Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 130 house wife

The guard guarding the Sorcerer's Stone has a hellish three-headed dog Lu Wei, which is one of Hagrid's friends. When Harry Potter was a freshman, trolls broke into the school. At that time, students from other colleges were led by teachers and prefects. The next time I went back to the lounge, only the Slytherin students went back by themselves.

They don't need the dean's care, they can take care of themselves, and then the old bat took advantage of this time to run to check the Philosopher's Stone, but he was bitten when he met Lu Wei.

Hagrid never liked him, or rather Hagrid didn't like all Slytherins. Professor Potions has a space bag made of deformed lizard skin, which is filled with various materials, many of which are the corpses of magical animals, so it is inevitable that he will be bitten. After all, Lu Wei is not a docile and obedient pet. dog.

After entering Harry Potter, his life became a disaster. When Dumbledore was away, Dean Slytherin was in charge of dealing with the Ministry of Magic. After all, many officials were of noble origin. Arthur Weasley's flying car The Ford sedan was on the front page of the Daily Prophet, and he wanted so badly to kick those two boys who kept getting him into trouble home.

He wanted to change Defense Against the Dark Arts back to Art of the Dark Arts, no.

He wanted to be a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, no.

He wants the Academy Cup, no.

Dumbledore didn't seem to get his way in anything, and anyone would have a bad temper.

Now it's his turn to be the master of the house. If Harry Potter, an Auror, comes to Malfoy Manor, it will be Harry's turn to live the life of being isolated by the whole school like the fourth grade. He will be very happy , Pomona can almost imagine him seeing Harry Potter being used everywhere, and finally laughing with pride.

She couldn't let Harry get involved in this incident, she promised Lily to let him live, she had betrayed Lily a lot, last time Harry survived by luck, she couldn't break her promise again.

In her memory, she picked up the resurrection stone in the Forbidden Forest, and then activated the time converter to resurrect the person lying in the pool of blood. Ancient spells require pure power. Lily protects Harry because of maternal love. The activated protection spell rebounds the Avada Kedavra curse, but the dead body will not disappear after being hit by the Kedavra curse, just like Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort Where did my body go.

If it was justifiable for her to be tampered with when she was studying because she was still weak, then it would be problematic for her to be tampered with again. The children she taught were like flowers in a greenhouse. She never felt that she was also protected by the greenhouse. It was difficult for her to survive in the cruel war, but she insisted on staying to protect Hogwarts.

Perhaps Pomona had betrayed not only Lily, but her other husband, too, and she had eloped with a man of her own accord, leaving the castle in ruins. Narcissa Malfoy wanted to leave Malfoy Manor, but she came back anyway, and this is where they ended up returning.

No matter how disappointing her husband is, she is responsible for herself, and even Mrs. Longbottom is sticking to the honor of the Longbottom family. But she ran away, ran into the wilderness, found a small house that no one wanted, and lived a clean life with only two people. Because of her negligence and bad intentions, she saved Pete, which caused the blood of the Prince family to be lost , compared to Ron Weasley, she is the real loser.

You call me, godmother?

When Pomona looked down at Malfoy Manor, Draco appeared behind her. Draco looked rosy from the exercise just now, and reminded her of Cedric, a young man who was talented and fair at the same time.

Sit down, Draco. Pomona walked to the sofa and sat down, and Draco also sat down, but he didn't just keep his noble upbringing just because he was in his own home.

You're engaged to Miss Greengrass. How often do you ask her out?

Not so often, I'm still an intern at the hospital, Draco said.

Even if the marriage was designed by your father, you can't be careless, Draco, you have to make Astonia happy, sooner or later she will replace your mother and become the mistress of Malfoy Manor, a few years ago Do you remember the feeling of losing your freedom when you stay at home? At least you can leave one day, but she has to stay in this house for the rest of her life, you should make her feel loved, you understand?

Draco looked puzzled.

Your mother wants your child to inherit the Malfoy family, Draco, and I think she made the right choice. Being a doctor also requires caring. Now that you have grown up, it's time to take care of others, Astony Ya is not a pet, she will be the mother of your child in the future, and she will train the heir of the Malfoy family for you when you are not at home. Keep fooling around with your friends.

Oh, why are you talking about such a serious topic, you're not interesting at all now, Knox. Draco stood up with disgust on his face.

Sit down. Pomona said coldly, Want to go to Weasley's trick shop later when you think it's fun?

Draco, who was about to leave, stopped.

Weasley's Trick Shop? Draco looked surprised.

Which of the products they sell is your favourite?

Draco sat down on the couch again.

Why did you take me to buy toys at this time?

Halloween is coming, and your mother is going to hold a party at home. At that time, there may be little wizards coming to the house. They can't sit and play after giving candies. You must give them some toys.

Didn't you buy it for me?

You can buy what you like, just remember to leave some for the guests.

Oh, great! Let's go now! Draco couldn't wait to jump up.

You forgot what I just said. You want to ask Astonia to come. She is your fiancée and your girlfriend. How do you ask her to go to the party with you?

I can give her a present. Master Malfoy said without hesitation.

Then what?

Visit her at home and hand over the invitation to her personally.

It's etiquette for you to do this in peacetime, but we are going through war now. Remember the attack on St. Mungo's yesterday? Some people don't agree with the practice of 'atonement'. Not involved, I think it will be the same this time, sooner or later you will become a 'prefect', Draco, and those who attacked St. Mungo's Hospital will make you their primary target. If Miss Greenglass continues It would be dangerous to date you, and even the Greengrass family will dissolve their engagement with the Malfoy family, so you need not only her consent to invite Astonia, but also the consent of her father, and even the consent of the Greengrass patriarch. Forget, you have a Death Eater mark on your arm, which will never disappear in a lifetime.

Draco touched his arm subconsciously, lowered his head and fell into thought.

Fred is dead, Draco, killed by Death Eaters. I'll take you to the trick shop. You have to face Ron Weasley and George with one ear missing. If you don't want to go It doesn't matter, I can understand you, everyone has a past that they want to avoid, shame, embarrassment, especially when they are bumped into, you saw me running into your godfather's secret room in the middle of the night that day.

But I didn't know it was you, Professor Sprout, I thought it was some bold chick who slipped into Hogwarts. Draco looked at Pomona with a weird smile, People come and go during that time In the past, I never thought that she was you.

Pomona hesitated and struggled for a long time, but she still gritted her teeth and asked, Did any woman show love to your godfather?

As if he had caught her, Draco put his legs on the sofa, half lying down leisurely and lazily.

In exchange for what?

Draco, I can use Legilimency on you. Pomona threatened with a deadpan expression.

Come on, you know it's not that fun anymore, Draco said triumphantly. You're the funniest grown-up I've ever met, don't let me down, Knox.

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