Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 392: letter of appointment

"How is it?" Dumbledore, who had been waiting outside the fortress after seeing Tiera coming out of Nurmengard, asked anxiously and nervously—

"Is he... well?" Dumbledore asked hesitantly.

"Very good..." Tiera said indifferently, "He's been doing well..."

"What did he say to you?" Dumbledore asked again.

"He thinks that my current plan is a little too hasty..." Tiera thought for a while, then said carefully, "He thinks I should help you clear the lawless elements in the wizarding world first, and then carry out all the staff. migrant......"

"So what do you mean?" Dumbledore asked.

"I agree with his idea." Tiera shook her head helplessly and said, "I agree to stay and deal with Voldemort first."

"Very good..." Dumbledore said with a smile, "What else did Gellert say?"

"He said..." Tiera looked up at Dumbledore, and Dumbledore also looked at Tiera—

"He also said..." Tiera sighed, paused, and then said, "He also said that he was willing to put his name, his remnants, and his image on the line. Give it to me, he hopes that I can build a new, fair and just, no oppression, no class, no discrimination new magic world according to my wishes."

"A very good ideal...a great goal..." Dumbledore exclaimed, and then asked expectantly, "Anything else?"

"Alas..." Tiera said helplessly, "He said he still loves you, this love has never changed... This love will never change... But I'm sorry, he can't see you again...he's gone too far down the road, too deep...he's no longer in human form...he If I meet you...it will do you and the world incalculable harm..."

Dumbledore nodded silently, didn't say anything else, and went back to the headmaster's office at Hogwarts.

Tiera followed closely and jumped back to Hogwarts directly through the divine dimension.

After returning to Hogwarts, Tiera was suddenly stunned—

"What's the matter?" Dumbledore asked.

"Oh... no, nothing..." Tiera patted her forehead, "I just forgot one thing... Mrs. Rosie... .Igor Karkaroff and that Hathaway Romanov...seems like I've been trapped in the Forbidden Forest..."

"What? Didn't you say it would disappear in a few days?" Dumbledore asked in surprise.

"That's after I successfully left... The infinite lock I built will automatically collapse without the support of my strength..." Tiera scratched her head helplessly, "But It's not like I didn't walk... So the dimensional power has been continuously supplying infinite locks... And I've been busy exploring the reasons why I can't stay away these days, for a while I didn't pay attention to them..."

"But forget it, they look okay..." Tiera said, then smiled, "They can still hold on."


At the same time, deep in the forbidden forest.

Hathaway Romanoff was panting against a thick tree trunk, her snow-white hair was obviously a little messy, but her clothes were still neat and not stained with much dust, but her face was a little pale, as if she was just recovering from a serious illness.

As for the other two, Madame Rosie and Igor Karkaroff—

At this time, they were as thin as skeletons, with dark eyes and sallow complexion, and they sat down under a giant tree not far from Hathaway Romanov, if not for their chests still slightly heaving. , otherwise, anyone who looks at it will only think that this is just two mummified corpses that died of starvation.

Both Mrs. Rosier and Igor Karkaroff have fallen into deep despair. Even Hathaway Romanov stopped the attack not long ago, but lay desperately under the tree .

They have forgotten how long they have been trapped in this forbidden forest, maybe a week, maybe a month, maybe a full year, time seems meaningless here, the sky above is always the same as when they came in On that night, the bright and solitary moon hung unchangingly above their heads, like an aloof god, seeming to laugh at their overreaching.

This is the Forbidden Forest, with lush vegetation. With magic, Hathaway, Mrs. Rosie and Igor Karkaroff will not starve or die of thirst, but being imprisoned, this kind of never succeeds. The despair of the day can overwhelm them—

Mrs. Rosie was okay. She was someone who had seen the wind and waves with Grindelwald. Although she was desperate, she still retained a little bit of sanity and silently rested under the tree trunk.


"Are you going... what are you going to do with them?" Dumbledore asked.

"You mean them?" Tiera sneered, "I don't know, what are your plans?"

Dumbledore:  …

Seeing you smiling so confidently, I thought you had a good idea.

"There's no way, people can't predict the prophet, I left them..." Tiera stopped talking halfway through—

Tiera suddenly remembered that she seemed to be a prophet.

"Haha..." Dumbledore smiled and waved his hand. A pot of hot tea gradually appeared in the air, and Dumbledore poured a cup for himself and Tiera.

"Hey... I thought at the time that I would leave you one or a few thugs." Tiera said, "But I didn't expect that I wouldn't be able to leave..."

"So you decided to stay?" Dumbledore asked, "I need a definite answer from you."

"I'm sure." Tiera said, he had decided to stay here, whether it was voluntary or forced, he had no other choice, and he would stay for a long time.

Tiera asked Grindelwald what he meant by assimilation and influence, but—

When Tiera asked this, everything around suddenly became dark, and the feeling of neither light nor dark struck again—

"Little fox... Hee hee hee..." Grindelwald suddenly laughed strangely~www.wuxiamtl.com~ His voice became hoarse and deep, with a frivolous and playful tone in his voice—

"Little fox, little fox... I'm so broken... Do you want me to tear it apart and put it in your mouth, eh?"

"Grindelwald" said, "You think about the rest..."

——Then Tiera ran away.

Don't dare to wait for a moment.

"Okay, very good." Dumbledore smiled and rubbed his hands, took out an envelope from the drawer, and swiped it lightly, "Of course, I hope you can stay, stay here, such an excellent student. "

Tierra opened the envelope—

"If you can, I hope you can stay and serve as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts." Dumbledore poured himself another cup of black tea and said while drinking.

Tiera:  …

Tiera helplessly looked at the letter of appointment in her hand—

Low EQ: I want to see if you really won't die after you become a god.

High Emotional Intelligence: Have you considered becoming a Defence Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts?


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