Harry Potter: It's just a billion points of dark magic

Chapter 147 The Late Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Next, the classroom of the Transfiguration class returned to calm again.

The other little wizards waved their wands diligently, racking their brains to turn matches into thin needles.

Unfortunately, until the end of get out of class, besides Lester, only a little Gryffindor girl named Granger made some changes to the matches.

Lester looked, and Hermione was looking at him with a fighting spirit.

Obviously, Hermione, a top student, has already regarded her as an opponent for her excellent performance in Transfiguration class.

Lester gave a disdainful smile, turned his head and whispered to Jedi, "Did you see that little girl in Gryffindor?"

"After class, you and Kitimiti went to give me her book!"

Jedi: "???"

He thought that his elder brother had taken a fancy to this brunette girl, and just as he was about to try his best to help his elder brother catch her, Lester asked someone to lift her schoolbag.

Lester kicked Jedi, who was still in a daze, and signaled him to act quickly.

Jedi: "."

So, when the professor had left for ten minutes and the other students went out carrying their textbooks, the three of Jedi followed Hermione sneakily.

"Student, do you want us to help you get the textbook?"

Jedi looks like a very gentleman, and Mitty and Kitty behind him also look like dogs.

Hermione first glanced at the three of Jedi vigilantly, then shook her head with the heavy textbook in her arms and said, "No, I can hold it by myself."

Ron, who was also about to go out, saw this scene and said sarcastic remarks to Hermione.

"Oh, as expected of the know-it-all lady of Gryffindor, a Slytherin offered to help move the books after class."

Hermione was a little overwhelmed and wanted to refute Ron.

At this moment, Jedi and the others rushed up, quickly picked up the book Hermione was holding, and threw it vigorously into the sky.

After throwing the ball, the three of Jedi left the battlefield immediately, and at the same time they did not forget to issue threats.

"My elder brother said the exact words, "You are looking at me tm, from now on I will praise you every day""

It's not over yet, Jedi also made his own decision, and ran to Ron's side in the chaos, facing Ron with a big ear.

Under the tremendous force, Ron was beaten so hard that his eyes couldn't stand still, and he almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Harry, who was on the side, had quick eyesight and quick hands, and helped Ron who was about to fall.

Lester looked at the scene in front of him with a smile and nodded in satisfaction.

As the godfather of Azkaban, Hermione actually had the will to fight against her just now, so she had to teach her a little lesson.

As for Jedi slapping Ron in the face, Lester pretended he didn't see it at all.

After returning to the lounge, the four of Leicester lay down comfortably on the Slytherin sofa.

Jedi vividly imitated Hermione's bewildered look, and Ron's angry fire-breathing eyes, vividly amused the three of Lester.

At this moment, there was a sound of opening the door, and the air in the lounge stagnated.

The male prefect of the fifth grade in Slytherin had a dark face and a letter from home in his hand. His face was frosty, like a raging beast.

Ignoring the other people in the lounge, Thomson brought two horse boys with big horses and golden knives to the female prefect who had a relationship with Leicester.

At this time, the female prefect was laughing and playing with a few girls in the same grade. When they noticed Thomson's arrival, the girls stopped laughing and looked at Thomson thoughtfully.

Thomson was no longer as arrogant and domineering as before. Due to lack of sleep, his eyeballs were bloodshot, and his thin face was extremely sick.

"Colleen McDaniel, does your family still have no news about Quirrell?"

Hearing the name Quirrell, Colleen also turned serious, shook her head, and said, "Father told me that he only knew that Quirrell had gone to a foreign forest for an adventure before. As for the inferior medicine from him, we don't know Know."

"However, my father reminded me that the four big families in Knockturn Alley have gone too far recently, and the Ministry of Magic is very dissatisfied with your actions!"

Thomson burst out laughing, and said with a sinister grin: "We are going too far, you descendants of speculators, don't be too arrogant, you are not even nobles, and you are trying to control the entire magic world, don't order us like that!"

"Without Dumbledore, you speculators wouldn't even be qualified to carry our shoes"

Ignoring Colleen's ugly face, Thomson went on to say: "Tell your father, people from the Ministry of Magic had better help us find Quirrell, otherwise, I will let you speculators know our noble background!"

After finishing speaking, Thomson snorted coldly, turned around and left with the boy behind him.

Lester, who had been eavesdropping on the sidelines before, was thoughtful.

He asked where Hogwarts Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher Quirrell had gone and why he hadn't appeared yet.

The trouble for a long time turned out to be my own credit!

. . . . . .

At this time, in the slums of Knockturn Alley, Quirrell hid under the bed, tremblingly communicating with his master.

"Master, there are more and more wizards coming from Knockturn Alley. Now there are rumors that the Aurors will also enter the arena. Who is going to kill us?"

Voldemort was also at a loss, tm he didn't know who was free to frame Quirrell.

"How much compound potion do you have?" Voldemort pondered for a moment, then asked Quirrell.

Quirrell looked bitter and murmured, "There are still more than 10 bottles."

Voldemort was overjoyed, and said coldly: "Then why are you still standing there, quickly pretend to be someone else, as long as you go to Hogwarts, those damned guys won't dare to trouble us."

When he said these words, Voldemort felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

Hogwarts was Dumbledore's stronghold before, and it was the most dangerous place for him, but now, he still needs to go to Hogwarts for refuge.

Trembling, Quirrell took out more than a dozen bottles of the same compound potion from the non-marking expansion bag, and Snape's name was engraved on the glass bottle of the potion.

"Master, I bought these compound potions at the potion market in Knockturn Alley, I dare not drink them!"

Quirrell almost burst into tears looking at this group of compound medicines that looked the same as the genuine compound medicines, but had outrageous effects.

Now the market in Knockturn Alley is full of this compound potion with Snape's name engraved on it.

On the surface, it seemed that there was no problem with these potions, but they didn't realize the seriousness of the problem until a few strange people who were neither human nor ghost appeared in Knockturn Alley.

Especially as time went by, this kind of fake medicine gradually penetrated from the potion market in Knockturn Alley to the regular potion shop in Diagon Alley.

Even the famous Diagon Alley Potions Store was forced to close for renovations.

The wizard's hospital became even more overcrowded, and wizards who had taken inferior potions were seen everywhere crying and howling in the hospital.

Therefore, these powerful forces in the magic world all focused their attention on one person, the suspected counterfeit drug dealer Qi Luo!

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