Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 418 The Humble Stag

This strange thick fog is often seen in the Forbidden Forest, especially when there is no strong wind.

Hogsmeade is not open to students every Saturday, but even in bad weather with strong winds mixed with rain and snow, as long as there is no fog in the Forbidden Forest, students can still go.

Katie Bell suddenly rose into the air in the wind, rain and snow. Her posture was very graceful, her arms were stretched out, as if she was about to fly, her hair was blown around by the violent wind, and her mouth was wide open. It seemed as if he was about to scream out in horror, but no one around him could hear him.

Thank you, Harry, dear, I was so sorry just now. Just as Harry Potter was staring at the darkness and fog outside the tent, Molly Weasley's voice came from behind him, and she was caught Hannah woke up, but she still looked sluggish and depressed.

Don't say that. Harry barely maintained his composure, and asked with concern, I told Ginny to go back first, or you will go back first.

No, I'm here waiting for my husband to come back. I want to get first-hand information.

Alright then. Harry lowered his head, as if thinking about what to say.

I wish I could be of some use, but I can't handle a Boggart, Molly said wearily. I wish she was here.

Her? Harry asked suspiciously.

Your mother. Molly avoided Harry's green eyes and said while looking at the thick fog outside, She's a very talented witch.

If it was another time, Harry would be glad someone talked to him about his parents, but now Ron's whereabouts are unknown, and the scene of Katie Bell floating in mid-air just now reminded him of the fuchsia experiment with Ron Another person... Snape was once hung upside down by Harry's father James Potter, Snape said it was his own spell, how did it get snapped by Snape's enemy James Potter? Potter learned.

When your mother was fifteen and your father finally worked up the courage to ask her to go to Hogsmeade, you know what she said? Molly laughed. She wouldn't choose your father even if she had to choose between squids.

I fed that giant squid. It seemed to eat everything, including bread. Harry said awkwardly. How did you know this? You should have graduated by then.

I've heard from Sirius, said Molly, putting her arm around Harry's shoulders. He thinks Sirius is an expert when it comes to girls.

But I don't think Sirius is very good at it, Harry recalled. He never told me who he was seeing.

Maybe it's Sybil, Molly joked, but Harry didn't laugh because he remembered the suffocating feeling when Trelawney prophesied in a husky voice that night. He meets Sirius, the Dementors, and frees Wormtail.

I shouldn't have stopped them. Harry said ruefully that he shouldn't have stopped Sirius and Professor Lupine when they were going to kill Wormtail so that Cedric and many others would not have to die.

Who aren't you supposed to stop? Molly asked.

Siris about Trelawney, said Harry, laughing, and Molly was first shocked, then laughed too.

You've got your dad's sense of humor, Harry. Molly looked at him with relief and said, Thank you, I feel better.

Professor Snape said that being like my father is not a good thing. Harry said embarrassedly.

Severus is not always right. Molly looked at the thick fog and sighed, Like Albus Dumbledore, I heard what Neville told you, and you also feel that you still have a soul. The weapon is not destroyed?

He has cut it seven times, why can't he cut it eight or nine times? Harry said extremely firmly, I believe Neville, Voldemort will come back.

Molly covered her face in pain and looked as if she was about to faint again, so Harry called Hannah to come in and help.

You should lie down and recuperate, Mrs. Weasley. Hannah said after removing her wand. Do you still want some tranquilizers?

No. Molly whispered, staggered to the camp bed, lay down, and soon fell asleep.

Her snoring made everyone else feel tired too, and everyone wanted to sleep.

Go to bed too, Harry...

No. Harry said excitedly, My friend is missing now, how can I sleep!

At this moment, Justin Fanglie came over, he was taken aback when he saw Hannah, and then turned his gaze to Harry.

There's something you need to know.


Someone cheated. Justin said, There are many people at the explosion site, and they are picking up spider pincers. Although the spiders eliminated tonight are not included in the statistics, they can take them out tomorrow.

How many people have gone? said Harry angrily.

A lot of people, the news is still spreading, the longer the delay, the more people will know.

