Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3110 Transfer Station

I think Snape brought it upon himself. One day in the Order of the Phoenix headquarters, Wormtail said to Lily, Who makes him always follow us.

That's because he suspected... forget it, we all know now that Remus is a werewolf. Lily said tiredly.

I think James did the right thing and should teach him a lesson. Wormtail said coldly.

What about you, Peter, why don't you teach him a lesson yourself? Pomona said with a sneer.

Wormtail was startled, then turned and left.

Do you know all this? Lily asked questioningly.

Know what? Pomona asked with a smile.

Everything. Lily turned to face Pomona. At this time, her belly was no longer bulging, but she was still wearing loose maternity clothes.

Not everything. What's Wormtail here for? Pomona asked.

A child's cry came from the next room.

Don't you know everything? Why are you still asking me? Lily sarcastically walked towards the direction where the crying came from.

I hope you won't bring your child to work next time. Pomona muttered at Lily's back, her voice low enough that only she could hear it.

After a while she felt that it was all boring and left the living room.


Lambconduit Field used to be the most famous dueling ground in the north of London. It once belonged to the Earl of Salisbury. In 1739, it was bought by a navigator and philanthropist named Thomas Coram. On this land The first nursery in Britain for orphans and abandoned babies was established. Because when Colum purchased the land from the earl, the earl required that the foundling church must buy the entire fifty-six acres of land. With the financial assistance of the parliament, Colum bought the land. It is said that it was still reserved at that time. With pastoral scenery.

When Pomona arrived at Lambcondu Field in the 20th century, it was already a clean residential area with gorgeous and rich architectural styles. Not far away was King's Cross Station to the north, the British Museum and the University of London to the west, and the University of London to the south. It is the Opera House District, and to the east is the Church District. Only the Foundling Museum and the former residence of Charles Dickens can give a slight glimpse of what this area looked like back then.

In fact, the house where Dickens lived from 1837 to 1838 was almost demolished. By 1925, this abandoned baby farm had become an area where every inch of land was at a premium, and Charles Dickens was still a child before he wrote Oliver Twist A newspaper interviewer who covers the House of Commons. If you go to Whitehall from this place, if there is no traffic jam, it will take about 20 minutes to drive. Even if you take a horse-drawn carriage, it will not be far... Anyway, it is very suitable for Dickens, who has not yet become famous, to live.

Emma written by Jane Austen also mentioned this place. She said that it was very spacious and well-ventilated. After all, Jane Austen's era was still a suburb. If the unfavorable factors were removed, The Yoyingtang Manor is also quiet, quiet and full of greenery.

But in fact, the nursery has been in trouble of shortage of funds many times. Although the nursery actively organizes fundraisers, social donations are still decreasing. Facing more and more children, they need warm clothes and food to satisfy their hunger, and the administrators are stretched thin.

Fortunately, the orphanage had a large area of ​​land that could be freely disposed of. After careful consideration, the administrator decided to give part of the land to the contractor at the time to build the manor. This time Malfoy got his wish and got a piece of land, just southeast of the Foundling House, in the Regency style. Since it attracted many jewelry craftsmen and pianists to live at that time, the street was also full of jewelry shops and piano shops, and they did business in their homes.

Around 1920, the entire orphanage was moved to outer London, and real estate developers from all walks of life flocked to the area. However, local residents wrote a joint letter asking the London City Government to retain this area. It has now become an exclusive park for children. Its gate is still the same as that of the old nursery. There are playgrounds, sandy areas, paddling pools, and lambs in the animal corners, where you can interact with children and parents.

Pomona found the place according to the house number Severus left her. The first floor of the house was a Sicilian restaurant and a bar called The Duke.

On the third floor, Pomona knocked on the door of Tower A. After a long time, no one opened the door.

Pomona looked at the address again to make sure it was correct, and knocked a few more times.

It's me, Severus, open the door, Pomona said in a low voice.

There was still no movement for a long time. Just when she thought there was no one in the room, the door slowly opened. She didn't know what he was doing in the room. It was dark inside in broad daylight.

Are you home? Pomona asked in a lowered voice.

Are you coming in? Snape said impatiently.

