Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3081 Libation Bearer (12)

At the Athena sacrifice held every four years, the Athenians would hold a procession and show everyone the robe that took four years to make, and then put it on the olive wood sculpture of Athena.

Unlike ordinary Greek stone sculptures, the face of this wooden sculpture is blurred, as if wearing a veil.

The dance form of ancient Greece is a direct inheritance of primitive national dance, but by the 5th century BC, it was no longer a simple imitation of animals, or spinning around an object like our ancestors.

In addition to local Dionysus festivals, they are also held on the Acropolis, but on the grounds of plays dedicated to Diosops, various plays are staged in the theater on the Acropolis, including tragedies, comedies and satyrs. Plays, various plays compete with each other, and the winning playwright, host and actor can win prizes.

Not all of these plays are related to Dionysus, but all actors and backup singers wear masks, and emotional changes are expressed by exaggerated movements.

For example, in the play Medea, not all the characters are Athenians, but the actors are all free Athenian citizens, although occasionally they have to perform slaves.

The judges were all Athenians, and awards were given in the name of all Athenians attending the play, although not all spectators were Athenians.

From this, a kind of imitation drama called mime was born. Ancient Rome inherited the drama of ancient Greece, but the actors had to constantly change masks to express the emotions of the characters. If a person with a smiling face is rolling around on the ground, he is probably cheering; if a person is crying, if he cannot stand up, he is probably heartbroken.

There is a very famous proverb in the ancient Greek world: Neighbors in Attica.

This is a description of a very bad neighbor. There is a marble stele in the city of Eleusis, which is still preserved today. It records a dispute about the sacred territory. At that time, the Ares Mountain Council and the Eleusis City Council Hereditary priests and the archons of the Kings were involved. The dispute was because someone had reclaimed the land in the sanctuary as farmland. Should it continue to be leased to others for use, or should it no longer be used for farming.

The Athenians felt they needed to borrow the power of Apollo at Delphi, so they sent a messenger to seek out Apollo's oracle. They wrote Yes and No on a piece of tinfoil, then divided it into two halves and placed them in gold and silver pitchers respectively. The Pythia, the priestess of Apollo, took out the tinfoil from the pitchers. , interpret the oracle and take action.

The final answer given by Delphi was not to take action, and the best option for the disputed land was not to farm it.

By the time of Pericles, the power of the Ares Mountain Council had been greatly weakened, but they still retained the management of the Holy Olive Tree. There was also an olive grove on the land of Megara, which was turned into farmland, so in the eyes of the Athenians, it was blasphemous for the Megarians to do this without the permission of the Athenians.

Originally, the Megarians and the Atticans were not neighbors because they were so far apart, but they became neighbors because they agreed to the Athenians building fortifications and garrisoning troops on their own land.

The allies who originally joined the Delian League found themselves powerless when they wanted to withdraw, until Athens was defeated in Sicily.

How ruthless the Athenians were in restricting citizenship rights in the early days, and how relaxed they were after the defeat of Sicily. Many historians believe that this was an inappropriate signal to release Athens' weakness.

But even without this incident, the decline of Athens is obvious to all. On the contrary, it is the Spartans. Although the number of Spartans with full citizenship rights is decreasing, free people from other sources can obtain Spartan citizenship through war. Through wars, Sparta carried out social reforms again and again, and was not defeated by the newly rising Athens.

In The Odyssey, the word xeinos (stranger) is used throughout the poem. Odysseus has always been a stranger in the story. Even when he returned to his home, his wife could not recognize him as a stranger. Looks like Odysseus.

The impact of changing circumstances on the survival of a coercive relationship is the most problematic. If the actual basis of the relationship no longer exists in some unforeseeable way and is replaced by a completely different situation, the just results of the past will And just means are difficult to achieve.

According to the records of Tacitus, the Romans believed themselves to be descendants of Troy.

But the Atticans had nothing to do with the Trojan War, it was the Argives and Spartans who did it.

