning the magic of the patron saint is not an easy task. After repeated attempts, it was Ginny Weasley who first learned the magic of the patron saint today.

This made Hermione and Hannah Abbott a little shocked, but also very envious.

With the end of the last divination class of this semester, Harry and the others left the tower with slightly bad expressions and came to the small bungalow.

"You didn't work hard to study your textbooks and prepare for the exam the day after tomorrow, why did you come to my place?" Kettleaire asked curiously.

Sirius and the others looked at Harry Potter. The protagonist of this matter was Harry Potter after all.

"We just finished our last divination class, Professor Kate." Harry Potter said seriously.

Keitelaire smiled and said, "Then congratulations to you, there is no need to continue the class for the time being."

Having said that, Kettleair paused for a moment, and said, "However, your appearance tells me that something should have happened in this divination class."

Harry Potter nodded, and said, "Professor Trelawney today is a bit strange, and seems to have made a prophecy."

"Prophecy? She is a divination professor, maybe she really made a prophecy." Kettleaire nodded after hearing this, and then continued: "So, what did he say? Is it a prophecy related to you? ?”

"Yes!" Harry said seriously.

"Her voice is very low, and her eyes are rolling around. It feels more terrifying than Mad-Eye Moody's magic eyes."

"After a while, she suddenly said that Voldemort's servant was leaving to meet him before midnight, and that the servant would help him make a comeback."

"After saying this, Professor Trelawney didn't remember anything. She didn't know what she said at all, as if nothing happened."

"But the truth is, it's real, and we're all watching."

"I know that servant is Peter Pettigrew. He was kidnapped, he was freed, and he resurrected Voldemort."

"This is Professor Trelawney's prophecy, and it is also my nightmare."

"In the past few days, I always have some vague dreams, and it's still the same dream."

Harry Potter touched his forehead, where there was a lightning scar.

Whenever I have that dream, this scar will hurt a little.

Sirius was on the side, looking a little dignified.

He believes in Professor Trelawney's prophecy because he and Harry Potter's dreams collide.

This is not just a dream, but a prophecy.

Kettleair stretched out his hand, gently pressed it on Harry Potter's lightning scar, and said with a smile: "If this prophecy comes true, will you be afraid?"

Harry Potter looked up at Kettler, his eyes under the glasses shone brightly, full of courage and confidence, and said firmly, "I'm not afraid!"

"If Voldemort dared to appear in front of me, I would definitely use my strength to defeat him."

Keitelaire laughed when he heard this, and said, "Then ignore him, if the prophecy really comes true, then use all your strength to defeat him."

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