Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 39: dark magic

It's no wonder why the content of alchemy has been excluded from the textbooks after Hogwarts.

The original alchemy is too brutal and bloody, and it is indeed not suitable for underage wizards to learn.

This brutal method is exactly the same as the method in the Necronomicon, or even worse.

Because according to the magic three-dimensional theory, the soul is the best material for the spiritual dimension.

It's just that the method of extracting pure spiritual existence in the Necronomicon is not to purify and separate magical creatures.

Instead, it directly captures pure spiritual dimension creatures.

Or use a more violent method to directly ask the outer gods of higher dimensions for gifts.

The refining of Merlin's successful sage's stone is the result of accepting the gift of the outer god.

Although Merlin understood the refining principle and the correct method of the Philosopher's Stone, but limited by the times and his medieval thinking, when he refined the Philosopher's Stone, he could not complete the spiritual, material and spiritual through exquisite experiments and perfect design. The perfect fusion of three dimensions.

Therefore, when his lifespan was about to end in his old age, he had to seek help from God.

This made him sacrifice another finger.

Fortunately, Tiera doesn't need to think about these bad things, he already has a magic stone in his hand.

When Tiera read "Introduction to Alchemy", in addition to learning the alchemy skills for making magic items, she also wanted to find the formula for the elixir.

Then Tiera noticed a disagreement while reading.

According to the records of the Necronomicon and Merlin's Notes, alchemy is a subject that relies heavily on the three-dimensional theory of magic. If an alchemist wants to refine a perfect "three-dimensional origin", that is, the Sage's Stone, he must According to the characteristics of its own magic, it can deal with different materials and design different spells and reactions.

It is not at all what is described in "Introduction to Alchemy", relying on a large number of experiments to find the best formula.

Because for the eternal "three-dimensional origin", we three-dimensional creatures are constantly changing and moving.

Therefore, if we three-dimensional creatures want to find the only unchanging "three-dimensional origin", we must rely on exquisite design and perfect calculation.

rather than a blind cat who catches and kills a mouse by chance.

In the refining process, it is easy to accidentally create very dangerous black magic items or creatures.

The initial fusion of matter, spirituality, and spirit can be regarded as an alchemy item. The correct order should be that pure spirit is first combined with pure matter, and finally the pure spiritual dimension is introduced.

But there are always people who get the order wrong, or import the impure spiritual dimension, and black magic items are born.

According to Merlin's notes and the records of the Dark Magic chapter of the Necronomicon.

The so-called black magic is a special power produced by the combination of the spiritual dimension and the spiritual dimension.

How to combine it, the "Necronomicon" chapter on black magic talks about... To be precise, there is a huge amount of space in "Necronomicon" that describes the principle and mechanism of black magic in detail.

There are even several kinds of black magic behind it, and Voldemort's Horcrux is also on it.

It's just that the Necronomicon calls it the Anchor of Black Magic.

According to the records in the Necronomicon, the strength of black magic mainly comes from two aspects: the strength of its own spiritual dimension, and the output of the spiritual dimension.

To put it bluntly, it is magic power plus emotional output.

To put it more bluntly, it is an explosion.

This is why many spells, such as the Killing Curse and Cruciatus, require extremely bad emotions to be effective.

Although the power of black magic is powerful, it can hurt others and hurt yourself.

No wizard, even the most evil wizards, can keep the magic power in the state of black magic. Otherwise, the emotions will be affected, and the power of black magic will penetrate the material latitude, resulting in the collapse of the three dimensions, becoming Existing silently.

Therefore, the battles between dark wizards are often a few pings and rookies pecking at each other, and the hits are really hot. one time.

According to the description of the Black Magic Principles of the Necronomicon, any magical power that combines emotions and magic is black magic, and it has the characteristics of enduring and difficult to destroy.

In other words, Voldemort's Horcrux and Lily Potter's blood relative protection curse, if they are classified according to the principle of magic, are all black magic.

That's why Lily's Kinship Protection Charm continued to protect Harry even after her death, and the enchanted goldfish she gave Professor Slughorn instantly turned back into petals the afternoon she died.

That's why Voldemort's Horcruxes are so hard to destroy, unless they use a more powerful black magic power - fiery fire, or a special item that can kill spiritual beings - the basilisk fangs.

It's just that the difference between the two is the power of love and the pure killing spirit.

The principle of the Patronus Charm is similar.

The image of the patron saint is the image of a wizard in the spiritual dimension, which can also be called a spiritual existence.

Our body is a material existence in the physical dimension, our soul is a spiritual existence in the spiritual dimension, and the patron saint is a spiritual existence.

The Patronus Mantra is to use the power of beautiful emotions to bless the spiritual existence and make the spiritual existence semi-substantial, or concrete, so as to block the spiritual and spiritual two-dimensional biological dementors.

This kind of patron saint spell can only be regarded as a superficial application of the theory of black magic, and it does not involve the combination of spiritual existence and spiritual existence, so it will not lead to the variation of spiritual dimension or spiritual dimension.

Therefore, the patron saint of wizards who often use black magic did not disappear ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ but mutated into a non-specific form.

The Anchor of Black Magic is one of the witchcrafts recorded in the "Principles of Black Magic" of the Necronomicon, which can keep the magic power of wizards in the state of black magic for a long time.

That is to use the power of killing to cut one's own spiritual existence, and then use the principle of alchemy to introduce the spiritual existence into the magic item that has been perfectly combined with spiritual existence and material existence, and make an anchor of black magic.

A wizard with an anchor of black magic not only has his own spiritual existence, but can also use the spiritual existence of black magic items, which is equivalent to having an extra high-power external magic battery.

In addition to continuously delivering black magic power to the body, this black magic battery can also serve as a spiritual anchor when the body is fatally wounded.

Although the soul of the main body is separated from the soul in the anchor of black magic, they will use the curse of black magic to establish a special connection.

As long as the anchor of black magic exists, the body will not truly die. As long as the spiritual existence is not harmed, the body will only be on the verge of dying forever, not a real death.

Those anchors of black magic are like the rope locks he hangs on the edge of the cliff. Even if he falls off the cliff, as long as the rope locks are still there, the body will have the opportunity to make a comeback.

There is no limit to the number of anchors of black magic, and how many anchors there are.

But it's rare to get seven in one go like Voldemort did.

A small amount of split soul really won't cause much damage, because the soul of the main body is still very strong and relatively intact at this time, and is less affected by the anchor of black magic.

However, with the further division of the soul, the will of the body is weakened, and it is gradually affected by the anchor of black magic.

The character will become more and more extreme and cruel.


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