Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 408 Vigilance is the Price of Freedom

September 2, 1972 happened to be Saturday, and Lily and Severus didn't pester Pomona to go to Hogsmeade again, because they both had a very sumptuous opening dinner the night before, and the two of them haven't been together yet. At the same time, they were not interested in Quidditch, so they asked Pomona to take a walk in the Forbidden Forest.

How was your summer vacation?

Don't mention it. Lily said listlessly, Petunia screamed when she saw the tree monkey frog eggs in my pocket, and told me not to approach her.

Severus sneered the way he already knew he would.

I can't blame her. We were drinking afternoon tea. I wanted to share the eggs with them, but they all turned into tadpoles. You didn't tell me that the tadpoles of the tree monkey frog would jump around like monkeys. Jump.

Lily looked at Pomona with a condemning look, and Pomona imagined that scene, how many girls would run and scream, afraid of tadpoles running into their hair.

How was your summer vacation, Severus? Pomona quickly changed the subject.

I've been doing experiments. He said in a dry and cold voice that a 12-year-old should not have. I'm still short on sycophants. I may not be able to go to his house next summer vacation.

Oh, so where are you going to spend your summer vacation then? Pomona moaned.

To your place, Severus said to Pomona without hesitation.

I told my mother that I'm going to take friends to my house for the summer vacation. Lily said, piercing her waist. Also, you have to go home, Sev.

I don't want to go back. Severus frowned. I told you, sooner or later I will leave there!

That's when you become an adult. Now that you're underage, if you don't go back, your mother will be bullied by your father...

Enough! He stopped Lily as if it was embarrassing.

Let her go on, Severus, Pomona said deadpan.

Sev won't let me say it, so I won't say it. Lily said obediently, That's his privacy.

Severus breathed a sigh of relief, as if the tension had loosened.

Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, Pomona pointed her wand at his head and used Legilimency.

The only images that appeared in his mind were endless quarrels, the freshest image was a man wearing a leopard print shirt, with a hooked nose like him, sitting in a booth with a woman dressed as a waitress very intimately joking.

She was pushed out quickly, and Severus was pale, looking at her with hatred in his eyes.

How did you get home?

It's none of your business! Severus yelled at her angrily, and ran into the castle without Lily chasing him.

Why don't you go after it? asked Pomona.

They quarreled again, and this time the police came, and my mother said the only solution was a divorce. Lily said, copying her hands, We should help Erin find a place to live.

Sounds like a good idea. Pomona nodded approvingly.

I told Dad about what happened at school. I don't need my share of the money. Severus has done a lot of hard work. You should give him his share of the wages.

I'll think about it, Pomona murmured. Her little money should be more than enough to buy a slum house.

You can't just think about it. Irene really needs help, and my mother can't bear it anymore. Lily said sharply, If you don't agree, don't come to my house for summer vacation.

Lily's threat did not frighten Pomona, but she showed her firm position.

Besides, a house deed seems like a good Christmas present.

Pomona agreed without much thought.

January 15, 2005.

Werewolves transform on the night of the full moon, shouldn't we come at that time? Dylan Ernest asked while searching for werewolves in the deep forest.

Werewolves without transformation are not dangerous. Werewolves after transformation are several times more dangerous. After transformation, they will be weak for a period of time. During that time, they will not leave their hiding places. They have to wait until their bodies can move normally. Then they will come out to move around. Anna had to walk ahead, They will look very pale, and they have stolen from gas stations and supermarkets in the town.

Werewolf stealing? Dylan whistled flirtatiously. They're all fierce, muscular men in the movies.

That's a movie, and vampires are not Cain's heirs. It's all made up. Count Dracula is a fictional character. Anna looked around warily. Blood-sucking, real vampires are not handsome, they look no different from ordinary people.

Those vampire worshipers will be disappointed when you say that. Dylan sneered. I know several chicks who spend their days looking forward to being bitten by vampires and gaining eternal youth and beauty.

Do you know the famous Jack the Ripper in London in the 19th century? Scotland Yard couldn't find the murderer no matter what, so they asked the Ministry of Magic for help, and the Ministry of Magic killed a vampire to take the blame.

You mean, Jack the Ripper is a vampire? Dylan's eyes widened as if he had swallowed mustard.

No, Jack is a cannibal. He destroyed the victim's body and took away some of the organs. The vampires just sucked blood. They made a mistake.

What is the Ministry of Magic? A secret department? Dylan asked.

Anna turned her head and looked at him in disbelief, You really don't know anything?

I've heard some rumors, but I don't believe it. Dylan rubbed his nose in embarrassment.

Yes, this is an advantage, keep it! Anna appreciated, You are much better than those who spread rumors without thinking.

Why did you pick me? Dylan asked. I mean, there's a lot of guys on the football team who are stronger than me, and they're not city kids.

My cousin Oliver, he's the pride of the family, everything about him looks perfect. Anna rolled her eyes and said, I can't believe he's a wizard.

Then what do you think a wizard is like? Dylan asked with interest.

I don't know. Anyway, he shouldn't be as upright as him. Anna looked at Dylan and said, There should be a mysterious temperament.

That's why you like me? Because I look mysterious? Dylan put his arms around Anna's waist, forehead to forehead so intimately.

No, I just need a tool man. Anna stroked Dylan's cheek and said, You are a good tool, Dylan Ernest.

So are you going to use it again now? He looked into Anna's blue eyes and said How about going back to my car?

How many women have been laid in that Porsche of yours. Anna smiled and pushed him away. It's past dinner time, it's time to hunt, dear.

I bought macaroni.

Keep it for yourself. Anna said as she stepped on the snow without looking back.

How old were you when you started hunting?

Since my dad believed I could walk without a walker.

Then an experienced hunter, why did you take me hunting?

Anna turned her head and smiled at him, Others will not follow me into the depths of the woods, only you dare.

Why didn't they dare? Dylan asked inexplicably.

How should I put it, because you don't know as much as them. Anna put the shotgun behind her back and tied her curly hair with a rubber band. The ignorant are fearless, that's why I chose you.

Dylan looked up at the dark forest around him, wondering if it was his illusion, he felt a little cold.

There is a cave ahead, let's go there to rest tonight. Anna whispered, We still have two days.

You won't hunt anymore?

I told you, I want to leave this place. Regardless of whether I can get revenge or not, I don't want to stay here any longer, what about you?

Dylan didn't answer.

Oh~ you still want to go back to your mother and be a good child?

You're like a wild animal, Anna, and the city isn't for you, Dylan said in a sincere voice. Those people live with masks on. You never know what monsters are hiding under the masks. It's not for you to live there. .”

So what's your suggestion?

I don't know. Dylan shook his head after thinking for a long time. But now I feel that life in the country is not as boring as I thought. I can try to stay.

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