Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 186: Dementors

Suddenly, there was a screeching screeching sound outside the door, and Harry saw Ron's indistinct black outline.

Ron wiped a clean spot on the windowpane and was looking out.

"There's something moving there," said Ron, tremblingly. "I guess people are going out..."

The door of the carriage opened suddenly, and someone fell painfully onto Harry's lap.

"I'm sorry! You... do you know what happened? Ouch! I'm sorry—"

"Hello, Neville." Harry listened to the sound, touched Neville's coat in the dark and pulled him up, then pushed him across—

Push to Ron and Hermione's row.

. "Harry? Is that you? What happened?" Neville asked.

"I don't know! Sit first—"

There was a loud hissing and a cry of pain, and it turned out that Neville had sat on Crookshanks by mistake.

"I'm going to ask the driver what's going on." Hermione's voice.

Harry felt as she walked past him and heard the door of the carriage open again, followed by a dull thud, followed by two screeching screams.

"Who? Who?"



"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here for Ron—" Ginny said.

But in just a moment, Tiera, who had evolved her heat-sensing ability through flesh and blood magic, "saw" that Ginny's body temperature rose slightly in the darkness, and then walked towards Harry——

Come in, sit down—" Harry touched Ginny and nudged her toward Ron.

"Ouch!" Neville yelled again, apparently Ginny had just stepped on his foot carefully.

"Quiet!" Suddenly a gruff voice said. Professor Lupin seemed to have finally woken up.

None of them spoke again.

There was a slight cracking sound in the carriage, and there was a trembling light.

Professor Lupin appeared to be holding a fire.

The firelight illuminated Professor Lupin's tired and grey face, but his eyes were wary and cautious.

"Stay where you are and don't move," he said, still in that gruff voice.

Then Lupin stood up slowly, the firelight in his hand stretched out in front of him.

But before he got to the door of the carriage, the door opened slowly.

Standing in the doorway, illuminated by the flickering firelight in Lupin's hands, was a cloaked monster as tall as the ceiling. Its face is completely hidden under the hood.

A hand protruded from the cloak, and the hand was shimmering, gray, thin, and crusted, like something had died and rotted in the water.

The monster under the cloak seemed to notice the carriage.

The dry, disgusting hand stretched out from under the cloak again and waved in the corridor.

The compartment door, which was locked from the inside, was easily opened—

The monster poked its head in from the corridor, and it seemed to be attracted by someone inside.

The monster first approached Harry, "sniffed", seemed a little moved, but still a little dissatisfied, so he turned to Tiera who was sitting beside Harry——

The Dementor seemed to be attracted by something delicious, opened something under his scarf, and took a shaky breath—

Nothing feels.

Tiera didn't feel anything—

That's not quite accurate.

It should be accurate to say that Tiera felt a cool breeze blowing across her face.

After taking a sip, the Dementor froze for a moment.

I want to get closer and take a second breath—

But then, a white light lit up behind Tiera—

From the tip of Lupin's wand extended a glowing, warm halo.

The aperture formed the shape of a shield—

The dementor that touched the aperture screamed and exited the carriage as if it had been scalded by boiling water.

After a while, the lights above the carriage came on, and the floor shook—

The Hogwarts Express is running again.

"You... are you all right?" Harry asked nervously, then stretched out his hand to pull Tiera, "Just now, that monster suddenly came up to you, and we were all stunned."

"It seems to have sucked something from you!" Ron also came over and said.

"I didn't..." Tiera saw that Lupin was also paying attention to herself, so she had to control her body and shudder, and then her face turned pale——

"I feel so cold," Tiera said. "It's like all the joy is gone."

"It's like I'm back in the days when I was bullied at the orphanage," Tiera added, glancing at Lupin.

"Here." Professor Lupin took out a large piece of chocolate from his pocket, then broke the large piece of chocolate into small pieces and handed it to Tiera, "Eat it, it will be good for you."

After thinking about it, Lupin broke off another large piece of chocolate and handed it to Harry: "Come on, I'll give you one too."

"Thank...Thank you." Harry took the chocolate inexplicably, but didn't eat it.

"What was that just now?" Harry asked.

"A Dementor," Lupin said, handing out chocolates to everyone. "One of the most vicious monsters in the world, a Dementor from Azkaban."

Everyone stared at him. Professor Lupin crumpled the empty chocolate wrapper and put it in his pocket.

"Eat it," he added. "It's good to eat it. I want to talk to the driver, come and borrow it."

He walked past Harry and disappeared into the corridor.

"Are you sure you're all right, Tiera?" Hermione asked as soon as Lupin disappeared, looking at Tiera anxiously.

"It's okay," Tiera said, eating the chocolate in her hand, then wrapping herself in the wizard's robes, and sitting where Lupin had just sat, leaning against the window.

"I'm just a little sleepy." Tiera closed her eyes and said, while recalling some of the knowledge she got from the "Inheritor" in her memory palace—

A few months later, the spiritual dimension of the "Heirs" has been initially constructed, and Tiera can already read some knowledge from it——

But this knowledge of just a handful of **** made Tierra digest it for a while.

"Let me sleep for a while," Tiera said.

About a quarter of an hour later, Professor Lupin came back in a circle.

He paused when he came in, looked around, smiled slightly, and said, "I didn't poison the chocolate~ www.wuxiamtl.com~ You know..."

Harry tried to take a bite too, and to his great surprise, a warm current suddenly spread to the tips of his fingers and toes.

"We'll be at Hogwarts in ten minutes," said Professor Lupin, then looking into Harry's eyes and reaching out—

"Hello, Harry," Lupin said.

Harry could feel the sweat on Lupin's hands—

But it's warm.

Harry didn't ask how Professor Lupin knew his name, Harry had heard too many unanimous arguments.

"Okay," Lupin whispered, as if embarrassed. Like, sitting on the seat near the door, next to Harry, rubbing his hands nervously.

For the rest of the trip, they didn't talk much.

Finally, when the train finally stopped at Hogsmeade Village, Harry shook Tiera gently, and then the little wizards hurriedly packed up before finally set foot on the platform of Hogsmeade Village.

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