Mrs. Weasley took Ginny and hurriedly left the restaurant and walked to the sunny deck. Harry, Hermione, and the rest of the Weasley family followed closely, where they found Charlie Way wandering around. Sly.

The group of them was surrounded by sunshine and breeze, feeling the rising sun and the slightly salty sea breeze.

The sea outside the cruise ship, the Port of Marseille in the distance, and the blue sky outline a beautiful scene that makes everyone full of expectations.

The sound of engines rang softly in their ears, and the sea breeze blew across their faces.

"Hey! Fleur! Hey!" Just as they were standing on the deck, waiting for the ship to dock, Bill Weasley, the tallest man, suddenly raised his long arms and shouted to the crowd on the shore of Marseille Port. got up.

"Here! Fleur! I'm here!" Bill Weasley shouted.

The eyes of Harry, Ron, Hermione and the rest of the Weasley family were attracted by Bill Weasley's shout, and they looked in the direction of his wave -

A tall, beautiful woman with fair skin stood among the people waiting to pick up the ship at the port. She also raised her hands high and waved vigorously at the cruise ship they were on.

Her long blond hair, which was originally neatly pulled up, seemed a bit messy due to the excessive force of waving. The plump and shiny blond hair was scattered on her forehead and sides.

"Aha! Honey!" Fleur Delacour also shouted excitedly to the cruise ship, "Here it is! Here it is!"

But that distance is not enough to carry the sound under the boat and on the shore.

"Ha! And Harry! Long time no see!" Fleur de Tamrona also saw Ron standing in the middle of Tanrona's family, and she also shouted in strong French English.

"Fleur de Weasley." Harry, who was standing next to Ron, said without a hint of sourness, "You and Bill were engaged. The wedding was held in Paris eight days ago."

"Tiera refused?" Ron asked again.

Seeing Fleur de Weasley waving at him, Tan Ruo said hello without knowing what to do.

"This Krum is also coming back." Tan Ruo said sourly.

"Hmm...why haven't you received the invitation?" Tan Ruo asked doubtfully.

"Ah? Oh, this... congratulations..." Ron said, "So slow? Do you remember that we only officially confirmed the relationship between girlfriend and boyfriend the year after tomorrow?"

"Of course, Tiera said that I would come back to participate, and also delayed in approving eight months of paid leave for Bill and Fleur." Harry replied, "Fleur invited a few people, including other people from the Eight Weak Tournament. Eight players.”

At this time, the cruise ship was not close enough to the shore, but it continued to drive sideways because we had to go through a complicated security check after we officially landed in France.

"Before the wedding, Fleur will also join you and travel around Europe with you as our honeymoon." Harry continued to explain.

"Because he will be with you all the time during the summer vacation, I didn't send him an invitation." Harry replied.

"That would... save money and trouble." Ron said silently.

"We worked together and felt that each other was wrong, so we were ready to get married." Harry said soberly, "Actually, we originally planned to hold a wedding at the Burrow in mid-April or late April, but since we didn't have that wedding European trip, so we will have our wedding in Paris just eight days ago."

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