Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 159 The Leaker

It is very dangerous to bring someone you don't trust into a house that has cast the Fidelity Charm. No. 12, Grimmauld Place, was completely exposed because Hermione brought Yaxley in.

He grabbed Hermione, and Hermione apparated with him, and the mark on the Death Eater's arm would reveal the coordinates. At that time, everyone's attention was on Akris. Severus had come to the Order when he wasn't being watched, and even that was risky, maybe only once a year when he was delivering medicine to Lupine on a full moon night.

A lot of things changed that Christmas, but they were able to communicate more normally until the second game, and it was just a fascination, and they just pretended it never happened.

She asked Neville to deliver materials to the Potions Master in the hope that he would overcome her fear. Severus Snape was not as scary as he looked, he did a good job, and even stole the old bat from the warehouse. Things happened, and with the Mad-Eye transformed by Barty Crouch Jr. wandering around around them, the flames that were ignited for a short time should fade away quickly, but when everyone focused their attention on the black After the lake bottomed, he took her out of the stands and went to other places. His responsibility was to take care of Harry Potter, but he actually showed that he was not worried at all about whether Harry would pass the second match.

He didn't think about it, and he probably lost his usual caution. He couldn't find out who leaked the secret to Dumbledore.

She hasn't thought about anything for the past six years, and if it wasn't for Wormtail she would have continued to be dizzy, her mind wasn't moving at all, as if it was a decoration, she was just like an ordinary Hufflepuff girl Spending time with his Slytherin boyfriend all day long. She wasted a lot of time, her students were more successful than her, the old bat at least made chamaejasbane potion, she didn't have anything, what was she doing all day long?

Pomona and Hermione came to Weasley's trick shop from the Burrow's Floo Network. They really needed a place to talk. Hermione felt that George could be trusted, and it was easier to chat with people of similar age. George, too, is a little successful now, and has a nice drawing room in his shop, and a lounge next to it, which is in a mess and obviously hasn't been tidied up for a long time.

Ron is still the same. Pomona knew when she saw the situation in the lounge. This is definitely a place where Ron often stays. He is as lazy as Harry, and he is reluctant to take down the plate after eating.

Let's find another place to talk. Hermione was expressionless, and closed the door with a bang.

I think so too. Unlike her husband who smelled of sage cologne, Ron Weasley stinks. If she didn't know that he was not bad at heart, Pomona would have pitied Hermione for choosing such a man. own husband.

They left from the reception room and went up to the attic on the third floor. There was a warehouse with a lot of boxes in it. There was a small room in the innermost part. The decoration inside was very Hermione. She was a very feminine girl with a space bag. It was a bead bag, and Ginny was the only Weasley girl.

George sometimes asks me to come over to help, this is my office, sometimes George asks me to help. Hermione said while making tea.

I haven't forgotten your grades in arithmetic and divination. Pomona admired the interior furnishings. You don't like divination but you like counting.

You pay attention to me? Hermione smiled and looked back at Pomona.

I didn't expect you to be most afraid of Minerva.

After Pomona finished speaking, she thought of poor Neville, who had been made sombre by the Head of Slytherin throughout his third year.

I'm not afraid of Professor McGonagall, but of her announcing that I've failed all my exams.

Pomona suddenly realized that what young people today seem to be afraid of is strange things.

I found that I didn't grow up as fast as Harry. She said with some frustration, I haven't been his opponent since the third grade.

I used to be Severus' teacher, and now I am no match for him at all. Pomona sat down on the chair opposite the desk. Wizards are farther than witches in the pursuit of power. Our specialty In wisdom, not in battle.

What do you want to talk to me about?

Do you really believe that Harry is Voldemort's Horcrux? Pomona watched Hermione burn water with the Fire Curse. She is indeed a great witch. If it were Harry, he would burn the whole room down.

Professor Dumbledore said so in Professor Snape's memory.

Two souls in one body will smell like Quirrell, your first-year Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Harry stinks after exercising, but the smell is not that rancid, what do you think? ?”

Maybe his mother's spell worked.

Back to the beginning again, what is the rebound spell that Lily chanted? It can actually block the Avada Kedavra curse.

Where did she learn it? Hermione asked.

I used to study with them in the library, but then I was busy training Sirius and their Animagus, so I didn't go there, and then it was the first Wizarding War, so I didn't pay much attention to her. Pomona looked Sighing at Bai Xue outside the window, Lily was also very helpless at that time, and it happened that Mary instilled in her the concept of marrying a rich man is safe, so she lost her puppy.

She didn't start dating James Potter right away either. Pomona and Severus didn't know her whereabouts during the period from the fifth grade to the seventh grade. Maybe she learned at that time rebound spell.

You can even do Animagus? Hermione made tea and poured it into a cute duck cup.

I started working with Minerva very early. She handed over the theory to me, and I will teach Sirius and them. Minerva's Animagus is a cat, and she can't deal with werewolves.

Why doesn't she teach herself?

Kids are wary of adults, but like to play with older kids. You'd rather be in Weasley's Trick Shop than The Burrow, right?

Does Professor Snape know that you and Sirius know each other?

He doesn't know, Sirius often jokes with him about this. Pomona held a duck teacup to keep warm I had already graduated when they were in fifth grade, but I didn't leave Hogwarts, but with another face Teaching, he was already mixed with the Death Eaters at that time, and he basically didn't come to herbal medicine class.

When were you together?

Do you want to test your insight? Pomona smiled and changed the subject, You were also there at the Shrieking Shack that day, and you knew the situation better than me. You also heard Sybil's prophecy. Who are you referring to?

I'm curious, if not the soul, what is it that connects Voldemort and Harry so that they can see each other's thoughts?

Dumbledore thinks that Harry is a Horcrux, and there is a piece of soul in Harry, but I think it is life sharing. Voldemort used Harry's blood to create his own body. The reason why Neville is so dull is not because he was born. It's because of the Oblivion Curse, when Alice and Frank were tortured by Bella, Neville was not there but saw the whole process, and he and Alice are also related by blood.

But Harry knew Parseltongue in his second year.

It's a language, and Ron has learned it too, so that doesn't mean anything.

But before him, the only Parseltongue was Voldemort.

Let's go back to the beginning, what exactly is Lily's rebound spell?

So what if you figure it out, Voldemort won't be coming back, Hermione said.

Maybe someone tried to revive him, using a Time-Turner and a Resurrection Stone. Pomona took a sip of her tea. Granger, did you tell anyone about your Time-Turner?

No. Hermione shook her head.

Harry and Ron are stupid, they don't realize the importance of the Time-Turner, remember that fake Galleon you used to make? Help, and the magic props that you can rush to the scene at the first time, you can do it with your husband, it will be safer for two people to protect them together, what is Ron's patron saint?

A hound.

It seems that you also have a puppy, Hermione. Pomona said with a smile, I can give you the method of Animagus, and you will train Ron. Animagus can deal with werewolves. Even if he gets bitten, he won't turn into a werewolf, Sirius' Patronus is a dog, so he can join the Aurors and fight with Harry.

Is Professor Snape a puppy to you? Hermione said with a weird smile.

No. Pomona touched the black swan pendant on her neck, By the way, is there still a strong love potion in the warehouse?

Are you going to use a love potion on him?

Hahaha, you're so funny, laughed Pomona, who wouldn't be so stupid to poison the potions master.

Then what do you use the love potion for?

I want to make sure what my favorite smell is? Pomona said, she was not so dependent on Dumbledore, maybe her favorite smell of ashes was no longer the burnt smell of a burning phoenix.

Come with me, I'll get you a bottle, said Hermione excitedly, as if she thought the game was fun.

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