Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 654: Brave Squad

In the kitchen of the merchant ship, Voldemort, who was holding his stomach slowly, finally took a break for a while, put down the cured fish with only fish bones in his hand, and started looking for water to drink around in the kitchen.

The fish and pickles just now were too salty, and I didn't feel it when I first ate it. After I was full, the dry feeling in my mouth and the burning feeling in my throat gradually hit, making Voldemort unbearable. .

Voldemort opened the lid of a wooden bucket on the stovetop in the kitchen and found a bowl of clean water in it.

Voldemort picked up a bowl and drank a bowl of water from it.

The water smelled of dust and mold, but it eased his thirst. ,

When Voldemort drank the third bowl, suddenly a voice came from the entrance of the kitchen—

"Yeah? Who are you?"

Voldemort was startled, dropped the water bowl in his hand, pulled out his wand, and pointed to the place where the sound came from—

At the dark entrance of the kitchen stood a girl who looked no more than sixteen or seventeen years old. She had weird long blue hair and a tall wizard hat on her head. She was dressed very lightly. A group of purple and white gauze, with a crystal staff taller than herself in her hand.

"What happened, Varta?" a rough voice asked.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of "售唧唧唧", and from behind the girl walked out a tall knight covered in solid armor, and a stone man holding a giant axe and shining orange light.

"Who are you?"

Obviously, the tall knight and the axe man also saw Voldemort. The tall knight immediately pushed the girl named Valta behind him, and then pulled out the sword hanging from his waist and blocked the giant axe between Voldemort and the girl.

"Wait, Stone, Iligo, wait a second!" The girl named Valta suddenly stopped the Axe and the tall knight, and asked Voldemort, "You... um ...this gentleman...are you here to find Kadath too?"


Voldemort made a puzzled plan in his heart.

The name made him feel both familiar and unfamiliar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

and many more......

He seems to have seen it somewhere.

"Not... Unknown Kadath?" Voldemort asked tentatively.

"Sure enough..." The girl named Valta sighed, and then patted the stone and knight in front of him, "Put away the weapons first, he is not the enemy, he and us the same purpose.”

The giant axe and the tall knight seemed to hesitate for a while, but finally decided to trust the girl's judgment, but they did not completely put down their guard. Put the sword on the wooden floor in front of you.

"Hello, my name is Valta, Valta Insantris, this stone warrior is Qualcomm, this knight calls himself Iligo, and we have a companion named Wendy Ingraf, she is a horseman Griffin's Charm, she and her griffins are in our resting cabin now checking our essentials, you are..."

"Voldemort," Voldemort replied briefly.

"Hello, it's the first time we met, but please allow me to say sorry." Valtarin Santris seemed to be very sociable and asked, "I really can't tell which race you belong to? I wonder if I can let you know. of origin? So that we can cooperate sincerely in the future.”

"I'm from outside the Dreamland," Voldemort replied briefly.

"Oh...Understood, it turns out that you are a dreamer." Valtarin Santris said suddenly, and then wisely did not continue to ask.

"I don't know how much you know about Kadath?" Valtarin Santris asked cautiously, "If your purpose is to find the secret Kadath... then our purpose is the same, maybe we can Cooperation, after all, this journey is very dangerous, one more person, one more strength."

"Oh?" Voldemort gave a long "oh", then raised his non-existent eyebrows. "How much do you know about Kadath?"

Although Voldemort's main goal is to trade with the high priests of the moon beasts for the sky gold, flowing silver and pillar copper required for the ritual, but even with Voldemort's conceit, he is still not sure that he can be 100% safe from the moon beasts. The high priest of a family can exchange enough gold in the sky, silver in flow and copper in pillar.

And at this time, the team looking for the secret Kardas looked so timely and appropriate.

At least they can get more detailed information about the Moon Beast Clan from their mouths.

It is even possible to exchange these people as slaves to the Moon Beast Clan.

"We know that the dreamland is probably on the top of a high mountain in the depths of Lengyuan." Valtarin Shantris seemed to answer as a diplomat of the team, "We also got a few information about the Lengyuan inhabitant town. Information, so that we will not crash into the hands of the moon beast and the residents of Lengyuan when we are looking for it on Lengyuan."

"The town of Lengyuan residents?" Voldemort asked in surprise, and then asked calmly, "There are probably a few...I mean...these towns. Is it densely distributed?"

"It's not particularly dense." Varta Insantris replied, "There are only three places in the entire Lengyuan, one located in the southwest of Benner Harbor, and two deeper in the Lengyuan.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^. "

Voldemort nodded after hearing this.

"What about you?" Valtarin Santris asked. "Do you have any information about Kadath?"

"I know the features of the landscape around Kadath," Voldemort recalled what was in Tiera's notes, "and... very brief dreams of Kadath-related scenes..."

"What?" The tall iron knight Illigo, who had not spoken since the beginning, made a shocked voice, "You mean you dreamed of Kadath?"

"Yes," Voldemort continued, following Tierra's notes, "I remember...it was sunset...I fell asleep on the little wooden rocking chair in my courtyard. For a while...Under the setting sun, I seemed to pass through the water curtain of reality and fantasy, and sank into the great and glorious city - those high walls, those temples, those colonnades and those by Arched bridges of textured marble—all gleaming with splendor and beauty; fountains with silver plinths spewing water in wide plazas and fragrant gardens, radiating prismatic light. …”

"Nice trees, flowerbeds, and ivory statues line the broad streets; cascading red roofs and old pointed gables climb the northern hillside, paving the grassy green pebbles below. The alleys built here provide a shelter. This city is the favor of the gods; it is the ceremonial music played by the trumpets of the heaven, the loud notes of the cymbals of the gods colliding, and the mysterious atmosphere envelopes the city like a cloud. shrouded in an unvisited mountain range that exists only in legends"


Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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