Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 629: extinction of humanity

"When Tom Riddle was still in school, he was a smart, funny and overly mature person." Tiera said, standing on the podium with a smile, "but at the same time, he was too cruel and indifferent to life, A natural sociopath..."

Time soon came to the second black magic class after entering December.

The weekend before this class, the Gryffindor Quidditch team had just experienced a fierce Quidditch match.

It was Ron's first time on the field, and he was so nervous before the game that he wanted to give up immediately—

But just like Harry once did in the movie, Tiera also took out the small bottle containing the elixir, shook it on the dining table, and pretended to put the elixir into his breakfast orange juice. , and made Ron pretend to drink the Fuling Potion—

This simple psychology trick works just as well as ever.

As the gatekeeper god, Ron blocked the gods, and the Buddha blocked the Buddha, like a solid barrier.

At the celebration party at the end of the Quidditch match, as in the original plot, Lavender Brown, the sturdy girl with curly brown hair, ran over and gave Ron a big French kiss in the jubilant atmosphere of the party. .

"Looks like she's eating his face." Ginny once commented with such a deadpan expression.

Harry and Hermione, who were standing next to them at the time, nodded in agreement, Harry and Hermione even coaxed later, only Ginny seemed to be unhappy for some reason.

Ron and Lavender Brown's kiss at the celebration lasted ten minutes—

Like they are in this class.

Since they stepped into the classroom and found a seat near the corner, they have been hugging each other and kissing from time to time.

And just three days after their celebration dinner together, Harry, Hermione, and Ginny had stopped making fun of Ron and Lavender Brown's kiss—

They have seen this scene tired and tired, not only not in the mood to make fun, but also nauseated when they see them kissing-

Maybe Ginny was right, Lavender and Ron kissed like Lavender was biting Ron's face.

"Ron Weasley! Lavender Brown!" Tiera on the podium suddenly shouted, "This is not a hotel! This is not a bedroom! This is a classroom, I want to go out and kiss!"

Both Ron and Lavender jumped, then smiled embarrassingly, and let go of their mouths.

"Okay, let's move on...where did I just say...oh, yeah..." Tiera said, "Tom Riddle turned his attention to the school, he He has found a group of loyal friends... He has an evil and strange charm in this group of people. They gather all kinds of people. It is the weak who seek criticism and the strong who seek glory. Hybrid ... in other words, they were the predecessors of the Death Eaters, and some of them did become Death Eaters after leaving school."

"They were held firmly in Riddle's hands, and they never missed anything in public, despite countless nasty things that seemed to have nothing to do with them during their first Hogwarts careers. Small accidents, the most serious of which...of course...is the opening of the Chamber of Secrets, resulting in the death of a girl and the innocent punishment of Professor Hagrid." Tiera continued.

"Tom Riddle seems to be very concerned about the protection of his privacy...Even in my ability, there is no way to find out more about Riddle's memories of being at Hogwarts, and what we know as , it was after he left school, through painful efforts, after tracing the footprints of those little-known dark magic." Tiera said, "that is, after he became the Dark Lord or a little time before. ."

"The Death Eaters that I can find and are willing to tell me and Riddle's teachers at school tell me that Riddle was deeply fascinated by his grandparents... Of course it's understandable, He grew up in an orphanage after all, and of course he wanted to know how he got there...he was desperately searching for old Tom Riddle in whatever material he could find... .At the end he was forced to admit that his father had never been to Hogwarts...I believe it was at some point that he dropped his name forever and called himself 'Voldemort', but then he started Find out all about his mother—his mother, I think you may remember, who he thought could not have been a wizard because she did not escape human death."

"There was only one name he could look up on, 'Merope,' which he knew from the man who ran the orphanage to be his maternal grandfather's name. Finally, through a painstaking search of ancient wizarding genealogies, he found Slytherin's still-living family list found traces of the name... In the summer when he was sixteen, he left the orphanage he went back to every summer and set out to find his Gaunt family. Relatives... Now, classmates, please come closer..."

Saying that, Tiera took out a crystal bottle containing a spinning pearl-colored memory.

"I'm very lucky to have this bottle," Tiera said with a chuckle, before pouring the shimmering liquid into the Pensieve.

A violent, pitch-black fountain rushed out of the Pensieve, as soft as the ocean or as a cloud, spreading across the classroom.

Everyone melted like ice cubes in this ocean-like memory spring.

After being melted by the spring water of memory, everyone has a strange perspective—

As if they were looking at two pictures at the same time—

One image is of an ugly, shabby old house with a thick layer of cobwebs on the ceilings, cracks in the floor full of dirt, and moldy and rotting food lying in a mess of old jars on the table.

The only light in the room comes from a single candle placed at the foot of this frame of view...

On the other hand, it was outside. They saw the outside of this ugly old mansion. They saw that this old mansion had no idea what it had been through. , and the tattered and repaired roof, the career of this picture seems to be walking, and is approaching this dilapidated old house little by little.

