Male animals will mark their own territory when they become adults. Of course, humans will not pee on telephone poles like dogs, but they will still declare their sovereignty in their own way. Whoever snoops on what belongs to them is tantamount to challenging him , Territory, property, women, status, children, etc., there is always one thing that cannot be compromised.

Lily is the thing that James Potter won't let go, and she protects Severus. She doesn't help at all, and even intensifies the conflict, but her nature of protecting the weak makes him It was impossible for her to ignore Severus, and Pomona didn't know how to persuade her. She believed that a man's honor had to be guarded by herself, and as a result, she became conflicted with Severus regardless of whether she asked Sirius or not. It's getting worse, and wherever he goes he has enemies.

In addition to the Black headquarters, the Order has other safe houses where they sometimes hold meetings. After the big battle in the basement, she was no longer grounded, and she could go to other strongholds for meetings. At that time, she was only interested in meeting him happily, and she didn't care how obvious her reaction was in the eyes of others. Even the Weasley family The twins are found.

She was very glad that Fred was not so stupid as to pursue her, and also very glad that he did not pay attention to her sister-in-law Fleur. Fred wanted to kill, but she was still willing to believe what Severus said, that George's ears were an accident, but now there was a lot of hatred in George's heart, and hatred caused prejudice, which was as extreme as pure bloodism.

I don't know when, the snot-nosed man also started to use cologne, but it is not an ordinary cologne, it should be specially made by the Potions professor like the shower gel he specially made for the teacher, she smelled the scent of sage and orange blossom fragrance. Although his hair looked greasy, it didn't smell bad, because he was always called smelly when he was a child, and the Potter stinks badge that Draco promoted was made under his inspiration. He really stinks now, smells like sweat, like Firenze the centaur, and he craves power for revenge, and she thought it would be better for him to keep his distance from those Death Eaters.

Human wizards are not naturally suitable for melee combat, except for Animagus, who was beaten by Firenze at first, and then one day he had a flash of inspiration and figured out a way to use apparition to avoid Firenze's attack. That dance of death is very dangerous. Apparition is not fun. If you are not careful, there is a danger of splitting, but he still doesn't care. Space magic can be used by humans and house elves, and other magical creatures have never heard of it. Well, he is just like Neville, he has a hatred for himself, but he is more talented and focused than Neville, and he is improving very fast.

However, he is still not Dumbledore's opponent. He still needs to continue to climb up. Women will hinder his progress. Most top mages are lonely. Although two people are interesting together, they can't focus. This is why Sirius The reason why he is smarter than him but not progressing as fast as him is that he always plays with James.

Why do you smell like me? He asked puzzled.

That's because I've been marked, Pomona said, panting insanely, and then grabbed his neck and kissed him, who tasted just like that Black Forest cake at Christmas.

There is a sofa in Slughorn's office, and he has many visitors, but when Severus became the head of Slytherin, the living room was emptied by him and transformed into a room for him to store potions .

There can't be a sofa in his living room, so the sofa she's lying on right now belongs to her office. Hogwarts' school rules do not allow boys to go to girls' dormitories, but there is no rule that male teachers cannot visit female teachers. . They are adults and can be responsible for their own actions, but although she has many friends, Hogwarts' Floo network cannot be opened casually. There is a strong fire burning in her fireplace at the moment, and the firewood occasionally emits Crackling crackling sound. It is easy to feel thirsty in a dry room, but she also likes the taste of the peppermint-flavored euphoria in his mouth. She can feel a pleasant sense of happiness spontaneously, that irritability and Anxiety was allayed.

Like soaking in a hot bath, her whole body was lazy, and she felt that her heart, which was cold because of loneliness, was warm and beating again comfortably.

What she wanted has been obtained from this kiss, but everything didn't end there, his waist began to move with a rhythm that made her heart palpitate.

Animals don't have a sense of shame like humans, and they don't hide when they mate. She has long understood what this gesture means when she observes them.

When a tree grows to a certain extent, it will bloom and bear fruit, and when a person grows to a certain age, he will also want to reproduce. Under Dumbledore's management, she became a thirty-nine-year-old spinster, and he became a thirty-five-year-old spinster. , outsiders should leave their business alone.

Even if no one teaches this knowledge, he still knows what to do instinctively. Some knowledge does not need to be taught by books. It remains in people's original memory and passed down through blood. Tom Riddle wants to use the Philosopher's Stone to refine it into a new one. Physically, he really doesn't care about taboos at all.