Set a condition in the future, this kind of foggy weather is forbidden to compete. Harry said to Justin, just about to get his broom, and then remembered that the Firebolt was broken, where could he go to Apparate .

What's the matter, Harry? Neville asked.

I don't want to wait any longer. Harry looked at Neville and said, I want to find Ron. I heard you spent a lot of time in the Forbidden Forest. Will you come with me, Neville?

Do you still need to ask...

And me! Lavender suddenly appeared, holding Neville's arm, raising her chin proudly to Hannah in a demonstration.

Should you think about it again? Hannah reminded everyone, There are other dangerous animals in the forest. One Ron Weasley has already disappeared, so don't catch you.

Are you scared? Coward? Lavender said.

At least tell Dean Thomas that he's your roommate, Harry, Hannah said, trying to stay calm.

He'll tell the director. Harry looked at Dean, who was talking to Anthony in the distance, and turned his gaze to Justin, I'll leave this to you, is it okay, Justin?

No problem. Justin paused. You can find Professor Graplan, she is also very familiar with the situation in the Forbidden Forest.

We've grown up, don't keep causing trouble for the professor. Harry turned to face the crowd, I'll go to the scene of the explosion first, Neville, you wear the sorting hat and look for me there, Hannah, you stay here and take care of me. Molly.

No, I'll go with you. Hannah said resolutely, You know that it's close to where Slytherin is stationed.

They won't do anything to me.

That's what you think, you've been assassinated several times, Harry, you thought it was Professor Snape jinxing your broom in first year, the out-of-control Bludger in second year...

Enough. Harry interrupted Hannah almost arbitrarily. Follow if you want.

With that, he disapparated.

Immediately before him was a scene that was almost out of control. There were hundreds of people who applied for hunting at night, and they seemed to be all here, picking up the claws of spiders that died for various reasons as if they had picked up a gift from heaven.

Hagrid's blotter-tailed snails came in handy this time, those sensitive and irritable little things exploded when touched, and Harry's temper was just like them now.

The stag was regarded as the natural enemy of snakes in Greece and Rome, and it represented the pure soul in Celtic mythology. Because the stag periodically grows horns, sheds them, and grows new horns, it is regarded as a symbol of rejuvenation. Stags over five years old represent modest and gentle character.

Harry remembered that his parents had started dating in seventh grade, and that his dad was no longer the brash, joking stag he had been in fifth grade.

Harry waved his wand, and silvery white smoke drifted out from the end of the wand, which soon took the shape of a stag. It jumped briskly on the hill of spider corpses, startling those scavenger.

Which one of you can summon a god to protect you! Harry pointed his wand at himself, and said loudly to himself, There are dementors in the Forbidden Forest.

His vigilance seemed to have some effect. Most of the claw snatchers stopped, and there were whispers everywhere.

Mr. Potter, I'm a reporter from the Evening Prophet. You just mentioned the dementors. What do you think of Minister Shaker's handling of Azkaban?

Harry glanced at the slender reporter, his eyes sparkling like he'd found gold.

It's going to be difficult tonight. The spider counterattack is not what we expected. It's not a game now. Harry looked past the reporter and looked at the others. If you want to leave, you can leave, but for those who want to stay Man, what I want to say is that the venom of those eight-eyed spiders is all yours, and we also provide free food and coffee, and warm beds.

I want to take a picture with you, Harry Potter! someone in the crowd yelled.

No problem. When the time comes, we will take a group photo. Anyone willing to do it?

Aye! people replied in twos and threes.

Anyone willing to do it? Harry asked, raising his voice.

Aye! This time the answer was much neater than last time, and there were more people.

Then do it! Harry shouted excitedly, pumping his fists. Even if we don't use it, we'll still win! Because who are we?

Dumbledore's Army! Just as the others were stupefied, Ravenclaw's DA member Teri Boot said.

His voice struck everyone present like a thunderbolt.

Albus Dumbledore is dead, but the Dumbledore family is not, and the title is not so appropriate now.

As if they hadn't heard the sound, everyone silently began to collect the spider's venom, but the undercurrent was still flowing, and many people looked at Harry Potter with weird considerations in their eyes.

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