
Bob exclaimed, turned and ran away.

The dwarf's legs are short, but his running speed is not slow at all.

After a while, he ran a distance of tens of meters.

However, this speed is not enough for the human-faced spider.

Human-faced spiders are very big, their feet are very long and sharp, especially their long legs are covered with barbs.

Their heads, joined to the body, you can't see the neck, but you can see the flattened face, very human-like.

Big black eyes, monkey-like flat nose, huge mouth, sharp teeth, they look ugly and full of danger.

"Earth thorns bloom!"

Cedric turned around and released magic towards the man-faced spider running fast.


The human-faced spider was pierced through its body by a thorn that suddenly rose from the ground.

"Harry, the Flying Curse!" Hermione threw a Water Prison Curse, which controlled a huge human-faced spider, and shouted hastily.

In the face of these huge human-faced spiders, flying into the sky is undoubtedly a better choice.

"Fireball!" Forbes ran fast, his backhand was a magic spell with no vision.

Ron, who was following Forbes, suddenly changed his face, and quickly lay down on the ground, shouting, "Forbes, are you going to kill me?"

Forbes was a little embarrassed, and quickly apologized: "Sorry, Ron! I'm so scared!"

"Thunderball bounces!" Malfoy's thunderball hit the human-faced spider that attacked Ron, and said deliberately: "Do you want to be the food of the human-faced spider? The red-haired Weasley."

Ron glanced back quickly, and was so frightened that he quickly got up and ran forward.

There are too many human-faced spiders, big and small, densely packed.

"Flying Curse!"

Harry's voice sounded, and Ron immediately flew up.

Harry followed immediately, grabbed Carliana who was fighting back, and flew into the distance, saying, "Are you dying? If you don't leave, you will be finished."

Carianna is a fire magician, and very talented.

At this moment, it was taken up into the sky by Harry, but it was still waving its magic wand, striking the human-faced spider with precise firepower.

Hit by a fireball, the man-faced spider burst into flames.

"Nice job!"

Harry put Kariana on the trunk of a big tree, praised Kariana, and cast a flying spell on Karianna, and immediately went to support the others.

Carianna nodded to Harry with a smile, immediately flew into the air, and began to attack the human-faced spiders below.

Not long after, Harry took his little friends away, looked at the hundreds of human-faced spiders gathered below, and said with a tingling scalp, "Fortunately, we can fly, otherwise we will be in trouble."

These human-faced spiders are huge and dangerous. They run with so many long legs, and their short legs are not enough for others to run.

"Wow, the feeling of flying like this is really great." Bob tried this kind of flying for the first time, tumbling in the air with great excitement.

At this moment, a human-faced spider that had climbed up a big tree protruded its silk, and Bob fell headlong into it.

Bob immediately lost control of his body and was pulled over by the human-faced spider.


Bob's voice sounded, and many spiders were seen, and they spit out spider silk at them, trying to catch Harry and others.

"Bob is in danger." Seeing Bob being pulled by the human-faced spider and about to be wrapped into a dumpling with spider silk, Ron cried anxiously.

"Windblade Curse!" Harry launched an attack towards the human-faced spider that trapped Bob.

The sharp blade, like cutting tofu, cut off the spider thread connecting Bob, but it also made the facial spider very dissatisfied.

The food in hand just slipped away from him.

The harsh and irritable voice seemed to be giving some order to these human-faced spiders, and the other human-faced spiders also became irritable.

"Ron, Cedric, Neville, use earthen walls to protect Bob first." Harry watched the man-faced spider start running towards Bob who fell to the ground, and said hastily.

"Earth Wall Curse!"

"Earth thorns bloom!"

"Earth Wall Curse!"

When the three of Ron heard this, they immediately released their magic. While defeating the human-faced spider, they also used a wall to protect Bob inside, blocking the continued attack of the human-faced spider.

"Guard everything!" Luna and Edward quickly cast magic, and a barrier rose to protect Bob inside.

"Fireball bombardment!"

"Water Polo Curse!"

"Earth thorns bloom!"

What kind of experience is it like for the Air Force to fight against an army that has no air combat capability?

Just like the human-faced spiders in front of them, the spider silk they spit out has a distance limit and cannot hit Harry and the others who are moving in the air.

However, the attacks of Harry and the others can easily hit them from a long distance and hit them accurately.

Therefore, with the support of the magic potion, hundreds of human-faced spiders were killed. After more than a hundred of them were killed, they were frightened and quickly retreated and fled.

The human-faced spider left a field of corpses, and Harry and the others landed quickly to check Bob's condition.

"Don't hit the spider silk, it's corrosive and toxic." Seeing Harry anxiously touching the spider silk with his hands, Luna quickly stopped.

When Harry heard this, he quickly withdrew his hand. At the same time, they noticed that the flowers, plants and trees around them that had been corroded by spider silk looked very withered at this moment.

"We need to deal with the spider silk on it immediately, otherwise, it will continue to be corroded." Hermione said aside.

"I have a solution!" Harry said nervously, taking out his wand.

"You want to cut spider silk with the wind blade?" Seeing this, Neville couldn't help but ask.

"Are you sure you didn't intend to kill Bob?" Malfoy said mockingly.

"But we don't have weapons." Harry also realized that this was inappropriate, and said awkwardly.

"Then go back to Linghu Town." Cedric said, "It should be in time."

They went out to collect herbs this time, and they walked a little far, but if they flew back, it would take about ten minutes.

"Then it's decided." Harry thought for a while, and said affirmatively, "First of all, we have to figure out how to fix Bob, and then fly him back."

"It's simple, we can create a strong cage, then use the petrification spell to protect the cage, and then we can take him back." Hermione said immediately.

Harry and the others didn't think of other ways, so they didn't care so much.

So, Cedric and others can be seen holding one body, and the other end of the body is Bob in the cage.

However, before they flew out of the mountains, a new crisis landed again.

The buzzing sound resounded through the valley, giving people a special feeling.

This made Harry and the others feel curious and puzzled.

However, when they saw the thing flying out of the valley, they were all terrified.

From a distance, it looks a little dark.

Their speed is very fast, and the number is even larger,

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