Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3173 watchdog (Part 1)

Quartz turns into glass after being heated at high temperatures. Before the secret recipe in Venice was leaked, the price of glass was also very high and it was an expensive luxury product.

Carbon can also become diamond, or diamond, when heated to high temperatures. Hope looks like a sapphire, but is actually a diamond. Although sapphire does not break like emerald, it will still break. After all, it does not have an atomic structure like diamond.

Australia was discovered in 1606, but opal deposits were not discovered at the beginning. It was not until the 1870s that the Australian opal industry was truly launched.

Pomona learned this at the Royal Jewelry Show, and Queen Victoria owned a lot of opal jewelry. Opal also needs to be distinguished by quality because it is not hard enough to be easily processed into faceted gemstones.

People appreciate it not because of its dazzling fire refraction, but because of the hue, brightness, pattern, and color changes contained in it. The Arabs believed that its brilliance came from the universe, and the ancient Greeks believed that Opal could foresee the future. Shakespeare called it Queen of gems”.

However, in 1829, a best-selling novel was published. The writer associated opal with bad luck. The heroine had an opal that reflected every emotion she had. When she was angry, the opal would flash red. When she was angry, the opal would flash red. When she touched the holy water, the opal hanging on her chest burned to a pale gray and she died.

For a while, European jewelers rejected opals because of this legend. Only Queen Victoria did not believe in evil and gave each princess a beautiful opal. They all lived a happy life without any abnormalities, including getting married. The second daughter of the Grand Duke of Hesse and the Rhine, and the mother-in-law of Tsar Nicholas II. But she was the first of Queen Victoria's nine children to die, not from a curse, but from diphtheria, so the tsar's future queen was sent to England and raised by Queen Victoria herself.

Once, Georgiana couldn't remember when, she seemed to see a terrifying eye appear on the fire opal ring on her hand. There are many animals with terrifying eyes, and she didn't know why she thought of dragons.

From the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 19th century, Hungarians mined opal in large quantities...that's about the same time as now.

This may be in response to the war expenses of the Holy Roman Empire and the indemnity they have to pay to France. Due to the large number of crazy mining, the price of opal has dropped again and again, and its status in competition with diamonds has dropped again and again.

Now that I think about it, the eye I saw at that time was very similar to the Hungarian Horntail. It was the most dangerous among the fire dragons, and Harry was lucky to get it.

The Dragon's Nest in the second game of the Triwizard Tournament was arranged according to the living environment of the fire dragons. There were rocks everywhere and no grass growing on the surface. Although the fire dragons would not burn to ashes when they touched the water, they would not burn to ashes. He likes water and cannot survive underwater.

In a history of Hogwarts, Salazar Slytherin's father brought a small dragon back from India and kept it in the basement.

There is also a sculpture of a dragon in the dungeons of Hogwarts - carved to look like a fire dragon.

However, after killing Slytherin's mother, the dragon did not spread its wings and fly away. Instead, it broke through the castle wall and got into the lake. Next, Slytherin's father killed the dragon while it was sleeping in the lake.

In theory, water dragons spit water and fire dragons spit fire, but who doesn't allow water dragons to spit fire?

It may be assumed that after killing the water dragon, Slytherin's father took its dragon ball and gave it to Slytherin, who gave it as a gift to his friend Rowena Ravenc Lao, she made a crown out of it.

The gems on the crown are not spherical, but that depends on the hardness of the dragon beads. Maybe they are suitable for faceted gemstones.

The most precious and famous species of the long-horned water snake living in North America has a gem on its head, which is said to give the ability of invisibility and flight. This was recorded by Scamander in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

The long-horned water snake once existed in large numbers in the Far East, but was hunted to extinction by wizards looking for potion ingredients. It is not uncommon for gemstones to be ground into powder and used as medicine, and moonstone is often used in this way.

Nick Flamel had a crystal ball that could predict the future. His last disciple once saw the future through it and came to England to find the connection of Pomona...

She picked up the paper on the table and drew on it the dream she had just had. It was not actually the exact content of the dream, but she drew two balls connected by a line in the middle, as if they were tidal locked Two stars orbiting each other.

She once thought about using water to extinguish the fire, but if the dragon summoned by Grindelwald could be extinguished so easily with water, Nicoléme would not have to work hard and borrow the power of other wizards to use purifying fire and If it resists, a heavy rain will be enough.

If so... The groundwater provides the water dragon with the living environment it needs. Although most of the time it is the Garuda chasing the water dragon, they will also fall from the sky when they die, and the fierce flames will burn them to the ground. There is nothing left but one bead, which will be swallowed by the water dragon.

Snakes are also living creatures. If they live in the deep sea, they cannot get sunlight from the sea, so they regularly float to the sea to bask in the sun.

For ancient sailors, the world was an incomplete map. They could not wait for a favorable wind but a suitable strong wind. Sometimes they were unlucky and encountered a sea monster.

She subconsciously picked up the quill and recorded the core content. She felt light and airy all over her body. Rather than saying that she was writing by herself, it was better to say that she was being carried by a force, writing and drawing according to its will. .

When she finished the last period, there was a noise outside the window.

She walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, and through the glass she could see the Guardsmen cheering as they stepped on the thin snow and ran toward a group of horses.

It was Mr. Martin who led the herd of horses. This time he brought all good horses, and each one was very strong.

This time Napoleon not only went to Aachen, but also went to the Moselle Valley, which is the passage connecting the French border and the Rhine River.

