Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 55 Page 394

He applied for the position, Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Dumbledore leaned back in the soft rocking chair, and placed Severus Snape's job application on the desk in front of her. The black-and-white photo above had a pair of gloomy eyes and looked very scary. Not even the sunlight that streamed in through the open windows could dispel the darkness around him.

No, he's a Prince, and potions are just right for him.

Exactly what I thought, but we don't need two Potions masters. What would Slughorn do if Severus became a Potions master?

Pomona looked into Dumbledore's expectant eyes behind the half-moon glasses, and she felt enlightened.

Many of the Death Eaters in this war came from his academy. He should take the blame and resign due to poor management. Pomona said softly.

However, in view of his many years of teaching experience at Hogwarts, I think it is due to his negligence caused by his lack of energy in his old age. People of his age should retire. Dumbledore referred to Snape's application He took it again, pouted and thought.

Why did you let a Death Eater into the school? A chill from the soles of her feet made her feel cold all over, and she couldn't help but still hugged her shoulders like Lily, as if giving herself a hug.

You'll find out someday, dear. Dumbledore smiled at her, his eyes narrowed behind his half-moon spectacles. Don't you think there should be a post in our Muggle Studies class for a teacher? ?”

Dumbledore threw the application on the table, crossed his hands on his chest, and shook the wooden rocking chair with his toes, making it make a creaking sound.

Pomona wanted him to stop because the voice sounded awful to her and very obscene.

In the moonlight, a bare-chested person turned his back to her, revealing a well-articulated spine, which began to bend around the fourth to fifth joints. It looked like a tired person and a person who was changing a werewolf.

It would be great if Lupine was alive, he could persuade those werewolves who were brainwashed by Fenrir, but unfortunately he died on the battlefield of Hogwarts, and together with Tonks, they left their children, one under the age of The baby, now counting, should be six or seven years old. Is that child normal, or is it a born little werewolf? With disguise mags?

Six years is just three Hippogriffs. A damned person lived so much extra time. Did he gain or lose?

There were two pops, she originally thought that someone had Apparated, but sparks appeared in the darkness, and then a burning smell spread out, and he could smoke like Pete.

That old guy gives candy to everyone, does he think it's Halloween every day? Snape said with his back turned to her, his voice sounded indistinct as if separated by a layer of water.

So in order to fight him, you got into the habit of smoking?

His behavior was childish, but practical, at least it was easier to smoke with nobles than to let them eat sugar, which only children like.

Thinking about it now, Sirius never ate candy in Black's old house, but he often stood in a daze by a cabinet, where there was a display shelf, and there should have been something on it, but it became empty.

In fact, there is no difference between him and Grindelwald. No wonder they will become close friends. Mrs. Sprout is really right. The real villain often wears the mask of a good person.

Maybe Narcissa paid the water bill for me. Even two house elves need water. Lucius is not so careful.

This venomous Slytherin actually described Malfoy as not so careful, and he was just as biased as Neville said.

Honey... She finally made a sound, Snape froze, and turned his head with a smile, happy like a child.

You call me Honey?

Her name is House Elf Honey, not this old snot in front of her!

House-elves also have men and women, and they also marry and have children. House-elves in a family are often passed down from generation to generation. She couldn't figure out why Honey married Robbie.

I don't regret using that snake egg at all now, you were just like a corpse just now. He sprayed the smoke ring on her face, causing her to cough continuously.

Anyway, we won't live long, how about carpe diem? He reached out his hand and took out a salamander-shaped ring from his coat pocket. Its eyes were gray and its body was golden yellow. It looked extremely enchanting and gorgeous.

It's a gift from him. Severus held it in his hands and played with it, then stared at it like a demon and murmured, He said that I can play as I want, as I want .”

There was no need to guess that Snape was referring to Tom. Voldemort was superb in terms of taste. If it wasn't for his excellent magic talent, Pomona even thought his talent was taste.

I remember that when Robbie was in the greenhouse in the first grade, he was taken by Mulciber and Avery to practice the Cruciatus Curse in the greenhouse. He was attacked a lot at that time, and then he recovered quickly. Do you think it is related to Gray? Like Burke, it's his talent.

No... She didn't want to be a test subject.

As Neville said, there are many people in this world who need my help. Bella and the others tortured many people insane with the Cruciatus Curse, so they can be used as an experiment. Draco likes to eat what he likes first. Leave what you don’t like to eat, but Dumbledore likes to save the best for last. Before Harry appears, you are Harry, and he will not let you act unless it is absolutely necessary. Later, he told me that he raised Harry Potter for so long just to let him die, do you know how hard I was acting?

But your Patronus is a doe, like Lily's, and he believed it!

It is controllable what shape the cloud and mist will turn into, Pomona, isn't this Veela's strong point? He put on the ring, and the salamander's eyes immediately flashed a red light, and then he put the quilt on Sleeping Beauty's body Opened, the palm moved along her body, like a snake slowly sticking out its tongue, looking for the position of the lower mouth Defense Against the Dark Arts? How did he come up with such a funny name, art is always art, he will never understand.


You can save your energy and use it later. I don't want to live forever. If you don't live long, it's a waste of my remaining life. It's better to use it now.

A burst of severe pain came, and the strength from the pain made her recover quickly.

Don't waste your talent, Pomona, you shouldn't just take care of plants. Frank Barton smiled with his hands behind his back, and his posture was perfect and decent, because he was a pure-blood nobleman.

On the other hand, Neville, her grandma didn't make him handsome, even a villain from a slum was more aristocratic than him.

Let me see! She turned her head and looked at her lower back, sticking out a scarlet tongue from the salamander's head, which directly pierced her skin, followed by a series of golden rune characters injected from under the skin her body.

Beautiful, isn't it? Snape looked at his ring. Now, turn around and don't waste my life.

Do you know why Lily didn't choose you? Death Eaters are the kind of people who are desperate for a moment of happiness! She couldn't start a family with you, so she dumped you in front of the Gryffindor portrait!

Snape froze for a moment, then sneered, looking arrogant and evil Hufflepuff, you are really stupid.

With his ringless hand, he threw the teddy bear holding the heart on the bedside to the floor, and when it hit the floor, it made a paw sound, and finally rolled into a Muggle story. Under the beds of ghosts and goblins.

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