Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 179 Gargoyle

Pomona turned on the radio, which played Christmas songs, which sounded very cheerful, without the depression and dullness during the war at all.

Although it's not her favorite music, as long as she doesn't hear the obituaries of wizards or Muggles, she is satisfied. In between making desserts, she took out a book and started reading, since Neville chose to use a sword instead of a wand as himself In the final battle, Neville killed Tom's last Horcrux Nagini with the sword of Gryffindor, and it was precisely to send this sword to the Iron Triangle In his hand, Severus summoned his Patronus of the Silver Hart, and it was because of that Patronus that Dumbledore believed that he had always loved Lily, and that she was the fool who pretended to be passionate.

Concentrate, fool. Pomona patted her cheek, and began to flip through the notes she had organized in school. The Gryffindor sword was a sword purchased from a goblin when Godric Gryffindor was alive. The hilt of the sword is inlaid with rubies, and the name of Godric Gryffindor is engraved on the sword. This sword is a relic of Gryffindor, one of the four giants of Hogwarts, and has been hidden in Dumbledore's office. inside.

The weapons made by goblins have extraordinary abilities. The Sword of Gryffindor can absorb substances that strengthen it, and can resist certain spells, such as the Fire Curse and the Copying Curse. Get it when you need it.

After Dumbledore's death, the office was owned by Principal Severus Snape. Ginny, Luna, and Neville wanted to steal the sword from there, but Snape caught them and punished them to go to the Forbidden Forest Working for Hagrid, the three of them, one is a pure-blood traitor, the other is the son of an Auror and member of the Order of the Phoenix who broke Voldemort's good deeds three times. The ones in Bella's vault were actually fakes, and only Severus knew where the real ones were.

A Slytherin with the quality of Gryffindor, how sad, this sword is different from the weapons made by ordinary goblins, it was tailor-made for Gryffindor by the goblin king Raignac I In this civilization, the ruler's work is not less than others, but more skillful than others. Gryffindor commissioned him to forge a sterling silver sword with a ruby ​​embedded in the hilt. When Raignac made the sword, he fell in love with it and tried to steal it back from Gryffindor. He pretended that Gryffindor had stolen the sword from him, and sent a party of his subjects to retrieve it. But Gryffindor, being a skilled duelist, beat them all back. Gryffindor put a spell on the goblins and told them to go back and tell Raignac that if he did something like this again, he would kill him and all his subjects with the sword. Raignac made no further attempts to take the sword, but legends of Gryffindor's stealing began to circulate among the goblin society. Moreover, in the goblin's view, if a wizard passes on something a goblin makes to other wizards without paying the maker any more, it is no better than stealing. So when Gryffindor left the sword to someone else, the rumor of the thief was confirmed. This rumor was so widespread in the goblin society that in the 17th and 18th centuries, 600 years after the sword was forged, this Rumors still sparked a bloody goblin rebellion.

The goblin rebellion in history is often said to be bloody and thrilling. On the chocolate frog card, there is the leader of this rebellion, the goblin sloppy Lala. The final outcome of the rebellion is the magic wand legislation. The wand, in exchange for Gringotts, is managed by goblins. However, due to the lack of goblin representatives in Wizengamot, and wizards want to enslave goblins like house elves to make goblin weapons for them, there are also wizard killers such as Yadley Plant Humans created a series of goblin murders, and the goblins were very angry with the wizards. In addition, the strength of the wizards has been greatly reduced after several wars, and a new round of rebellion may break out at any time.

What makes wizards rush to get their money out of Gringotts is mainly because the dragon got away, and it would be nice if a magical animal could be found to replace it.

In the aroma of coffee, Pomona curled her hair. This slightly bitter smell is different from potions. Halloween in Harry's first grade was the first time she saw him hurt in so many years, or The wound that Baimoss couldn't heal, the bloody appearance was still shocking. If the three-headed hellhound is difficult for him to deal with, then Hagrid's puppy can replace the dragon to guard Gringotts. It's just that Lu Wei It lost its freedom, and it would make Hagrid sad if the goblin treated it badly.

It seems that I really have to find time to go back to Hogwarts. She murmured, there was a female werewolf Lavender Brown in the greenhouse, and she wanted to borrow a three-headed hellhound, so Pomona decided to hand over the matter to Hogwarts. Let Hermione do it, the three of them let the dragon go, of course they have to find a way to deal with the trouble they caused.

Come with me, Severus, you haven't been to the teachers' lounge yet. The dumpy Pomona Sprout was showing the new potions master around Hogwarts.

Why is the rest room on the first floor? He frowned, looking at the children who hurried past him. At this time, he had already put on that long black robe and was striding forward. It looks scary already.

Don't worry, there are gargoyles at the door, they can't get in. Pomona sighed, it was a meeting place for a few adults in this school, she could no longer be a role model for the children, and put her feet on the sofa , drinking pumpkin juice while reading the Daily Prophet.

Are all gargoyles used to guard the gate? He said seemingly carelessly.

There are three places in Hogwarts with gargoyles, one is the principal's office, the other is the teachers' lounge, and the other is the potions classroom, but the gargoyle in the potions classroom keeps spitting water, and children often use it to wash their hands.

Yes. She deliberately pretended not to know, to see what tricks he wanted to play.

I need an owl. Pomona muttered to herself and stood up and walked towards the fireplace. She believed that there would be some in Malfoy Manor, and she wanted to give Hermione a gift. Haven't received an owl package yet.

With the flash of green flames, she came to the gorgeous Malfoy Manor, the long black table where the Death Eaters used to sit was in front of her, but it was covered with flowers, and a group of children were running around in the living room .


Pomona followed the voice and saw that it was Hannah Albert.

Why are you here, Hannah?

Christmas party. Hannah looked Pomona up and down. You're not pretending?

I'm here to borrow an owl. There used to be an owl house at Hogwarts, how convenient.

Then after borrowing the owl, can I go to your house to play? Hannah said aggressively.

This is a social occasion, you should know more friends! She put on the majesty of the dean, usually at this time they would be obedient.

We are friends. Hannah took her arm. You said, I am an adult, and we are equal.

Pomona was furious immediately, she didn't expect Hannah to be that kind of girl who doesn't accept discipline!

But on the other hand, if she was timid and cowardly, she would not join DA, and she can feel that Hannah is a girl who looks sweet but is actually very strong, unless she offends people with hard words like the old bat, Otherwise you can't refuse her.

Gulping Gargoyle! She cursed angrily, holding up her skirt, striding quickly through the Malfoy Manor.

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