Compared with plant magic, earth magic is more difficult, because soil is the most difficult substance to change. Muggles are engaged in jobs related to earth, such as farmers, construction workers, etc. In the process of opening a nursery and planting plants, breaking the ground is inevitable. Of course, wizards will not wield a shovel like a Muggle. Pomona's method is to plow the ground with a cutting spell.

The magic resistance of giants is very, very high, and the magic power that is fatal to people can leave at most one mark on their bodies. The giant is about twelve feet tall, and the sixteen feet of the giant is considered short. Pomona's The Cutting Curse had no effect on him.

Article 10 of Hufflepuff's rules, hard work is more important than anything else.

Pomona can only gain stronger spell power through hard work. The Cutting Curse can only work on creatures. The earth obviously does not belong to ordinary creatures, but it still has life. The substance of land is the same. Ancient warriors needed constant practice to be proficient, and Pomona's cutting curse has also been modified. The basic root of Sectum remains the same, and it is later called Maxima, which is two extremes with the invisible Sectumsempra.

Harry's spell power is naturally stronger, and the effect of using a jinx is the same as that of Draco's Rolling Curse. If he used Pomona's Sectumaxima, Draco would have died a long time ago, and he might have been hacked In two parts, Sectumsempra wins by numbers, causing many small wounds, which look bloody but are only flesh wounds. Although Severus is a killer, he is still a soft-hearted child. Unlike Pomona, the punishment is extremely severe. She almost Victims are not given a chance to be healed by chanting Vulnera Sanentur.

The double-snake stick represents alchemy, and the single-snake stick represents medicine, which means regeneration, but some people prefer to live a happy life and insist that everyone be sad together. The Daily Prophet in the morning published the story of St. Mungo's attack. Fortunately, the Aurors arrived in time to avoid casualties, and the feeling that her plan had been sabotaged made her angry.

Yesterday you said you asked me to find Regulus for you. You should know that he was dragged into the water by the Inferi. Severus hugged the coffee cup and sat across the cooking table from her Even if If I bring him back, he is also a corpse, and it won't change anything.

Kreacher said that Regulus drank the potion in the basin before it left smoothly, and Dumbledore drank it too. Do you remember the potion you gave the hostages during the Triwizard Tournament? They were in the water. I stayed there for more than an hour, but I was still fine after landing, do you have any clues?

Even if we found that potion, have you ever wondered how to find Regulus in the midst of so many infernal corpses and still escape unscathed? The strongest spell Harry Potter knows is Invisibility, it can only Is it worth risking your life for such a slim hope that you can leave wounds on the body of the Yin Corpse without a single drop of blood flowing down, and you can't stop it from moving?

If Regulus can come back, the Black family will have an heir. You know better than I what it means to win over the Black family. Pomona looked at Severus who was trying to persuade her to give up this crazy idea, this is the man The difference from the woman, he already felt that Regulus was dead, but she still felt alive Sissy also felt that he was alive.

Damn it. Severus cursed, not sure if he was calling the coffee bad or someone being too stubborn.

I rarely ask you for anything, can't you satisfy me even with this little request?

Sometimes I really wish you were an ordinary woman, and you will be satisfied with a piece of jewelry.

I'm short of a necklace, how about you make me one, just like Slytherin's locket. Pomona stretched out her foot and scratched his trouser leg, and he was stunned as if he had been out of his body Living.

I find that every time you are naughty, you will kill me. Can you give me some time? After so many years, don't rush for a while.

Pomona let him go and looked at the newspaper.

I've always thought that Hagrid's pumpkin looked abnormal. Is there a pumpkin of that variety or is it because it grows on the edge of the Forbidden Forest? Severus asked.

I taught him a spell, the Crazy Growth Curse, do you want to learn it? Pomona looked at Severer, and he grew rapidly as if casting an engagement charm, which had reached the point where she couldn't control it.

A half-giant can also use magic, I love Hogwarts! Although Severus said with a smile, everyone could hear the irony, and the place that Harry Potter liked to miss was to him. It was hell, and she had been imprisoned there for more than 20 years, and even Pomona herself didn't want to go back that much.

Giants can't use magic because they have high magic resistance, they mainly use their bodies to fight. There are runes in ancient times that can make stones move, and fight giants like soldiers. Lily is very powerful. If Pomona had her own, she would not be a housewife like Lily.

I'm a bad man, she said with some uneasiness. I think that's why Dumbledore didn't give me the Guardian Charm.

Do you think it's bad to be a bad person?

When I focused on earth and plant magic, I wasn't what I am now. She couldn't find words to describe it, and finally had to say degenerate.

But I like how you look depraved, what you do is yourself, not a holy witch.

I have no holiness.

Have you ever done anything to satisfy yourself regardless of anyone else besides me?

Isn't that enough? Severus' question made her feel guilty again.

I've never seen a woman as beautiful as you and have such low self-esteem. That old fool oppressed you so much that you didn't even realize how twisted you were.

I don't need beauty, I want more friends, beauty will make me a public enemy that girls are jealous of.

Let them be jealous, who cares what they think. Severus said exaggeratedly.

That's why you have so few friends. Have you ever thought about not being so showy?

I don't need so many friends. The old bat took a sip of coffee.

You have black magic and potions, and you don't have time to play. Pomona continued the rest of his sentence, You are really a potion nerd, Sissy said that if I don't care about you, you will be in the dark. Do you know how pale you look when you keep studying in the cellar? You used to at least go to Quidditch and get some sun, you're not really a vampire.

Pomona, don't you mind if I get old? Severus looked at a point in the void, Maybe in the future I will need your care like Irene, I won't be as strong as now, even my hair It's going to be sparse, like Slughorn.

I hope I can become Fleur. She doesn't have the power to awaken Veela, and she can live, grow old, get sick and die with Bill. Pomona looked into his eyes, although he didn't look at her. I heard Charlotte say, in order to take care of me you It's a lot of sins, it's my turn to suffer now, don't think about the topic of eternal life, if you try, I will leave you.

You don't want to be forever young and beautiful? Severus looked at her like she was incredible.

No, Severus, I just want to be human, just like you. She took a sip of coffee and sighed You don't know how much I envy Hermione Granger, she didn't choose Victor, but chose Ron Weasley, someone who doesn't seem to be good enough for her in every way, and you know why?

That kid is often stupid, but he can make the right decisions at critical moments, and he cares about Hermione very much. He will return to her when he has figured it out.

Because he followed his heart?

That's right, that's right.

He is indeed a very brave man. I retract my statement that he is a loser. Pomona was so angry that she began to read the newspaper.

What do you mean? Severus asked.

I'm a coward, Severus, that's why I need to hide myself, but what about you? Someone has sabotaged your plan, and you should think about fighting back, instead of hiding at home and avoiding the limelight, go out, find Lucius or something Anyone who discusses countermeasures, don't get tired of being with me.

This sounded hurtful, but made him laugh, Don't you know that playing the victim is very sympathetic? Charlotte never asked me why I was not at home at the time, asking me why I was irresponsible, people Interesting emotions, did you see me fooling around with you?

Pomona looked at him with a new look.

I'm working, I need to stay awake here. Severus pointed to his head. Find yourself something to do, don't keep pestering me.

Will you get dizzy because you're with me? Pomona asked with interest.

No, it's you who will make me lose my sharpness. Dumbledore has made a treasure like you dusty. I won't let him make me like you.

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