Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 193: Snape and Tiera in the office

The farce of the Potions class finally ended with Gryffindor deducting two hundred percent, which was sealed by Dumbledore himself—

It's just a classroom skirmish, you see, our little Tierra doesn't even use magic.

Although he was deducted two percent, no one in Gryffindor blamed Tiera, but became more and more enthusiastic about Tiera—

Especially George Weasley and Fred Weasley.

These two troublemakers almost kicked Ron away and directly recognized Tiera as his godbrother.

Because of the farce in Potions class on Thursday, Tiera directly put Draco Malfoy in the school hospital for a week, with two of Draco's fat followers, Crabbe and Goyle. The hospital lay in bed for three days—

Crabbe and Goyle suffered severe burns.

Draco Malfoy suffered severe burns, a minor concussion and two broken ribs.

I woke up in a coma all day and night.

In Snape's face, in Snape's class, Tiera, who completed such a feat with a one-on-three, and escaped unscathed, has no doubt gained a lot of praise from Gryffindor House. Unanimous opinion, everyone agrees that Tiera is a well-deserved Gryffindor, a symbol of bravery—

This includes the Head of Gryffindor House.

Although Professor McGonagall did not agree with Tiera's behavior, McGonagall didn't punish Tiera again afterward, but only scolded a few words.

Although Professor McGonagall has a firm grasp on the rules, everything outside the rules is flexible—

Hogwarts' school rules only contain the prohibition of attacking classmates with magic—

And Tiera did not attack her classmates with magic.

So strictly speaking, Tiera did not violate any school rules, so Professor McGonagall had no reason to punish him.

Although he beat three classmates into the hospital.

Of course, this matter certainly can't just end in such a silent way.

Upon waking up from the coma, Draco Malfoy wrote a tearful letter of complaint to his father.

It can be said that those who hear it are sad, and those who see it cry.

Tiera asked Dobby to stop the letter, deliberately added a few more, and then sent it again.

Hearing that Draco's father, Lucius Malfoy, got furious when he got the news, rushed to Hogwarts overnight, made a scene in the headmaster's room, threatened to fire Tiera, and even threatened to dismiss Dumbledore.

But apparently, Lucius Malfoy was just doing nothing—

No matter how much he yelled, Dumbledore couldn't have fired Tiera.

Not only did he not fire Tiera, he was even thrown out of the headmaster’s room by Dumbledore—

There is no doubt that in the eyes of the White Devil Dumbledore, all of Lucius Malfoy's threats look so ridiculous.

And Tierra's only punishment seemed to be the two percent that Snape deducted.

So Lucius Malfoy angrily killed Hogwarts, and then returned to Malfoy Manor in a grimy.

the next morning-

"It's not funny!" Hermione said seriously at breakfast the next day, "I don't know why you can still laugh! You almost got fired!"

When Tiera heard about the embarrassment of Lucius Malfoy being kicked out of Dumbledore's office, he laughed happily—

Even with Harry and Ron.

"Don't worry, Hermione." Tiera said nonchalantly, "Dumbledore will definitely not fire me."

Hehe, who does he Lucius Malfoy think he is?

Do you really think you can do whatever you want with a few stinky money in your hand?

Don't even look at who he Tiera is—

Lord tell you, Lord is now a serious prophet, or a substitute student for the ex-boyfriend of the domineering principal—

Don't say that Lord is just beating your son now, Lord is opening a hole in each of you and your son's head, and Dumbledore has to protect me honestly.

That's why Tiera changed her timid and cautious behavior in the past and turned to this drastic method.

After accidentally restarting her prophecy talent in the divination class, Tiera realized that she had become the sweetheart of Headmaster Dumbledore.

Just like Professor Sybil Trelawney will not be expelled by Dumbledore no matter how bad his teaching is, after Tierra becomes a true prophet, no matter how he kills, as long as he does not step on Dumbledore the red line, then Dumbledore will do everything in his power to protect him.

Especially when Tiera wears a different-colored pupil like Grindelwald, has been contaminated by black magic, and tastes the vicissitudes of life too early—

Even if Dumbledore doesn't care about his old relationship with Grindelwald at all, in order to ensure that Tiera does not grow into the third Dark Lord, Dumbledore will tie Tiera to Hogwarts even if he is tied. Not to mention fired.

This is also the foundation of Tierra's success.

So after discovering that her pupils had mutated, Tiera did not use flesh and blood magic to hide the abnormality of her right eye, but continued to walk with a golden right eye.

The days after Lucius Malfoy made a riot in the headmaster's room at Hogwarts turned out to be quiet, sighing as usual, and Tiera didn't even receive the punishment of confinement—

Of course, Tiera's life wasn't completely peaceful either.

On the Sunday when the Potions class farce happened, Snape tricked Tiera into his Potions classroom under the pretext of making up the class, and then—


While Tiera was not paying attention, Snape waved his wand, and a white light hit Tiera—

Tiera actually reacted long ago, and did not make any resistance, but let the spell work on herself.

Then he went head down, feet up, and was dumped inside Snape's office—

"You can fool others but not me, Sirius!" Snape waved his wand and moved Tierra's wand around his waist to the ground.

"Vengeance is a real pleasure." Snape stepped closer, holding his wand.

"Finally, I got my wish and caught you with my own hands. I could have killed you with my own hands," Snape said. "But I'd still like to ask the Dementors to do it for me...they've been looking forward to seeing you."

"Oh, yes, think about it, a Dementor's kiss, it must be enough for you."

"Some people say it was horrible to watch, but I still want to see it." Snape said, poking his wand into Tiera's face—

Help Tiera poke a small dimple.

"Now... get back to who you really are," Snape said, waving his wand, "surgito!"

A white light rushed out from Snape's tip, UU reading www. uukanshu.com but—

one second

two seconds

ten seconds

A minute has passed.

Tiera didn't change, the nose was still the nose, the eyes were still the eyes, the face was still the face, he was still the same him, and he was still hung upside down in the potions office.

Snape was visibly stunned for a moment, then waved his wand again and read out—


Another minute has passed-

Tiera was still Tiera, hanging upside down in Snape's office.

An awkward and silent atmosphere began to permeate Snape's office.

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