Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 433 Dirty Textbooks

Among the five elements in the East, gold overcomes wood, wood is strong and metal is damaged. Turning wood into metal is against this law, so it needs to be corrected by force.

The greater the change of matter in the deformation process, the greater the force required to overcome it. This is the same reason as the farther the distance of the Flying Curse is, the more power it needs.

It's just that this kind of defying behavior will disappear after the power of the caster dissipates, and eventually the needles that the match turns into will still turn into wood. This world is designed and built by God, and it is he who wins people in the end, unless people can fight with God. Also immortal, so that the world he changed won't change back.

I believe that I have the ability to do it, and I can use and control that power like a god.

It is of course dangerous to challenge God, and it will cause unpredictable results. Metamorphosis has become the most complicated and dangerous course at Hogwarts.

People in Gryffindor more or less have the idea of ​​changing people. Lily successfully changed James Potter, and she took control of the relationship with James.

Also, Severus is also a man with a strong desire to control, and he will not give in on matters of principle.

Being submissive in front of strong people, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw were sandwiched between the strong Slytherin and Gryffindor, and Felicity had to compromise.

Summoning originally belonged to Charms, but Felius is not a fool like Severus, he gave up this part to Gryffindor College, and even the person who wrote the textbook became the person he recommended .

The Flying Charm can work on living things and non-living things. This is what Fei Liwei taught the fifth grade. After learning this wizard, he doesn't need to fish at all. He can get fish by shouting Accio into the water.

Summoning spells are divided into non-animal summoning and biological summoning. The non-creature summoning spell is taught by Minerva. Of course, what she teaches is legal summons that can pass the owls exam, and they will eventually disappear.

There are very few types of creature summoning. For example, the Flobber caterpillar is one of the few creatures that can be summoned while alive, but what is the use of summoning that kind of worm? Only spiders like Aragog will eat it.

Slytherin's housekeeping skill is to summon the basilisk, which is illegal and will not disappear by itself. It must be suppressed with vipera evanesca.

Ordinary vanishing spells are useless to the basilisk. The vanishing spell is to turn all things into living things and non-living things, that is, alchemy is all-in-one. The basilisk can bounce back many spells. If it can be defeated by a vanishing spell, then it It will not be so dangerous.

The bigger the basilisk, the harder it is to use the special disappearing spell for basilisks, and the thousand-year-old basilisk in Slytherin was allowed to turn into bones in the secret room.

The refining principle of the basilisk is also different from the alchemy based on transfiguration. Although it is an egg laid by a rooster, it still needs to be hatched and conform to the habits of certain snakes.

In Aristotle's theory of four elements, water is a combination of cold and wet, and eggs hatched from amphibians such as toads are basilisks. The environment that poisonous snakes need is not as humid as toads, and dryness and cold make up soil. The chicken-tailed snake-tailed monster hatched from eggs has thick skin and does not have deadly venom like the basilisk. The venom is just the key to destroying the Horcrux. The sword of Gryffindor absorbed the basilisk venom To destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes.

The body is the container of the soul, and Voldemort wanted the Philosopher's Stone to create a perfect body.

The Philosopher's Stone is the culmination of alchemy. Some people think it is the fifth element ether proposed by Aristotle. The star represents Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, not the devil or the devil.

Severus would only hit Harry and Ron if he wanted to knock heads, not Hermione.

His methods of tormenting people were varied, some of which were only tolerated by boys, while confinement was much better for girls, and sometimes they were even avoided altogether.

Wizards are always very gentle to witches, and as the male dean, Felius doesn't speak harshly to girls, and boys never shout Why don't you punish girls, it's not fair.

Becoming a witch in the wizarding world is a matter of celebration, but in the Muggle world it is a disaster, and you must always be careful of being sent to the stake by ignorant people or pressed into the water to see if you will drown.

As long as you don't treat people as adults, it's very easy to torture.

The Transfiguration Torture Curse that Lockhart said is similar to Moody turning Draco into a ferret. When torturing Draco, people around only find it funny, and don't realize that he is a human being, and some behaviors are cruel.

There is a curse in the dark power called the Monster Curse. After being hit, people will produce a lot of mucus. James used this to deal with Severus. Severus kept running nose in front of Lily. James and Sirius laughed, thinking he was just joking.

How irritating it was to feel ashamed in front of the girl he liked, Severus remembered the hatred for Harry, who had been asked to remove rotting phylloblasts from the worm pile when he was in confinement. Picked out, also not allowed to use gloves.

That sticky, viscous touch is disgusting, and Pomona never imagined that she would cuddle with that stingy and vindictive snot one day in a tree, especially when they were still on mission. Sometimes, any problem with Harry Potter or Neville Longbottom will cause unexpected disasters, and they should focus on those stinky brats.

Do you believe in God? Senior. Severus whispered into her ear, Brother Peverell didn't get the Deathly Hallows from the God of Death, but they made these three by themselves. A treasure, he is misleading you, making you believe that fairy tales are true, and you can become the master of Death with these three things, but he knows in his heart that it is useless, no one can escape the pursuit of Death.

Don't do this. She struggled as if trying to get rid of the snake's entanglement.

It's a tall tree and you'll be hurt badly if you fall. I'm the only one who saw through his deception. He's too old to have the strength to love like a young man. When he was young he used to be Grindelwald also pursued the Deathly Hallows, but when he was old, he no longer believed in those legends. The invisibility cloak was just a well-made magical item that lasted longer than other invisibility cloaks. Does it hold sacred?

She felt a sickness, an indescribable nausea, when he said in a greasy voice, Ignotus lived happily ever after until he got rid of all regrets, and when you heard that I died, Do you regret ever going against me?

She wanted to say no.

Yes. She said numbly.

I hope I can live happily for the next few decades, don't make trouble for me anymore, my dear, why were you so obedient when Dumbledore was the headmaster, and always secretly when it was my turn Revolt?

You're younger than me...

Are you still thinking about me? he interrupted with a smile. I'm still that snotty Snape in your eyes.

You're in a bad mood, aren't you? she said deadpan.

I can't sleep peacefully in the warm quilt in the early hours of the morning, and I'm still listening to their meaningless quarrel in the icy black forest, what do you think?

What do you want to do?

He suddenly moved his hand along the seam of her legs to explore the restricted area.

That's what I want to do. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath of her scent with his big nose. It's much warmer here than a glove.

Dirty! she said weeping.

There are more obscene, do you want to try? He said coldly.

So she stopped resisting.

I think you turned back into that bad girl. He seemed to be in some kind of fantasy, whispering in her ear, When will you be serious about being 'naughty' again?

In this dark corner where no one knew, the two of them leaned close, talking in whispers that only two could hear, and little movements that only two knew.

And the chemical reaction starts gradually as the temperature rises.

Although DA's fake Gallon was not as far away as the Order of the Phoenix, it was Hermione who inspired Arthur Weasley.

However bad a judge Arthur was, he was still a successful father and a pioneer in the marriage of Muggle technology and wizarding magic.

If he died, how many people would feel distressed.

No wonder Ron was in such a hurry.

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