Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 172 Twelve Uses of Dragon Blood

Neville actually lived with Lavender Brown?

The news hit Pomona like thunder, so that she didn't have time to be sentimental. She went back to the snow-covered courtyard and summoned the leprechaun with a spell. As the air twisted slightly, Severer Snape appeared.

Neville and Lavender Brown are living together!!! Before he could speak, Pomona roared.

Boys will grow up sooner or later, she understands and understands this, she can accept it when Xiaolong and Astonia are together, but Neville, that round-faced Neville, that honest and clumsy Neville will also After doing such a nasty thing, all the men are really beasts.

Well, he finally did something that impresses me. Severus came back to his senses, and heaved a sigh of relief. You called me here just to say that?

He lives with a werewolf, Severus, don't you care?

After knowing that you live with two men, one of whom is a werewolf? Yes, I don't care at all. Severus said with a smile, Maybe Longbottom and Ron's ex-girlfriend are just friends, Don't think too much about it.

How can it be the same? I have known Sirius and Lupine for many years, and he and Lavender hardly know each other. They are just from the same academy.

Given Lavender's previous record of dedication, Pomona couldn't help covering her head, perhaps her Neville was no longer pure.

First there was Luna Lovegood, and then there was the female werewolf. His love life is really rich and colorful. The old Slytherin bat actually envied Neville Longbottom Are you sure you want to match Hannah Albert with him? Two together?

Pomona found a stone pier and sat down, looking at the frozen magic fountain.

I once told Remus that he wasn't right to be with Tonks, there was too much age gap between them.

Then you don't have to worry about it now, Neville and Lavender are the same age.

No, I think he heard it. Pomona wiped away her tears. He knows I don't support werewolves and humans being together.

Remus is very gentle and sensitive. After being denounced by Severus, Remus was forced to graduate early. He couldn't find a job and had no place to live. Hope died during his study, and Lyle invited him Living with himself, Remus didn't want to disturb his father's life, and ended up living with Sirius who ran away from home.

When Sirius was wanted and finally had no place to live, it was Remus who took him in. They were buddies and they couldn't tell the difference at all, and Remus was one of the few people who firmly believed that Sirius would never betray James. He and Sirius were the earliest members of the Order of the Phoenix. Sirius was brave and aggressive, and couldn't stand the job of being the secret keeper. He wanted to fight at the forefront against the dark wizard, so he suggested that James change the secret keeper to Cowardly Pete, so he can keep hiding.

After Sirius was arrested, he didn't continue to live in Guihua Street, and he didn't go to Lyle. Instead, he wandered and searched for clues to reverse the case for Sirius. His relationship with Pomona was very ordinary, maybe because he was blaming Pomona taught Sirius the Animagus with such serious sequelae, but she had no choice at that time, if she didn't do this, she might die herself.

Only those who face werewolves know the horror of werewolves. He may lose his mind at any time. Hope was scratched by Lupine. Bill was disfigured after being scratched by a werewolf, but Hope was a Muggle, and she died in the end. He was afraid that he would hurt Tonks, and felt that his blood was not clean. They could not combine and have children, so he began to stay away from Donks. Max, a Hufflepuff girl who loves him dearly.

Although they are the same age, Pomona is Hufflepuff's best dean for hundreds of years. Professor Lupine respects this very much. If she doesn't support him, she really keeps a distance from Tonksy. He is such a kind and lovely person, he never thought about the effects of the potions the potions masters gave him on his body, as Severus said, he was killing himself in this way .

Can you still make Wolfsbane Potion now? Pomona asked the potion master, Whether Wolfsbane Potion doesn't need Fenrir's blood.

That depends on how many usable herbs are still in the greenhouse, and I don't have enough fire dragon blood.

The wolfsbane potion was very, very expensive, and a lot of precious materials were used in it. Lupine's property couldn't afford it at all, but Severus still sent it to him every month until Dumbledore was killed by him.

I heard the old slug say that dragon's blood became very expensive for a while...

I can't give the recipe of wolf-binding potion to the Ministry of Magic, but I can hand over the recipe of wolfsbane potion. Severus looked disgusted. Parents are willing to do anything to save their children. Expelled, and then he went back, and his reputation surpassed the Minister of Magic Stringer, and it happened that the werewolf was loyal to the Dark Lord at that time, you know what people will do in a panic, the original 10 Galleons a bottle of dragon's blood was raised to 100 Garen, I don't have that much money to buy such expensive medicinal materials.

Why didn't you tell me?

I had other things to do at the time, Pomona, the Dark Lord wanted Draco to kill the old fool, my unbreakable vow with Sissy, and the Order of the Phoenix meeting with the Death Eaters, I didn't have time Go think about that.

Is this really the case? Or is your manly self-esteem starting to cause trouble again. Pomona walked back and forth in the snow with her arms crossed, You like to overwhelm me with everything, my greenhouse is taken care of by the kind of housewife Everyday garden?

She glared at this arrogant man, he was not like this when he was a child.

You can tell me directly, what materials are you lacking now, and I will go to Diagon Alley to buy them right away.

He began to curse under his breath.

He didn't plagiarize my paper, he stole my influence, and I hate boiling that thing.

Are you telling me this at this time? Pomona was half-dead with anger. Albus Dumbledore is recognized as the inventor of the twelve uses of dragon's blood, but a man named Ivan Dillonsby once Wrote an article called The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore in which he claimed to have discovered eight of the twelve uses of dragon's blood before Dumbledore published them, and that Dumbledore plagiarized him Thesis, according to what Severus said, Dumbledore's return to the Wizengamot is also related to Wolfsbane Potion Didn't you win the Prince Award?

That's what I deserve. He waved his hands and said through gritted teeth, I'm in a bad mood now, and I have a lot of things to do, I don't want to take that medicine.

Pomona shook her head.

What's wrong?

You know I won't force you like Dumbledore, why are you so against me?

The dragon that was about to throw a tantrum fell silent.

If you need help, you can tell me, you are not alone, I just hate your attitude, why do you always look down on me?

I didn't look down on you! He got even angrier.

Then why are you always so dismissive when you mention my greenhouse? She put in a lot of effort to take care of it so well Is it because I always deal with feces, so you think I'm as dirty as mud ?”

No! He suddenly rushed over and hugged her in his arms.

Tell me what you're thinking, Severus, I'm not as smart as you, and I may not be able to guess right every time. She said a little tiredly, You are driving me crazy, what else is my brain besides you I can't even think about it, we are working now, and there will be mistakes in this state.

I want to rest, he said wearily. I haven't had lunch yet.

I have a cranberry scone in my pocket, do you want some?

Yes! He let go of his embrace, his expression still very bad.

Find a warm place to sit.

No need. He led her to find a place in the corridor to sit down, and covered the two of them with his cloak, It's very warm like this.

Pomona shook her head, and took out the unfinished food in the tea room from her velvet pocket. Neither she nor Hermione liked to waste food, and each of them shared a little of the unfinished food and took it away.

Here. She gave him the scone, and then took out the travel kettle from her pocket. After using a spring of clear water in it, the kettle started to heat automatically, and soon a pot of hot water was ready.

What kind of tea would you like to drink?


So the highly savored Potions Professor took the giraffe mug exuding the aroma of black tea, and had an extremely simple belated lunch in the snow-capped courtyard.

Pomona didn't have anything to say, because she also felt that she should take a break. In this quiet environment, she could even hear the sound of snow falling, but she felt very comfortable.

Because there was another person's body temperature beside her, she no longer felt lonely and cold, so that she leaned on his shoulder again and took a comfortable nap.

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