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"Only." Wenda Luoxie said in embarrassment, "only two hundred and sixty-seven families."

"There are only 267 families." Tierra asked again: "What percentage of the total number?"

"Over ninety-five percent." Wenda Luoxier said cautiously.

"That's almost all." Hearing this, Tierra couldn't help but sigh, "The population is still too small."

Hearing this, the conference room fell into silence.

"The wizard's whole genome project and the research project on the development of magic embryos are not progressing smoothly." Tierra continued, "About one-third of me have successfully sneaked into all parts of the world with various identities. The research institution responsible for the Human Genome Project, but it has been a year now, and I have not found any SNP sites related to wizards or spiritual dimensions."

Tierra paused, then continued.

"We have also established a biological company in the Muggle world. By providing financial support, we have won the consent of unmarried girls and pregnant women who lack money, trying to influence the development of embryos from a spiritual dimension, thereby increasing the birth of wizard babies. rate, or transform Muggle babies into wizard babies, and now the first batch of babies have landed one after another, but”

"But the success of this research can be said to be no progress." Tierra spread her hands helplessly, "A total of more than 500 expectant mothers from all over the UK and Europe, after we continue to feed magic growth potions, or use guardian Under the condition that God blesses the fetus, more than 500 expectant mothers will give birth to babies. There are only two spiritual dimensions.

"Due to the lack of experimental data support and the impreciseness of the experimental design, we cannot judge whether our methods have worked or whether the two babies were born naturally."

"Ms. Rosier is currently preparing for the Muggle magic experiment, and has captured a hundred or eighty death row prisoners from Japanese prisons. We hope that through existing magic or ritual magic, these Muggles can gain a spiritual dimension." "But this experiment is just getting started, and it will take at least a decade of hard work to see success," Yela said.

After finishing speaking, Tierra stopped talking, and simply scanned the crowd with her eyes.

Except for Arthur Weasley who smiled foolishly at Tierra, the others were either silent, or bowed their heads, hiding their eyes in the shadows, preventing their inner emotions from being discovered.

The entire conference room was silent, as if even the sound of breathing was about to disappear.

"I know that many of you call yourself nobles." When the atmosphere was almost quiet, Tierra said lightly, "I also know that many of you look down on Muggles, thinking that Muggles are of inferior blood."

"I didn't!" said Arthur Weasley suddenly, "I always thought Muggles were cute creatures!"

Arthur Weasley looked at Tierra angrily, as if Tierra had insulted him greatly.

"So look." Tierra suddenly raised the volume, "So listen!"

"Even the well-recognized good people in our Magic Federation think so!" Tierra looked at the puzzled Arthur Weasley and asked, "Is this your concept? Do you think Muggles are creatures? They're just cute Is it just a creature?"

(end of this chapter)

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