Then, a hand stretched out in this field of vision and pushed open the door...

They saw a man sitting at the end of the room, the man's hair and beard were so long that they couldn't see his eyes and mouth.

He huddled in an armchair by the fire, holding a wand in his right hand and a short knife in his left.

Meanwhile, in another scene, the door creaked open and in came a boy with an old-fashioned lantern, whom Harry and the rest of Hogwarts recognized immediately: tall and pale , black hair, handsome, that is the boy Voldemort.

Voldemort's eyes swept slowly across the cabin, then stopped on the man in the armchair. They looked at each other for a few seconds, and then the man stood up straight, and the empty bottles at his feet fell to the ground with a clatter, tinkling across the floor.

"You!" the man roared, "you!"

He rushed towards Riddle in a drunken rush, holding his wand and knife aloft.


Riddle said in snake language. The man slammed to a stop at the table and slammed the moldy jars onto the floor.

He stared at Riddle, and they looked at each other, and there was a long silence. The man breaks the silence first.

"You said that?" the sloppy man asked.

"Yes, I said it," said Riddle lightly, walking to the middle of the room and closing the door.

Riddle frowned as if dissatisfied with the appearance of the room.

"Then who are you?"

"I'm Morfin, am I?"

"Morfin's son?"

"I am, then..."

Morfin pushed back the hair on his dirty face to get a better look at Riddle, and Harry saw that he was wearing Merope's black ring on his right hand.

"I thought you were the Muggle," Morfin whispered. "You look very much like the Muggle."

"Which Muggle?" Tom Riddle asked eagerly.

"Oh, the Muggle my sister had a crush on, the Muggle in the big house over there," Morfin said, slapping the floor between them unexpectedly. "You look too much like him...Riddle...but he's older now, older than you, let me think..."

Morfin looked dizzy and wobbly, still clutching the edge of the table for support.

"He's back, look," he added stupidly.

Voldemort stared at Morfin, secretly evaluating all possibilities. Then he leaned closer and asked, "Riddle is back?"

"Ah, he left her, found his legal fiancée, and married that filthy guy!" Morfin said, slapping the floor again. "Racked us before she ran away, where's the box? Um, where's the Slytherin's little box?"

Voldemort did not answer. Morfin himself fell into a frenzy again. He shouted, brandishing his knife, "She shamed us, she did, that little slut! What are you doing here, you **** asking all those questions? It's over... it's over..."

He looked away, swaying, and Voldemort stepped forward, when an unnatural darkness descended, and one of the pictures, the picture of Morfin, disappeared, while the picture that belonged to Voldemort continued.

Everyone clearly watched how Voldemort stretched out his dexterous white hands, as if a craftsman or a master dexterously used "legendorism", "forgetting nothing" and "memory change" to make up Morfin's magic. A completely different memory emerges.

Then they watched how Voldemort picked up Morfin's wand, crossed the hill, came to the other side of the hill, killed his own father with his uncle's wand, killed his father's legal wife, killed The eldest daughter of the Riddle family, and the younger son of the Riddle family.


The tide of memory returned and returned to the Pensieve, and all the students stepped on the floor of the black magic classroom again.

"The memory I showed you just now...is one of the most important memories in Voldemort's life." Tiera said slowly, "He tampered with his uncle's memory and used his uncle's wand, killed his own father, and his father's family."

This time, there was no more discordant sound from the audience.

All were shaken by the fear of facing the killing.

Not even Harry.

Saw Voldemort kill his best friend—

From Voldemort's perspective, seeing him kill his own father, this is a completely different feeling, this is a completely different shock.

The former grieves, suffers, angers, hates, but the latter—

This kind of picture of killing relatives will only make Harry feel fear and despair, even if Voldemort is his mortal enemy, even if Harry knows that Voldemort can do all kinds of evil, but killing his own father for no reason, still let Harry feel To suffocating, human despair.

- All other students feel the same way.

"I initially think that Voldemort has already begun to plan his rise at this time, planning to represent himself as the leader of the pure-blood family." Tiera said with a smile, "All he needs is the Gaunt family... That is, the status of the heir to the Slytherin family without having a Muggle father, which is an intolerable stain on him."

"So he got rid of all the insiders." Tiera said with a smile, "At least that's what he thought...he killed his Muggle father, and married at the same time. It was his stupid uncle who ended up dying in Azkaban..."

"At the same time, he used this killing to refine a magic item that was very important to him..." Tiera smiled and stopped talking.

"Okay, classmates, this class is over." Tiera smiled and clapped her hands, "Everyone, go back."

The students looked at each other—

They all saw the same expression—


The student wizards walked out of the classroom as if they were fleeing, and they didn't communicate with each other—

It was only then that they finally realized why Voldemort had made his parents afraid to call him by his first name.

After the classroom was emptied, Tiera fished out the memory from the Pensieve as she did last time, and gently swallowed it into her stomach.

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