Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 880: wish coin

The latest website: "Mr. Tierra" Selvie Sears, an intern who just graduated from Hogwarts, called it this way, "We have recently received intelligence reports that Voldemort seems to intend to mix this year's International The chairman of the Magic Federation elected us, should we go to Bhutan to stay?"

"International Federation of Magic?" Tierra smiled indifferently, "It's just an alliance of losers, what's so scary about losers and losers huddling together for warmth."

"But" Selvie Sears seemed to want to say something, but finally stopped talking.

Selvie Sears entered Hogwarts in 1989, only two years older than Tierra. It can be said that Tierra's entire growth process at Hogwarts was watched by her. under.

From the clever little follower who followed Harry in the first grade, to the petrified little **** in the second grade, to the master prophecy in the third grade, to the most powerful Triwizard Tournament player in the fourth grade, and then to the sixth grader in the fifth grade. The strong return of the grade.

It can be said that Sylvie Sears has witnessed the whole process of Tierra's rise.

It was a process of rising that was even more impossible than Voldemort's. It was like a meteor that suddenly appeared, or a submarine volcano that erupted after being silent for many years. With irresistible power, it destroyed the old system of the entire magic world.

Although Voldemort was the nightmare that Selvie Sears had been haunting her ears since she was a child, the things Tierra did after returning from death, and the magic she cast were more terrifying than nightmares thing-

Even though the nightmare is a nightmare, at least it still follows logic, but Tierra's magic seems to defy logic, it's just...it's just like cutting nails—

Like a god!

"I'm glad you call me an evil **** in your heart, but..." Tierra said with a smile, "but deserting at work is not a good habit."

"Mr. Titi Tierra" Selvie Sears blushed and said nervously, "I'm sorry. You. You."

"A simple little magic, 'spying' magic." Tierra explained with a smile, "The magic I learned in the first grade, I can read the instant thoughts of people who have physical contact or eye contact with me, Brain defense can easily block this magic."

"I'm very sorry, Senior Sister, I didn't mean to spy on your thoughts, but after I became a divine creature, my dimension was elevated, so that I can easily touch every Human material, spiritual and spiritual dimensions." Tierra said slightly apologetically, "This is why I let you join the intern of the intelligence department. Although you have not participated in the training of Dumbledore's Army, you are very Have a talent for Occlumency. You can be said to be a natural Occlumency practitioner. Even though Hogwarts did not systematically teach Occlumency when you were in school, you can still use your true thoughts Hiding, this is a rare talent, of course, it has to be when you are concentrating, just like just now, when you are not concentrating, I can hear your 'voice'."

"Okay, Mr. Tierra." Selvie Sears said in a panic.

"However, since this Voldemort has been your nightmare since you were young." Tierra paused, and continued, "Then why not, send a recruitment announcement to the All-British Federation of Magic. Just say anything that can provide information about Voldemort's current status." The whereabouts or the information or clues that help to reveal its conspiracy will be rewarded generously. A definite information will get 50 wish gold coins, and a vague but directional clue will get 15 wish gold coins anyway. Meaning, Senior Sister, your writing is good, help me polish it and publish it."

"Okay, Mr. Tierra." Selvie Sears said excitedly.

Wish Coin—

It can also be called Wish Coin, or New Gold Galleon. It is a new type of currency issued by Tierra in the UK. The existing authority, "time", "space", "life", "death", and creating the two-dimensional pattern.

Wish gold coins are priced according to the official price of the British Federation of Magic. One wish gold coin is equal to one hundred gold galleons, but its actual value is much higher than one hundred gold galleons.

Use powerful emotional magic, black magic, or Patronus Charm to attack a wishing gold coin, and there is a 3% chance of summoning a clone of Tierra, Phoenix, or Nyarlathotep—

At the beginning of the design of these gold coins, Tierra's original idea was that when the gold coins were attacked by powerful black magic, it could 100% use this black magic power and the surrounding unowned materials to create a Tierra clone. And fulfill a wish of the owner of the gold coin according to the situation—

But I don't know why, when Tierra tested the functions of the first batch of experimental gold coins, there was always a certain probability of opening a passage leading to a certain incarnation. Tierra was so frightened that he immediately destroyed the gold coins, and even destroyed the time and space where the entire laboratory was located.

So Tierra can only settle for the next best thing, by adjusting the Shaggai Zerg linear characters that make up her avatar, and replacing some of the linear characters with ordinary lines, which greatly reduces the chance of summoning herself after being attacked by black magic, or The probability of Nyarlathotep clone.

Of course, this function of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com was not clearly stated when issuing wish gold coins, but a reminder, try not to let the gold coins come into contact with black magic or black magic materials, so as to avoid life-threatening accidents such as explosions. Accidents happen.

In addition, in some large-scale rituals or specific magic, these wish gold coins can be used as a substitute for some rituals or magic items.

For example, in divination, divination coins can be added to molten brass, and the copper mirror produced in this way has the same function as a crystal ball, which can assist divination and record predictions.

Or in some alchemy bioactive refining formations, wish gold coins can be used to replace fifty milliliters of elixir of life.

Or to be more extreme, when refining Horcruxes, the target of the Killing Curse to split the soul can be replaced by the elixir of life soaked in wishing gold coins—

Of course, there is a 3% chance of summoning Tierra, or the clone of Nyarlathotep.

(end of this chapter)

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