Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 186 Shadow of the Night

In Pomona's memory, Hannah Albert was still the girl with the ruddy face and two golden braids who liked to collect chocolate frogs with Ernie McMillan. Grown-ups drinking grown-up wine, it felt more overwhelmed than when she ran into Tonks and Lupine hugging.

Why are you so nervous? Hannah Albert looked at Pomona inexplicably. If you really don't want others to see you, use an invisibility cloak or invisibility.

Pomona looked around at those suspicious looking people, they were neither Muggle nor wizard dressed, she had been to a similar pub the last time she went to Ireland with the old bat, she was hiding in his cloak so what danger She couldn't feel it at all, and now she felt extremely nervous being looked at by so many eyes.

I heard that Harry Potter met Quirrell here, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor who smelled of garlic. Hannah wrinkled her nose as if she could still smell the garlic smell on him and said, Vampires really Are you afraid of that kind of thing?

Vampires are also creatures created by black magic. In Ireland, Muggles put stones in their mouths to prevent people who have been bitten by vampires from coming back to life. You can try to use Densaugeo to make their front teeth grow wildly.

What? Hannah showed an incredible expression, Isn't that a prank?

That's a curse, and it also belongs to the category of black magic. Use black magic to deal with black magic. Pomona sipped the flame whiskey. She still didn't like the taste, and she preferred butter beer.

You did research on vampires? Hannah asked in disbelief.

You have Occlumency, and their little Imperius spell doesn't affect you, but to Muggles vampires are fascinating creatures of the night, we've ignored them for hundreds of years, they're The world calls itself a blood race, and I heard that they are doing very well and have many admirers, by the way, Justin is still in the wizarding world or has he returned to the Muggle world?

He's in the Muggle world, but he's also in the Ministry of Magic.

Oh, I see. Pomona nodded. Just like Kingsley, he is a wizard and can also be the bodyguard of the Muggle Prime Minister. Did you learn to call God for protection in DA?

Not everyone summoned a Patronus. Only Hufflepuff DA members summoned Ernie, and his Patronus was a boar.

Pomona didn't know whether to be thankful for Draco or worried about Pureblood.

I can call him, if you like.

I think he would rather spend the Christmas break with his family.

Why don't you spend time with the professor? Hannah asked.

Pomona looked around, made sure no one was paying attention to her, and whispered in Hannah's ear, He's in the North Sea now, preventing the werewolves from attacking Azkaban.

Hannah gasped.

Hush. ​​Pomona put a finger to her lips. It's a secret.

Will it be in the paper? Hannah asked again.

I don't know. Kingsley has less control over the Daily Prophet than Fudge.

The abbreviation of DA was originally proposed by Qiu Zhang, named Defense Association (Defense Association), Ginny Weasley proposed to change it to Dumbledore's Army (Dumbledore's Army), and I actually agreed at that time. Hannah drank Shaking his head We gave Fudge an excuse to get rid of Dumbledore.

Yeah, through the DA you actually linked Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff together. Pomona said with a wry smile, This kind of college prejudice is the same as blood prejudice, Slytherin It’s not all bad guys.”

No one thought so before Professor Snape. Everyone said Slytherin was a bad embryo.

What about Zacharias Smith? He's a member of the DA, and I can't believe I've made him the Quidditch commentator and Hufflepuff Chaser. Pomona said angrily, I thought All DAs are as bold as barbarians. As a result, Dumbledore left the day after his death. Before the final battle, in order to divert, even the lower grade students were knocked away. He is the kind of shipwreck who still competes with women and children coward.

Yeah, Harry doesn't like him at all. He didn't obey Harry's instructions during training. As a result, Fred and George often chanted the Disarming Curse secretly behind his back. Hannah also didn't have a good impression of Zacharias Smith. , he let the atmosphere suddenly drop to freezing point.

Although you have improved a lot after several months of training, how can you be so bold and go to the Department of Mysteries?

Dean, why did you say to use black magic to deal with black magic? Hannah changed the subject.

Have you read Professor Lockhart's book? Pomona said coldly.


Then what do you think?

very interesting.

I can tell you this, if you've ever met a real Yeti, it's no fun to run into. I can't believe that flashy guy got an Order of Merlin.

Maybe it's because he's a celebrity and an honorary member of the Anti-Dark Arts League.

He couldn't even solve the elves, he made a mess in the classroom, and Hermione finally solved it. Pomona looked into Hannah's eyes. Do you remember Valentine's Day?

It was a disaster, even the Hufflepuff girls who love love have had enough of him, the auditorium is decorated with pink everywhere, and there are countless ugly Love Gods who catch people and sing love songs, the old bat directly He used a curse to petrify those dwarves who dared to enter the potion classroom, and then threw them out of the potion classroom. For the first time in his life, he won the applause of the students. Of course, Gryffindor was deducted points.

Oh! Hannah exclaimed suddenly, Is that why you like him? Because he's powerful!

Part of the reason. Pomona said triumphantly. He can also protect me with black magic.

Hannah Albert showed that longing smirk again, Why do I suddenly feel that black magic is very romantic?

Slytherin boys are very romantic, provided you understand them. Aren't there many Slytherin couples in our college?

Tell me what the professor did romantically? Hannah said excitedly.

He wrapped me in a cloak to keep me warm. Pomona said sweetly, That year we were in XZ, when we met a snowman, we didn't dare to start a fire, fearing that we would draw that monster over.

So what Lockhart said about jinxing the Yeti and giving him a nasal cold is impossible, right?

Of course, dear, the snowman is afraid of fire, and it is most appropriate to deal with it with the Fiercefire Curse, but neither of us knows fire magic, and the air on the plateau is thin, so we can't concentrate. We almost died there, the yeti was only fifteen feet tall, and was covered in pure white hair from head to toe, but it wasn't a troll, and we couldn't kill it, he blinded the snowman's eyes with a curse, and I It escaped by making a lot of flying birds with Transfiguration to disturb its hearing, so I think a man's strength is more important than his appearance, and if he can not mess things up, then he is good, no matter what he uses What is the way.

Pomona suspected that the snowman had giant bloodlines, and his magic resistance was very high. She still has lingering fears thinking about it now.

But Neville has no magical powers... Hannah murmured.

He is a smart boy who knows how to adapt. He can use a sword when he can't use his wand. Didn't he kill Nagini with the sword of Gryffindor in the last battle?

Hannah probably saw that scene, her eyes were full of stars.

Neville will be very cool in the future, grab him before other women find him, you can't lose to Gryffindor.

I have a competitor now? Hannah said with a belligerent grin.

Yes, a very powerful opponent, a female werewolf, do you dare to fight her?

Not Luna Lovegood? Hannah took a sip of Firewhiskey.

Many people compare their predecessors with their current ones. The former is always a threat to the current one. Pomona gritted her teeth and said, My opponent is Lily.

Hannah looked at Pomona sympathetically, Haven't you thought about changing it?

If I dare to think so, he will kill me. Pomona touched her neck. He will use all the black magic he knows on me.

Oh, it's not so much fun to think about dating dark wizards, they're crazy.

Pomona smiled wryly and looked at those wizards dressed abnormally.

Although Severus looked normal in his clothes, he was actually even more insane. It was because of his crazy pursuit of power that he studied black magic. Those Death Eaters were just like lunatics, but he was a rational lunatic, Bibe It's a little bit better to pull that crazy woman who is completely out of control.

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