Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 196: laboratory

Although the second practice class of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class ended in an anticlimactic manner, this did not prevent the little wizards from affirming Professor Lupin's teaching level.

Everyone was excitedly discussing Boggart and Tierra's prophecy. snatch

But only Harry, Ron, and Hermione cared about Tiera herself—

Because Tiera disappeared again.

After running out of the teacher's office, he disappeared.

"Hmph, don't worry about him." Hermione said after looking around with Harry, "What danger can he be in as long as he is in the castle? He is just looking for a place to be quiet."

Then Hermione hurried to the library with a heavy schoolbag on her back. She had a lot of things to do this semester, but she didn't have time to manage a crying little boy.

After Hermione left, Harry looked around the castle again, and when he finally returned to the dormitory, he found that Tiera was already lying on his bed wrapped in a quilt.

"Hey...Tiera?" Harry said, shaking Tiera, he wanted to comfort him, but—

Harry found that Tiera was asleep.

Harry: ...

"Ugh..." Harry sighed, took off his shoes, climbed into bed, and lay beside Tiera—

At the same time, Tiera was wandering in Slytherin's secret room in the form of a "parasite".

Now Slytherin's secret room has changed a lot, and the whole secret room has been transformed into a clean and refreshing laboratory under the constant action of a huge bubble head spell from Tiera——

There is a huge metal door at the entrance of the Slytherin Chamber. Behind the door is a wide passageway above the water. On both sides of the passage are numerous stone pillars entwined with large snakes—

After being transformed by Tiera, a magic lamp that never goes out hangs on the top of each stone pillar wrapped around a giant snake. The light pierces the darkness of the secret room and falls on the carpet that has been laid by Tiera. And put rows of bookshelves and medicine bottle cabinets in the aisle.厺厽Biquge flyncool.com

The place where the stone pillar is close to the aisle is hung with classical and exquisite oil paintings——

Of course, those oil paintings are basically landscape paintings, and only a few oil paintings have characters—

Or some kind of creature.

Only after the Room of Requirement got these oil paintings, Tiera used magic to erase the characters in the oil paintings, and closed the passage between these oil paintings and the other oil paintings of Hogwarts Castle, so as to prevent them from being discovered without her knowledge. The ghost came to his small laboratory through these oil paintings, and also prevented the demons sealed in those oil paintings from running to other parts of Hogwarts Castle——

Yes, after getting these oil paintings, Tiera sealed the demon she summoned during her summer vacation.

It's like in Tiera's favorite oil painting depicting a church in the afternoon—

There's an extra little devil and a succubus—

lingering on the pulpit of the oil painting church.

Now this oil painting is only static, but once someone enters the secret room without Tiera's permission, the demon and the little succubus in this oil painting will come alive——

And then unexpectedly possessed the intruder.刅FlynCool.Com 

The bookshelves and medicine cabinets on both sides of the aisle were filled with some of the more commonly used books, potions, and raw materials that Tiera had dug out from the Room of Requirement and that Lucius Malfoy had requested.

Walking through the aisle that has been remodeled to be somewhat bookish, at the end is a large square platform, and then there is Slytherin's big stone face——

In the center of the square in front of the big stone face, Tiera placed a set of seventeenth-century desks and chairs, backed by the big stone face, facing the corridor.

It was a set of sixteenth-century Baroque tables and chairs. On the side of the table and chairs facing the aisle were two sofas of the same style and a wooden coffee table.

The decoration on the coffee table is very simple, an elegant vase, and the roses with sharp serrated leaves waving aimlessly in the vase——

This is Tiera's first creature to be transformed by bloodline magic. By simply dropping her blood on an ordinary rose that was plucked, it endows the rose with tyrannical vitality and domineering desire for aggression.

There is also a huge sun-shaped white light suspended above the plaza platform, and the bright feeling is scattered in every corner of the platform.

Along the edge of the platform, there is a circle of experimental benches, which Tiera took out from the treasure room of the Room of Requirement, or remodeled and reconstructed with the original objects in the treasure room.

The experimental table is still relatively empty, and only the glass instruments used in the experiment are placed on one of the tables.

After all, Tiera doesn't have much room for experimentation right now.

And Slytherin's big face stone sculpture has been completely transformed by Tiera——

It turned into his own big face. This face is still just a simple stone sculpture. After Tiera's demonology ritual has been refined, he plans to summon a big demon to seal it into the stone sculpture to be a guardian spirit.

Because from the position of the big face and mouth of the stone carving, there is still a space——

It was a rough-hewn stone cave. It took Tiera a lot of time to clean up the rotting and worrying sludge inside, and she used the Traceless Extension Charm to slightly expand the space here—

This cave was used by Tierra as a treasure room to store some precious, but less important potions, herbs, raw materials, ores and magic items.

Only a small part of the most items came from Lucius Malfoy's political donations, and the rest came from the centuries-old collection in the treasure room of the Room of Requirement--

Yes, in the countless dark nights after school started, Tiera placed her trust in "Parasite", and with Dobby's help, she had basically taken care of the treasure room of the Room of Requirement——

The harvest is not too rich.

Tiera made a rough count—

The preservation is relatively intact. Even if it is slightly damaged, the degree of damage does not affect reading. There are a total of 173 black magic books, and if you count duplicates, there are a total of 225 books.

The severely damaged pages, papers and manuscripts that recorded the knowledge of black magic were about ten kilograms.

There are fifty-seven kinds of non-black magic books, and one hundred and thirty-three if you count repetitions.

There are a total of 177 kinds of herbs, potions, magical animal raw materials and ores that can be used.

There are more than 350 magic items in total, of which there are only 110 non-black magic items, and the rest are all kinds of black magic items—

And among all the magic items, the others are also ignored. Others, whether ordinary magic items or black magic items~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Except for those with special functions, holding "Parasite" and "Inheritance" "Tiera of the two artifacts is not very eye-catching, but there is only one—

There was only one thing, and Tiera never dreamed that it would appear in the Room of Requirement at Hogwarts, nor that she would find it by herself—

Around this time last year, when Tiera was looking for Ravenclaw's crown in the Room of Requirement, before she made "Parasite", Tiera passed a pile of junk. Snap Snap Count Magic Pen Library Count

That junk pile, or something in it, gave Tiera an extremely dangerous feeling.

Let Tiera, whose strength was no less than that of ordinary adult wizards at that time, instinctively seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

This year, after the start of the third grade, Tiera relied on the "Parasite" and the "Inheritance" to use the two great artifacts. Tiera began to sort out the pile of debris by herself, and turned over a long strip in the pile of debris. wooden box.

Tiera opened the wooden box and opened the golden velvet package inside. What appeared in front of Tiera's eyes was an old copper-yellow pointed spear. The spear tip of the spear seemed to be stained with still bright red blood.

Tiera carefully picked up the pointed spear from the wooden box. The blood on the spear head seemed to change and flow with gravity. Miaobiku Miaobiku.com Miaobiku

Tiera instantly understood what this was—

The Spear of Longinus.

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