Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 181 Magic Contract

The stipulated age for the Triwizard Tournament is 17 years old. Dumbledore drew an age line around the Goblet of Fire, but Harry Potter became the fourth contestant. Not only the students were shocked, but even the teachers. , everyone in the teachers' lounge was talking about it.

She has someone from the Academy who is emotional right now, and to make matters worse Barty Crouch is not going to disqualify him, and Pomona can't go to the teachers' lounge right now, and she can't even go back to her office, or she will be banned The little badgers were overwhelmed with endless questions.

What are you thinking? The herbal medicine professor came to the Potions professor's office with a large bundle of sage in his arms, and closed the door behind him.

Where did you hide it? The Potions Professor put the written letter into an envelope and sealed it with sealing paint.

I also have an office in the conservatory, Pomona said, where she hides whenever she wants to get away from annoying relationships, where she met Neville Longbottom last year. First the Dark Mark , and then this again, you still let Harry compete?

It seems that you talked to someone before you came here, let me guess, it was Minerva, right? He stood up holding the letter, a dimple curled up at the corner of his mouth, in the dark room of Slytherin. In the cellar, his outfit in black and black robe made him even taller. She spoke exactly like you last night.

Why did you and the principal agree to him continuing to compete? This was something Minerva couldn't figure out. She felt that the principal and him used Harry as a bait, and this was also something Pomona couldn't figure out.

It's my job to take care of Harry Potter, Professor Sprout. Dumbledore asked you to take care of Longbottom. I heard that he is very talented in herbal medicine. Is it true or is it your praise? ?”

He does have talent. Pomona took a step back under his pressure, He can talk to potted plants.

The old bat immediately laughed sarcastically.

Cedric Diggory is at least a genius in transfiguration. What do you think Longbottom's 'talent' will be useful in the future, if he is really another savior who was born at the end of July as predicted.

The future is still long, and what are you doing here now? Aren't you supposed to take care of Harry?

The headmaster asked Alastor Moody to take care of Harry Potter, and I think you should pay more attention to Longbottom than you care about Harry Potter. He suddenly reached out and wiped the mouse on her hair. The weeds were picked off. During his 'Dark Arts' class, Mad-Eye used the Cruciatus Curse in front of Longbottom, and Draco said he looked like he was going to faint.

Now the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is taught by the two colleges together. A while ago Neville appeared in the greenhouse again. She thought it was the old bat who didn't give him a good face. Only now did Pomona realize how negligent she was. .

Since when did Mad-Eye become so obsessed with the Dark Arts? He didn't call that class Defense Against the Dark Arts like other teachers did.

Mad-Eye is also a righteous aura master. Although he has retired, the way of thinking of those who specialize in arresting dark wizards is no different from that of dark wizards.

You know that people did die in the Triwizard Tournament in history, right, Pomona? Although it is a friendly competition in name, the champion will actually be left in the history books. We are the home of the Wizards Cup this year. If Losing to Durmstrang and Beauxbatons at Hogwarts will lose face, how are you going to help Cedric pass the level?

I don't know what the content of the first level is. She answered honestly.

Although you don't know, you can ask other people. We are the one who holds the competition this year, and we are also the teachers of Hogwarts who arrange the venue. All you need to do is ask, and they will tell you for Hogwarts. He said Said in a coaxing voice.

But it's not fair. Pomona took another step back. It's cheating.

Cheating is the tradition of the Triwizard Tournament, Pomona, only you still take fairness seriously.

I'm really sorry, this is my first time participating in the Triwizard Tournament, and I'm not familiar with the shady inside. Pomona said coldly. In the past ten years, two Triwizard Tournaments have been held, and Beauxbaton Professor McGonagall led the team, and Durmstrang was led by Severus. Hufflepuff has not had a warrior to participate in the three wizards' hegemony for hundreds of years. Dumbledore has always told her to be fair and just, and she That's what Cedric was taught as well, and she didn't want to compromise just because it was tradition.

Do the right thing because it's right.

If you don't prepare well, Cedric may die, Pomona, even so, do you still want to stick to your Hufflepuff spirit? The old bat growled in a low voice, Think about your responsibility!

Pomona hugged Sage tightly in her arms, she felt that he was pouring something into her mind.

You know, Severus, I have nothing against the dark arts. If it weren't for you in XZ, we might all be dead, but I really don't think it's right! Harry was called everywhere. The cheater is not just Hufflepuff, even Ron Weasley broke up with him, he is now more isolated and helpless than Cedric, only Mad Eye can rely on you figure out how to help him pass the second Is it off?

How do you know I'll find a way to help him pass the second level? Severus said blankly.

He is your responsibility, isn't it? She took another half step back holding the sage. Stop, don't come near me!

Her breathing became short of breath because her heart was beating too fast. At the end of last semester, he even risked his life to protect the Iron Triangle in front of werewolves. The little snot that was often bullied before has grown into an adult now.

Okay, he said glibly, but I'm sure you'll be asked a lot of questions, like, what do you think about Harry Potter stealing Hufflepuff's honor?

Oh, of course I'm angry! Pomona said angrily, It took us hundreds of years to produce a talent who can participate in the three wizards' hegemony, but the limelight was taken away by other academies.

Many people think that Professor Sprout is a benevolent and optimistic person, but she makes no secret of her preference for the students of her own college. She didn't add or deduct points at will like the old Bat and Dumbledore. Who can't be a little emotional? ?

You can tell those people that the rules cannot be changed. This is the stipulation of the magic contract. Neither you nor Harry Potter have a choice. He is the chosen one.

Just like the prophecy said, he is the chosen one. When he turned his back to her, Pomona felt that she could breathe again, but her head was already dizzy, as if she had lost the ability to think .

Yes, he is the chosen one. He looked at his potion cabinet and whispered, Please invite Alastor and Longbottom to drink tea, so that they can reconcile as before, and they will be together in Defense Against the Dark Arts class later. I will meet him often, he has already skipped my Potions class, if he also skipped the 'Dark Arts class', it would be meaningless for him to stay in Hogwarts to study, with the strength of the Longbottom family, please It is not a problem for an herbalist to tutor him specially.

Does Draco still want to study in Durmstrang? Pomona asked.

You make me think about it. He's my godson.

His mood was depressed and depressed. After putting down the sage, Pomona opened the door and left the old bat's cellar.

However, she didn't feel that she was relaxed. Instead, she seemed to be entangled in the devil's net, becoming more and more unable to move.

Where do you usually meet, Dean? Hannah Albert held her chin in both hands and looked at her with interest.

Pomona ignored her, she took out the dress robe that Dumbledore gave her, and put it on the bed in the guest room.

Although Dumbledore's magic power is superb, his taste is really ordinary. The black dress robe is actually similar to the plain robe used for work, but it is very beautiful because of a silver button on it.

The reason why goblins think that the weapons they make are their own, instead of paying to hire their wizards, is because of this magic contract. When the weapons they make are successful, these tools they make will have magic power, and they have to open the living point The map must swear I solemnly swear not to do good deeds. As long as this magic contract takes effect, even if the person who made it is dead, it still has magic power, and it will not disappear with a poof like Lily's fish.

Dumbledore added a strengthened Iron Armor Charm to the button, which can block any curse that is not Avada Kedavra, and Pomona wanted to give that button to Hermione Granger as a Christmas present .

As for herself, she can ask another principal, who is a close disciple who accepted Dumbledore's true biography. Although he is a Slytherin, he has completed the mission of giving the sword of Gryffindor to the Magic Triangle. She believed that he could protect her, as long as he wanted to.

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