However, it is difficult to say whether there were Atticans in the coalition forces. Homer was just a writer of poetry, not history. The only certainty is that the word Greece already existed in the ancient Roman era.

After Augustus became consul, he liberated the wealthy slaves who were protected by Caesar at the Curia Congress and allowed them to obtain the status of Roman citizens. This seemed to be an inconspicuous thing in the grand history of Rome.

Rome also had a Dionysus ritual. Diosops was a Latin name, and his Greek name was Bacchus. However, unlike the ancient Greek Dionysian rituals, which had strict and fixed rituals, it was pure relaxation and wine could release one's innermost thoughts. , so he is also known as the God of Carnival.

Augustus did not become a priest to the god of love like Caesar, but chose Jupiter.

The word liberator (eleutheios) is the title given to Zeus by the ancient Greeks. It is very close to the name of Dionysus eleuthereus, but they are two completely different things. word.

During the Prohibition period, Americans came up with all kinds of tricks to drink, but the church's sacrificial wine was legal. However, drinkers did not think about transubstantiation. Wine is wine, so how could it have anything to do with blood? ?

It is difficult for Muggles to understand why wizards discriminate against vampires, or the vampires they worship.

In the story of the Prodigal Son, the son of a separated family becomes a pig slave.

In the story of the Odyssey, the pig slave becomes noble.

In the past, the person who poured wine for the gods was the goddess of youth, but later she became a beautiful boy in Crete. Perhaps in the eyes of the gods, the one who carried the water pitcher was more popular than the actors wearing masks.

Lily is an Aquarius. According to the horoscope divination in the magazine, Aquarius people are not easy to change their opinions and opinions.

At the same time, she was a social star and liked to be friends with everyone, including Sirius Black, who didn't like her that much.

Pomona couldn't tell whether Lily was naturally slow or was deliberately pretending not to notice Sirius' hostility...

What are you looking at?

Pomona was startled, clutching her heart and staring at the uninvited guest.

How did you get in? Pomona asked.

Walked in. Severus said with a smile and sat down beside her bed. Why are you still up so late?

Pomona rubbed her teeth.

She couldn't say 'I'm waiting for you' even though she was wearing conservative pajamas.

How did it turn out? Pomona asked.

He lay down next to her generously, but the single bed was too crowded, so she had to move aside so that he could have enough space to lie down.

Then he stopped talking, and through the tent, you could hear the chirping of insects outside.

Can I sleep with you tonight? he asked after a while.

How are you going to explain to the children that you came out of my tent tomorrow? Pomona said coldly, There are people coming and going here.

How about giving me a goodnight kiss? He turned to look at her.

Pomona suspected something was possessing him.

But seeing his uncompromising look, she had no choice but to kiss his forehead hastily. Maybe it was because he wore too many clothes in the summer and his forehead was covered with greasy sweat.

Okay, let's go back. Pomona lowered his head and continued to read the horoscope to see what his fortune would be next month.

He didn't leave, but he didn't make a sound either.

After a moment of stalemate, she turned to look at him.

In fact, Severus looks more like his mother Irene. She has always heard that a son will be lucky if he looks like his mother. But considering Severus's current fortune, he may have better luck if he looks like his father. .

Then he raised his hand, held her cheek, and kissed her lips, just lips touching lips.

Good night. He pursed his lips and frowned.

Good night, Pomona said.

He stood up, wrapped in darkness, and left her tent.

Pomona looked at the horoscope in his hand. He didn't read a single word for a long time, so he simply stopped reading. He put the book on the bedside table and blew out the candles.

While lying on the quilt, she inadvertently smelled the smell of perfume on his body, or the smell of magic potion, and then she fell asleep surrounded by this smell.

In the dream, she came to the Great Hall of Hogwarts. Everyone, including Dumbledore, was still in their old positions, and Severus was standing under the podium waiting for her.

She ran over happily and kissed amidst the applause of everyone.

Ew, this dream was really gross, but it was a sweet dream for her.

It would be great if everything in the dream were real.

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