The north of France is a great plain. Unlike the mountains in the east and south, the coast in the west serves as a natural defense line. This area was the key defense target of Louis XIV.

He asked Wo Bang, a famous engineer at the time, to be responsible for the construction of the defense line. He used bastions that were very popular at the time. These bastions were not independent and were connected by canals to ensure the supply of materials. If necessary, they could also use sluices to create floods and protect the forest. Or a pass in the mountains.

In the past, she felt that with Napoleon around, no one would dare to attack this line of defense, and it would be a waste to spend millions of livres every year to maintain it.

This time she came out and found out that it was this line of defense that prevented the anti-French alliance forces who planned to attack France from the lowlands. They suffered a lot of damage during the war, and the new question is whether they need to repair it and let them Restore.

Today's cannons are different from those of Louis XIV in terms of power and ballistic accuracy. When Newton proposed the law of universal gravitation, it was already in 1687, when the abolition of the Edict of Nantes had been promulgated.

The story about the apple that hit Newton on the head was probably made up by Voltaire to promote natural science.

It was his mistress Madame Chatelet who introduced the law of universal gravitation to France. She was the first person to translate Newton's Natural Philosophy into French and publish it.

The news about the chaos caused by silk in England would not appear in French newspapers. As long as the English newspapers that published the news were banned, naturally no one would know about it.

This reminded her of the perfume of the French aristocrats. It was clear that Versailles was stinky, but it was covered up with fragrance, as if it could no longer be smelled.

In addition to the northern battlefield, the Austrians and Prussians once attacked the other end of the Wogang defense system along the Moselle Valley, which had four strategic key cities.

When France was at a critical juncture of the Revolution, Louis XVI failed to escape. The faction advocating constitutional monarchy in the Constituent Assembly was unable to make a comeback, and the Legislative Assembly was established to replace the Constituent Assembly.

At this time, there was no time to defend the border. The Franco-Prussian forces took this opportunity to capture Longwe, one of the four key cities.

If the defenders in the fortress could seriously resist, perhaps the Austrians and Prussians would not be able to advance so easily, but this area has always been the focus of the French kings, and a city called Metz was a top priority. Louis XIV Visited in person several times.

When Napoleon first planned to cross the Alps, there was nothing in the fortress. Metz had everything he wanted, including horses that were rarely seen in noble castles.

Even the horses couldn't bear to follow Napoleon all the way. Seeing that he was about to return home, he had a group of horses replaced. At the same time, he also let the Guards rest for two days and act as a guard of honor in high spirits.

In 1792, the king's troops guarded Montmedy, Metz, Longwy, and Thionville. After capturing Longwy, they crossed the Meuse River and captured Verdun. In a hurry, Dumouriez The army was transferred from Belgium to Valmy to fight in the field with the Austro-Prussian coalition.

This war resulted from the withdrawal of the coalition forces due to insufficient logistical supplies. The French guerrillas played a positive role in the activities behind the coalition forces. There are also legends that the French authorities bought Prussia with the treasures of Louis XVI and reached a reconciliation with Prussia. Unable to fight alone, the Austrians had to retreat.

After the Battle of Valmy, any Frenchman with a gun and sword regarded himself as a hero, including the female dragoon Figuere, who also participated in the Battle of Valmy. At this time, she was watching horses with other Guardsmen.

However, she was not a dragoon at the time of the Battle of Valmy. According to herself, she became a dragoon in 1793.

During the Hundred Years' War between England and France, when Paris was captured, the French capital moved to the Loire Valley, and Charles VII planned to let the Duke of Burgundy take charge of the Champagne region, the Compiègne region was the most vocal of opposition.

Compiègne is the territory of the Duke of Burgundy, but the residents believe in Joan of Arc. The people of Compiègne are waiting to be saved by Joan of Arc...

Madam. Georgiana turned around and saw Alice and her daughter walking in. Come and see.

her jewelry custodian said cheerfully, holding a jewelry box.

Judging from its size, it should be like a necklace. Just as Georgiana was about to ask, Duchess Leoncourt had already opened the jewelry box.

It was a ruby ​​necklace. The color of the main gemstone, fire opal, was very similar to the opal on Georgiana's ring, as if they were a set.

This is your Christmas present, 'Troy Is Burning,' said the Duchess of Lyoncourt.

Who gave it to me? Georgiana asked with a cold face.

It's on the reception desk, Alice whispered. Don't you like it?

How could you just accept something of unknown origin? Just throw it away! Georgiana roared angrily.

But this is so precious. The Duchess of Lyoncourt looked at the necklace and said regretfully.

Georgiana took it, closed the box, opened the French window door, and threw it out without hesitation.

In order to throw it away, she even used magic...

Also around Christmas, Katie Bell got a necklace of unknown origin, and then suffered an almost fatal curse.

She clutched her heart.

In her dream last night, she didn't dream about him, although she heard a lot about London before going to bed.

She then thought of Rita Lestrange, who was reduced to ashes in Grindelwald's fire shield. She had two choices before her, but one fell in love with another woman and married her. , the other became Head of the Auror Office, and no one was crazy to lose her.

In fact, if you think about it, the blood oath between Grindelwald and Albus looks very much like a ruby. Didn’t it break in the end?

She held on to the railing, stood up slowly, returned to the desk, and looked at the manuscript she had just written.

I won't be like him, she whispered.

No one said anything, after all, she had just behaved like a mad dog.

So she continued to think about unfinished designs that would allow her to escape into the shelter.

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