Pomona quickly opened the door and walked into the house. The moment her feet hit the floor of the house, the door was slammed shut.

Hi. She pressed her back against the wall, smiling and waving to the owner with an unkind expression.

What are you doing here? he said hiding in the darkness.

Come help. Pomona looked at the empty, therefore very tidy house. I thought you needed help cleaning.

I don't live here, he said coldly.

Where do you live? Pomona asked subconsciously.

This time Snape didn't answer.

She felt extremely embarrassed, maybe she wasn't needed here that much.

I brought you some food, she said, taking out a beef pie from her velvet pocket. I wanted to celebrate.

Celebrating what?

You moved to a new home.

I'm not moving in, Snape said.

I know, you just said it. Pomona sighed, You said you don't live here.

There was another moment of silence.

I put the food on the table. If you are hungry, just eat it. Pomona put the pie on the small table at the door and planned to reach out to open the door.

This is my office. He suddenly said, I meet people I have work relationships with here.

You mean, like this? Pomona looked at the dark house.

Snape waved his wand, and the tightly drawn curtains opened. She got used to the sudden white light, and it took a while before she saw the green outside.

For this scenery, the manor was specially built on three sides, with the park outside. Snape said, and then walked to Pomona.

Very beautiful. Pomona complimented perfunctorily, and the next second she was holding her hand and being dragged inside by Snape.

Where are we going? Pomona asked.

He didn't speak and opened a door directly. There was still nothing in that room, only a big fireplace.

Will Floo powder be used? Snape asked beside the fireplace.

Floo...have you registered? Pomona asked immediately.

Of course, but only if the Ministry of Magic allows Muggle fireplaces to be connected to the Floo network. Snape said teasingly.

In other words, this is an illegal flyway...

Before Pomona could say anything, Snape grabbed a handful of Floo powder and walked into the fireplace.

Spider End Alley! he shouted, and the next second green flames rose up and engulfed him.

Seeing him disappear, Pomona thought that what he just called was a place name... Then she thought of Lily, who said that Sif once lived in a place called Spider's End Alley.

She didn't know whether he was being overly cautious or keeping a clear distinction between public and private affairs, so she also grabbed a handful of Floo powder and walked into the fireplace.

Spider's End Alley! she shouted, and then she felt dizzy, and occasionally heard voices. Soon after, her feet landed again, and she came to a house full of books.

There are more libraries here than the school library where Pomona stayed not long ago, or maybe it’s because there are so many books that they fill the aisles, making the house look particularly crowded...

Didn't you say you were here to help? Why are you standing there? Old Bat said, turned around and left.

where did you go?

He ignored her at all and pushed open an empty bookshelf. There was actually space behind the bookshelf.

Maybe this house isn't that small, it's just that it was separated like this by this mysterious guy.

I'm not a house elf. Pomona muttered, looking at the books scattered everywhere, and then at a family photo next to the stack of books, showing little Severus and a woman who looked very much like him. , and a tall man standing together, looking like a family but not as close as a family.

Pomona remembered that she had been here before.

She looked up in the direction of the bathroom. It was covered with sponges, like the soft walls in a mental hospital, and the door behind it couldn't be seen at all.

In fact, the house Malfoy rented to him was really nice. Maybe Pomona could try to get him to move out of the house.

Her ears heard a noise, like someone quarreling.

No wonder he put sponges on the wall so that the noise was indeed quieter, but there were only two of them in the room. Could it be coming from the quarrel next door?

================================================== ==========

Monster! Run!

The Muggle brigands in the forest shouted, and the wizards formed a straight line and advanced like soldiers of this era.

Is this your plan? Brick asked.

In fact, no plan was needed at all. Seeing this scene, Georgiana remembered seeing Muggles sweeping fallen leaves with a hair dryer, and the ground was clean after a while.

Inform the engineers to cut down all the trees within 200 feet of the post road. Georgiana said.

Including street trees? Brick asked. I know that France has the habit of planting street trees.

If you see a hawthorn tree, don't cut it down. I remember that hawthorn trees are street trees. She said with a smile, and then returned to the motorcade.

Now that the obstacle has been removed, it should be smooth.

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