Compared with killing hundreds of thousands of Muggles, collecting their souls, and making the so-called Philosopher's Stone, which is a crazy and wrong way, their little immorality is nothing to worry about. But she still felt ashamed and guilty. The innocent boy who loved Lily was gone. She seemed to have done something wrong, like injecting darkness into the crystal, making it no longer pure.

Their clothes were all on their bodies. If he didn't do that, they would be able to sleep in the same hall as when the whole school was in the third grade, except that everyone slept together, not together.

He destroyed a lot of things, like a bolt of lightning hit a tower, and they couldn't go back to the old friends relationship where they could eat and chat without any grievances.

Look at me, Pomona, he gasped, eyes no longer empty, reflecting her face like obsidian I can do whatever I want, and you can do what you want No one cares about you.

No! She covered her head as if avoiding danger, like a badger avoiding danger, but he pulled her out of the tree hole.

You don't have to hide yourself from me, I won't criticize you.

She still didn't dare to look into his eyes. In reality, she was not as beautiful as she looked, just like the seeds of pimple vines, like caterpillars.

Coward, he said defiantly, where did you have the courage to knock on my door that night?

Don't you think what I did is shameless? She said timidly, she herself felt shameless.

That was the happiest moment in my life, you don't know how long I've been waiting for that day. He stopped moving, and turned into ordinary wood like a knotty vine that had been pulled out of a tree burl If you don't respond again I, I'm going to give you Ecstasy, just like Tom Riddle's mother gave his father, I don't know where Lockhart got this secret, but his big mouth is full of people You know, I have to announce that Ecstasy is banned in school. Old Tom left her when she stopped using Ecstasy. I'm afraid you will leave me when I stop. That drug is poisonous. It will kill the person who takes it, if you want to say shameless, I am a hundred times more shameless than you.

I thought... what Lockhart was saying was a joke.

I'm not kidding, Pomona. Severus looked at her seriously, amors or mors, I can live on and take care of Harry Potter for Lily after she dies, but I can't live on after you die , there is already a blood man Barrow in the world, he has entered the next stage and is about to become a new species, I don’t know what he will do, will he be more terrifying than a dementor, I just don’t want to be like him, so Help me and help yourself, be brave.

It was as if a seed broke through the seed coat that bound it and protected it at the same time, and she felt a power spread throughout her limbs.

She looked back at the human wizard who was watching her and watching her change little by little, like revived vines, entangled his hands and feet around his body.

Yes, she is not dirty soil, but a plant that breaks out of the soil, which can change colors with the seasons, and can also bloom beautiful flowers.

Have I ever complimented you, Severus, you beat Lockhart well.

Now I hear it. He was so happy that the corners of his mouth curled up into a smile, I saw him as a foil, and it made me angry to support his beauty, that pompous fool.

Yeah, his robe is spotless, and he's covered in mud like me. Professor Sprout complained, and she wanted to punch that perfect face like Hermione punched Draco.

How do you know about this? She suddenly remembered that when the Mandrake was being repotted, only the students and Lockhart were the only ones, and Head Slytherin was not there at all.

Draco told me that Gryffindor and Slytherin had that class together. He buried his head in her hair and sniffed it carefully. What's that smell?

Mandrake flowers, I also added some mint leaves, I can share if you want to use.

How about taking a shower together later?

She was about to say no.

Okay, but this time you can't step over the line.

Just as a reward?

That's right. She said impatiently, and immediately saw him take out a foul-smelling object from the interspatial bag, put it in the fruit bowl, and set it on fire with his wand.

what is that?

Musk, a spice secreted by a stag, can only be obtained by killing it. He looked into Pomona's eyes with a sly smile. This spice is said to be not only contraceptive, but also fun.

You're such an evil wizard. Pomona couldn't help complaining how much he hated James Potter.

I'm a dark wizard, have you forgotten? Draco has a rune snake as a pet, what is my pet?

Pomona looked at the smile on his face, he didn't care about the stinger anymore?

You are not suitable for keeping pets. Every time you have a relationship with pets, bad things happen. Pomona didn't beat around the bush, and said bluntly, Forget about it, and I feel cold.

Yes, Queen. He happily approached her, covering her in the shadow he created.

At this time, the first snow began to fall in winter, but they didn't feel the cold at all. The body temperature of the two of them could drive away the severe cold, which was a survival skill they learned on the snow mountain.

The Snowman is afraid of fire, but neither of them is good at it, and they are not afraid of jinxes, and the idiot Lockhart gave it a cold. What a fool, what kind of decent students can a teacher like him teach.

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